I worry about everyone else and not myself

So what do you do when you are one of those people who is more worried about what everyone else's well being is before your own? Ive come to realize that I am one of those people. I have put myself on the back burner. I have 4 kids and a husband. I am a stay at home mom with the 2 lil ones at home with me all day. I try so hard to motivate myself to workout but at the same time my brain constantly is telling me there are other things to do (play with the kids, fix their meals, wash their clothes, pick up toys, etc and etc)
I am fighting a battle against myself!
It's completely up to me to make this change I so desperately want to make BUT I just dont feel like I have the strength and possibly enough love for myself to do so.
Ive been trying to lose weight since the beginning of Jan. ive lost 2 pounds!!! I started with the thinking that I could eat whatever I wanted and just exercise....realized that doesnt work. Started watching calories and the foods I was eating along with working out....that didnt work. Went to the Dr. and one of the medicines I am on may be making it harder for me to lose weight. So now, I have that block to deal with. (oh it's the medicine....I cant do anything about that is in my head!)
Just want to scream!!

How do I get over this mental block??


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Who will take care of everyone if you are not around? My cousin passed out because she forgot to eat. Her husband came down because the baby was crying and found her on the floor. Don't forget to take care of yourself.
  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I used to be the kind of person who always puts everyone Elses needs before my own. I spent my entire childhood taking care of my developmentally delayed sister's happiness, I work in a helping profession, and I too have a husband and two children. I have changed but it took work and practice. For example at the beginning I just made sure to do something for me every day. The easiest thing was taking a bubble bath:). Then I started to see that dance classes or university courses once a week were a way to care for myself. It was tough at first because I didn't see how it was working ( and I didn't even necessarily enjoy every bubble bath) but I kept it up anyway. At the end of the day I am a better wife, mother and friend because I take care of me. Also, taking care of my health meant I could ski and canoe and bike with my children when they were younger. I'm glad I did this. If you keep at it it becomes habit, now I have no trouble balancing my needs with the needs of others, setting boundaries, or taking time to take care of myself when I need to.
  • lisam625
    lisam625 Posts: 30 Member
    Who will take care of everyone if you are not around? My cousin passed out because she forgot to eat. Her husband came down because the baby was crying and found her on the floor. Don't forget to take care of yourself.

    There have been many days when it's 3pm and I am like "wait, have I eaten today?" and my stomach is growling and I'm shaking.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Who will take care of everyone if you are not around? My cousin passed out because she forgot to eat. Her husband came down because the baby was crying and found her on the floor. Don't forget to take care of yourself.

    There have been many days when it's 3pm and I am like "wait, have I eaten today?" and my stomach is growling and I'm shaking.

    My cousin was very lucky her husband was home.
  • lisam625
    lisam625 Posts: 30 Member
    Who will take care of everyone if you are not around? My cousin passed out because she forgot to eat. Her husband came down because the baby was crying and found her on the floor. Don't forget to take care of yourself.

    There have been many days when it's 3pm and I am like "wait, have I eaten today?" and my stomach is growling and I'm shaking.

    My cousin was very lucky her husband was home.

    Good point! Just thinking about my lil ones being alone and scared with mom on the floor is enough to give me something to think about!
    Thank you!
  • lisam625
    lisam625 Posts: 30 Member
    I used to be the kind of person who always puts everyone Elses needs before my own. I spent my entire childhood taking care of my developmentally delayed sister's happiness, I work in a helping profession, and I too have a husband and two children. I have changed but it took work and practice. For example at the beginning I just made sure to do something for me every day. The easiest thing was taking a bubble bath:). Then I started to see that dance classes or university courses once a week were a way to care for myself. It was tough at first because I didn't see how it was working ( and I didn't even necessarily enjoy every bubble bath) but I kept it up anyway. At the end of the day I am a better wife, mother and friend because I take care of me. Also, taking care of my health meant I could ski and canoe and bike with my children when they were younger. I'm glad I did this. If you keep at it it becomes habit, now I have no trouble balancing my needs with the needs of others, setting boundaries, or taking time to take care of myself when I need to.

    baby steps huh? I can see where I need to think about it taking practice. Im one of those that wants everything to happen now, its hard for me to stop and wait to see the result of hard work. I get frustrated and discouraged quickly.
    One thing at a time!!!...i'll work on that! :)
    Thank you!