4 Week weight Loss Challenge- I Need Some Buddies



  • Below are the following people I have added to the spreadsheet this morning for the 4 week weight loss challenge:


    If you are interested in receiving a weekly reminder for your weigh-in and/or interested in someone keeping track of your progress throughout the 4 weeks please contact me so I can add you. Thanks!
  • count me in..

    CW: 151lbs

  • please count me in..
  • cjosling
    cjosling Posts: 13
    Does anyone have suggestions for exercise? I have had 3 knee surgeries. Arthritis in them both. The eliptical and the bike kills me. I dont know what else to do.
  • cjosling
    cjosling Posts: 13
    im not on the list
  • @Cjosling it looks like you're the 3rd one from the bottom on the list I posted this morning
  • cjosling
    cjosling Posts: 13
    My goal: To keep fighting this weightloss battle, lose what I can, keep the numbers down and be healthier and happier! In 4 weeks I would like to see 15 lbs off.
  • cjosling
    cjosling Posts: 13
    ty sorry i missed it
  • I sent you the request.
    I workout either cardio or weight lifting everyday.
    I try to eat my calories back that I burn, so netting about 1450 cal a day.
  • Swanie76
    Swanie76 Posts: 75 Member
    i would like to take this challenge with you
  • I am in! I am going on vacay in five weeks so count me in! Also, anyone else interested can add me as well! I log in everyday and am determined to live a healthy lifestyle and encourage others to do the same!
  • @cjosling no prblem :smile: @ JessicaLynn I have added you to the list
  • mvandooz
    mvandooz Posts: 2
    Count me in! I have been a member of MFP for about 5 months, but I would just record a few days of food, get discouraged and stop, then start again. I'm finding the older I get the harder it is to lose weight. There are some things about turning 50 that are just no fun! Last Sunday I decided to try this again and start using all the community tools and found your challenge. My goal is to lose 30 pounds, so my 4 week goal is 5 pounds. Starting weight is 160.
  • @mvadooz I have added you to the spreadsheet
  • tellemoh
    tellemoh Posts: 10 Member
    I totally want to join this. I lost 15 lbs but sadly, i gained about 5 lbs back in the last week and a half. I was doing so good and i fell into temptation. Hopefully I can get back on track and start this thing over. I will like to add some people on this challenge. I want to lose 10 lbs in 4 weeks.
  • NancyStree
    NancyStree Posts: 89 Member
    would like to join too...I need to lose 30 lbs but will go for 5 lbs in 4 weeks!!!!
  • Wonderful! I see all of the people that wanted to be added to list. To be added I need your starting weight to place on the spreadsheet. You can inbox me or place on this thread. I hope this help.
  • one15ts
    one15ts Posts: 91
    are you going to be manually entering the weights yourself every week? if you used excel, maybe you could upload to somewhere like googledocs, and everyone could enter their weights on their own.
  • one15ts
    one15ts Posts: 91
    Does anyone have suggestions for exercise? I have had 3 knee surgeries. Arthritis in them both. The eliptical and the bike kills me. I dont know what else to do.

    i'm not too sure about exercises. maybe you could look up some that involves a lot of punches, move your arms like you're doing jumping jacks, etc.... nothing too intense on your knees, since they cause pain. walking is an awesome form of exercise, too. if that doesn't work, you can always focus on your nutrition.
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    I'm in!!

    CMW: 151
    Goal Weight in 4 weeks: 147