Struggling to Cut Down on Carbs...

I currently have my macros set to 45 carbs/30 fat/25 protein.. I would ideally like to get to 40/30/30. I have recently been making a big effort to get the protein up, but I am so struggling getting the carbs down. I ran one of the graphs in the MFP app and it says I have been eating 50% carbs. Eeep!!!

Help! I feel like I NEED them in a meal or I don't feel satisfied. I don't know if this is a mental or physical thing. I usually have muesli or oatmeal at breakfast, bread with lunch and rice/pasta/potatoes with dinner, and they just add up so quickly once you add some fruit....or anything really. I feel like carbs are hiding everywhere and are out to get me...LOL! I try to mostly stick to good ones (wholemeal/brown bread and rice, sweet potatoes etc), and have tried to cut down portion sizes but the numbers just aren't ending up in my favour! I don't really want to cut down on fruit, it's what keeps me out of the snack draw.

Its getting frustrating. I've tried things like chicken and salad for lunch, but I find myself starving within a couple of hours.
Does anyone else who's struggled with this have any tips for getting the numbers down without feeling like you're missing out?

I'm not sure how important it is, but I'm struggling to shift the last tiny bit of stubborn fat on my hips and thighs and started to wonder if my excess carbs are whats been holding me back.


  • laregime
    laregime Posts: 9
    I know exactly what you mean! I feel like my diet is really holding me back from my weight loss potential - I generally eat healthy but it needs some pruning!

    If I'm going to have carbs, what I try and do is have them earlier in the day rather than later, i.e. brekky, lunch. Try adding more meat into the mix - I find that fills me up more. Chunky veges are good too - tomatoes, cucumber... Stir frys are quite good for feeling ful yet avoiding the carbs. Just make sure you're using a low fat oil, only lightly frying, etc.

    Else you could try a salad for dinner, and then following up a couple of hours later with a piece of fruit just to keep any hunger at bay before you go to bed.
  • Cr01502
    Cr01502 Posts: 3,614 Member
    Weigh out your food and slowly reduce the weight.

    For example instead of having 130 grams of sweet potato make it 120 for a couple of days then 110.

    Do it with all of your carbs.
  • ipiddock
    ipiddock Posts: 97 Member
    Load up on vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, green beans, etc These will fill you up more and satisfy you more. A salad won't do it.
  • Change_is_Good_
    Change_is_Good_ Posts: 272 Member
    I was exactly the same! Bread, pasta, rice, potato always featured in my day, sometimes in all three meals. Now most of my carbs come from fruit and veg.

    Instead of the obligatory sandwich for lunch I now have tuna and mixed beans, or soup or something. I'm yet to be organised enough to precook chicken etc, but I have noticed that I'm not as hungry now I have consciously tried to up my protein, meaning I don't crave the stodge as much. Really bulk out your salad don't scrimp on the extra's to make it interesting, shred the chicken, light dressing, nuts, seeds, fruit, beans, sweet potato, cheese (I love laughing cow triangles as a snack)

    (saying that, my last few days have been shocking, we all have off times :blushing: )
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Not sure how long you have been moving your carb macro down and of course fats and protein up but changing insulin sensitivity does take some time. Higher levels of satiety can be accomplished by eating nutrient dense foods. When I made this change I increased lower glycemic fruits (at least they are good carbs that fill you up) vegetables and added almonds, walnuts, macademia and so on for snacks. Mostly avoid bread, rice, potatoes. These are the big 3. If you have just started it will take a month. And also drink more water than you think you need which helps to fill you up. In a short time you will wonder why you used to eat so many carbs.
    Not saying carbs are not necessary to fuel your body, they are. But if you are trying to reduce your body fat, lowering carbs works for almost everyone. 80% of your quest is at the table. The other 20% to spot specific especially needs to be in training. The "missing out" bit is a mental adjustment that will come with the good results you will accomplish.
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    I agree that veggies are the answer. It takes some getting used to, but you will never overeat a big plate of broccoli, brussel sprouts, green beans or whatever veggie you like. Many women I know seem to jump straight to spinach or lettuce and consider that a lot of veggies. If you look at the calorie count in either of those you will see that you would have eat a ton of them to get much energy from them.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    carbs are not exactly the enemy, even though society would lead you to believe it. Although, IMO 50% is a little excessive.

    You can have brown rice, sweet potato, whole wheat linguine etc.

    A good way to cut down on them would be to start eliminating them from one meal for lunch maybe just have salad with shredded chicken ..or for breakfast just have eggs ..then for dinner you can still have your meat and some carbs with it like brown rice, quinoa or whole wheat linguine.....eliminating them from one meal should get you down to the 30 to 40% level each day which is good..

    Remember eat in a deficit and you will lose weight....
  • cosplayerkyo
    cosplayerkyo Posts: 30 Member
    Agree on the veggies too. Mix in a whole bunch with whatever you're eating and it'll make your meal bigger.

