Starting round 2...

So in Dec 2011 I decided that it’s time to lose some weight. At that stage in my life I was 106kg (233lbs). So that next January after the holidays of course I started eating less (not really more healthy just less). By mid-July 2012 I was down to 96kg. I felt happy with what I had achieved up until that point and then I started going to the gym. Big mistake, at least for me, since I don't like working out in front of other people. Since then I went to the gym off and on again from time to time and it helped. Got down to 92kg (last time I weighed myself on the 13th of March) and picked up some definition in my body. The results were just not good enough for me.

So now I'm trying something different. Home gym. Borrowed some stuff from my brother that I'm using. It is day 3 now and I have never been so sore (in a good way). Personally think this is going to work.


  • pinkupooh
    pinkupooh Posts: 155
    yes, if you don't like working out in public then home gym is definitely going to work. GOOD LUCK!!
    You have come a long way, Keep it up!!
  • Thanks. This is where the hard part now comes in. Not the losing of weight so much but the training to "look and feel better" or at least this has been where I would hit a wall normally.