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Sometimes I wonder if I'm too honest in my diary (or greedy)

I have just been reviewing my diary and others and I seem to eat WAY loads more than other people. To me these are just normal healthy meals - IMO. Although I do have a fair few snacks and the odd glass of wine in there - don't think I have seen alcohol on anyone's diary that I have seen and if you are drinking alcohol and not tracking then you should be!

I am losing weight so shouldn't complain and have upped cals from 1200-1500.

Just wondered what people thought about my diary - any hints or tips?

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Who cares about what others eat? Its not a contest to see who can eat the least. If you eat it, log it.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I eat more than you, and so do a lot of the people on my friends list. I doubt that most people would feel that 1500 calories is a lot. Don't worry about what others are doing, just focus on yourself.
  • You do not eat a lot, your meals seem to be balanaced, healthy and most importantly yummy! You are still losing so keep up the good work :) x
  • WinnerVictorious
    WinnerVictorious Posts: 4,733 Member
    if you're not completely accurate and honest with your logging, it defeats the purpose.

    i don't care about anybody else's diaries and don't look at them unless asked to look at them. don't worry what other people log. just make your diary the most accurate it can be.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I went back about a week in your diary - yours looks a lot like mine. I don't think it looks "greedy" at all (my calorie goal is higher than yours, around 1800+ a day for LOSS). You are recording all the components of your meals rather than figuring it all up and recording one line item with a total of calories for the whole thing - good for you! It will help when a time comes that you need to analyze your past eating to see what you can realistically change up. It may seem like a lot but IMHO it's better to record every dang thing, than it is to guess, fudge, and pile everything together so your diary looks smaller.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    You aren't eating a lot, you just log a lot of bits and pieces. If I had 3 drinks the same I'd just up the quantity to 3 instead of logging each separately. Same with making a sandwich or some other combined food. It'd either make it a recipe or just do a total and enter it. Logging a lot of 2 calorie things doesn't mean you're eating more than others.

    Also, as has been said, no one really cares what anyone else eats.
  • I'm not saying it is a contest. I am just comparing my diary to that of others and trying to find healthier ways of living, what i was saying is that i log absolutely everything I consume food AND drink and even on only 1500 calories it does seem like there is a lot there. Therefore I was wondering if people are logging everything and if so just so I can get ideas on how to change my outlook on food for a healthier future. No contest here - I certainly wouldn't want to win a 'who can eat the least' competition!
  • babydiego87
    babydiego87 Posts: 905 Member
    I def log everything (even binges) but tbh your diary seems pretty normal.
  • julesxo
    julesxo Posts: 422 Member
    Your diary looks fine to me!

    You might find it helpful to create meals so you don't have to enter in individual items every time.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    I don't log all my vitamins and seldom log certain things like condiments. I am only looking to hit +/- 10% of my number on a daily basis and I believe that it will all come out in the wash.

    When I first started I was a lot more fastidious. Now that I've hit the major goals, I think it's easier to let the reigns out. Maybe it means I lose a few grams less of fat than I would have, week to week, but it's a fair trade for my sanity.

    With love,
  • I keep my diary private because I feel I'm more honest that way. I'm sure I'll open it up once I hit a plateau and need help. Normally, I don't look at other's diaries unless asked to.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I make recipes instead of logging individual components most of the time, so that would make a difference in how it appears. But I'm still eating 1400-1700 calories, I just have fewer entries in my diary.

    I do log everything that has calories. An accurate log is the only way to go IMO. The more accurate the better.
  • Just read some of the comments about how I log the components of a meal as opposed to THE meal.

    Reason I do this is so I have accurate figures for fat, protein, carbs etc so I can see the overall balance as opposed to just calories. This is actually a lot easier to do than it sounds!

    Feeling better already - I just thought it looked a lot. That's what you guys are here for - TO STATE THE BLINDINGLY OBVIOUS! Doh!

    Oh and I only look at diaries for meal ideas!
  • LovinDaNewLiz14
    LovinDaNewLiz14 Posts: 217 Member
    I am very honest and log everything....I just worry about me and no one else because in the end when they wonder why they are gaining and not loosing than I will be the one saying told you to log everything,their fault and not mine:)
  • AnexRavensong
    AnexRavensong Posts: 262 Member
    It's better to be honest. The ones who cheat in their diary only cheat themselves in the end :) So if anyone is cheating, it is silly.

    I know I eat crap a lot: candy, cookies, cake, burgers, fries. Oh yeah. If I eat it, I add it to my diary.

    Some of my friend's diaries look better than mine (cleaner, less cals) and that is great for them. In the end I only do this for me. My diary is public so when I ask advice people can help me, but otherwise I don't really care.

    So log what you eat, use others' diaries for meal inspiration maybe if you're looking for something, but otherwise don't put too much clout into what others are doing. Some people like to eat 1k calories and eat like a bird, that is totally NOT for me.. and the junk I eat isn't for everyone else either.
  • MeanSophieCat
    MeanSophieCat Posts: 200 Member
    I log everything. I once calculated the tiny bit of peanut butter I licked off my finger while cooking. I don't drink alcohol regularly but would log it if I did. I log everything on the UGLY days when I've had that burger and fry combo or huge bowl of ice cream. It is working for me. If what you are doing is working for you - no need to analyze. Just keep doing it.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    No your diary looks a lot like mine. I will log a slice of tomato on a sandwich even if it is only two calories. I am also trying to track nutrition content or I might not worry about it. But keep up the good work :) you are very self aware. Some people may just not have the time to log it all that way and so they just enter it in manually at the end of the day or at the end of each meal. It is what ever works for the individual person. We all should reach the same destination (hopefully :) even if we take different roads :)
  • Schraudt814
    Schraudt814 Posts: 496 Member
    if it's working for you then why change? I understand your point- i prefer to build meals in the recipe calculator so my diary looks less full than it is- but I eat plenty! drinks too :drinker:
  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    I just think it's because, like myself, you log every component rather then lumping something you have often as a meal which many people do so it looks like they've only eaten one thing when really that one thing was made up of a bunch of things.

    except for recipes that I've made a large batch of (like my soup) I log everything seperately, even stuff I have all the time like my morning oatmeal... because I want to see all the bits, and what thing I might have had that say spiked my sugar that day or what have you.

    I would see keep going as it's working for you, don't worry about others. :)
  • threechins
    threechins Posts: 35 Member
    I'd echo what others say: if you eat it you should log it and not worry about what others are doing if it is working for you.

    I'm a bit of a hypocrite writing this because my diary is not public (though password shared with some) but I can tell you that alcohol features regularly, as does Domino's, the one bit of junk food I suspect I will never give up and I've managed a relatively decent weight loss with that.

    I think the importance of the diary is it's role in helping you have and supporting the discipline of a balanced diet (yes I like Domino's, but make room for it in my overall intake). For me, at least, I've become much more aware of my overall eating habits and make far better decisions because I log everything even when I know I'm having time off from the diet.