    Try a really hot pepper and it'll make you drink a ton of water lol.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    I feel ya - honestly you get used to it (probably not what you want to hear :P)

    to fight my carb cravings I indulge on the following

    1) low carb french toast - sara lee has a 45 calorie bread that only has like 13g of carbs per 2 slices so 4 slices is only 26g of carbs so I will make the french toast with egg whites bolstered with vanilla and sugar its really good

    2) Use chocolate whey protein, an egg, vanilla and splenda - mix it all together like a brownie consistnency (may take a few trials based on your whey) - and back at 350 for about 8-10 min, super low carb brownies

    3) Not great for everyone - but you can try shirataki noodles - tofu based noodles, a whole bag is about 3 cups or so of noodles at 40 calories and maybe 1g of carbs, just make sure and rinse and dry them really well
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    There's as much carbs in a sweet potaot as in a regular one, so that's not much of a switch.

    Non-cereal options for breakfast include eggs, yoghurt, cottage cheese, smoked fish.

    Soup and a salad for lunch

    Use cauliflower to make an alternative to mashed potato, or try turnips, swede, parsnips etc.

    I agree that cutting down gradually is easier.
  • ninjakowski
    ninjakowski Posts: 158
    Thanks everyone, some great ideas. Will try to start working them into my daily meal plans.

    Cutting down on carbs then runs me into the problem of getting enough calories. I need to eat 2000+ most days - I used to fill up the last few hundred calories with chocolate and ice cream but I'm trying hard not to do that any more. I almost wish veggies were higher in calories lol!!

    Ahhh, so hard to find the perfect balance...
  • 8goodgirl0
    8goodgirl0 Posts: 127 Member
    Oh god I have 65-70% most days to me a meal isn't a meal without bread, potatoes, pasta or rice. I'm clearly doomed :-(
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Thanks everyone, some great ideas. Will try to start working them into my daily meal plans.

    Cutting down on carbs then runs me into the problem of getting enough calories. I need to eat 2000+ most days - I used to fill up the last few hundred calories with chocolate and ice cream but I'm trying hard not to do that any more. I almost wish veggies were higher in calories lol!!

    Ahhh, so hard to find the perfect balance...

    I keep my carbs under about 200 grams per day and eat 2000 to 2600 cals a day depending on if I worked out or not ...
  • redraider08
    redraider08 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks everyone, some great ideas. Will try to start working them into my daily meal plans.

    Cutting down on carbs then runs me into the problem of getting enough calories. I need to eat 2000+ most days - I used to fill up the last few hundred calories with chocolate and ice cream but I'm trying hard not to do that any more. I almost wish veggies were higher in calories lol!!

    Ahhh, so hard to find the perfect balance...

    Ever heard the saying, "Don't let perfection become the enemy of good"?

    Assuming you have no health issues like diabetes, high Carb, moderate carb, low carb... they all work. Find the balance YOU like, can stick with and gets YOU results. I know people who have gotten really lean, some crazy ripped in some cases, using a Carb % as high as 60%.
  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    I lost 22 lbs in 2 months eating 50-55% carbs. So, are you saying if I ate 40% carbs I would be down 50 lbs?
  • dnhardy
    dnhardy Posts: 59
    I was eating 60-70% carbs pretty much every day before I started the P90x meal plan. I do the portion control side so I can choose exactly what I want to spend my main carb on. I'm down to about 40% and thats with only one serving of fruit and one serving of carbs. Its not easy but I feel like a plan like that is easier for me than just "promising" myself I'll cut back. (i.e. "I can have two slices of whole wheat bread or 12 crackers today." vs "I'm going to eat less of the mashed potatoes at dinner")

    It has been more difficult to fill my calories than I'm used to. But turkey bacon is quickly filling that void for me. :-)
  • diaryofaskinnygirl
    Stir frys are quite good for feeling ful yet avoiding the carbs. Just make sure you're using a low fat oil, only lightly frying, etc.

    What's wrong with full fat oil?
  • ChaoticMum
    ChaoticMum Posts: 115 Member
    When I cut back on my carbs I found that adding in more healthy fats helped. Avocadoes, coconut milk etc. The fat took the place of the starchy carbs. When I stick to that I feel good.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Is there anything we can eat? Carbs will kill you, fat will kill you, sugar will kill you, wheat, meat, eggs, dairy, bacon, and on and on. Just eat food! Stay in your budget and don't obsess. Stress will kill you faster than any food will.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Carbs are not bad, love of carbs that excludes other foods is bad. I kicked my carb habit in 2012. Bread, pasta, potato and rice because I ate them to the exclusion of other foods. 400 calories of non fat crackers for lunch is not a complete lunch.

    So I get my carbs from other foods now. And I feel great!