"cheat" meals/days

dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
I do this, does anyone else? For example once a week I know that I will go out and have whatever it is I have been craving (usually foe me its pizza) I dont go overboard but I allow myself to have a few slices, or a burger or whatever. sometimes I will even have a dessert.

I usually dont see any weight gain from these days as I am great all week and its really only one meal so it would have to be a humongous meal to cancel the calories I haveworked off/not eaten.

I really think it helps me to stay the course and helps my weight loss too. I know my mind is a happier place knowing that I can still have a little something!


  • LoveMy4Kids
    LoveMy4Kids Posts: 231
    I have one cheat meal a week, usually on the weekend! I always end up being up a pound or more the next day though, but all in all I am ok with it as it just takes away the craving of whatever it was I had been craving that week! Just means I have to hit the gym a bit harder the next day, lol.
  • DarcieC2389
    DarcieC2389 Posts: 146
    I usually do one "reward meal" as I call it per week. I too, usually have pizza one meal on the weekend and I still try to get some exercise in. I figure if I eat well the rest of the week, I am ok and doesn't affect the scale much. I strongly believe if you sacrifice the foods you love, you will just end up going overboard and totally overindulging and end up giving up on your weight loss goal.
  • snutley84
    snutley84 Posts: 25 Member
    i do it on the weekends. i dont indulge in fast food i still watch what i eat i just dont count my calories on the weekend. i stay on it monday thru friday and im still losing weight
  • jmbarragan
    jmbarragan Posts: 21 Member
    I know that I am new to this, but I am going to take the advise of someone who lost over 130 lbs. She said if you want to cheat just make sure you exercise before you eat that meal. I know 1 hour of exercise for me is approximately 500 calories so that would have to be it. 1 hour of extra exercise that week.:bigsmile:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I don't do it on a regular or scheduled basis, but on occasion I'll let myself give into reasonable temptation. Like half a brownie at a catered lunch or making myself pancakes with granola. Or the delicious sweet potato with butter and cinnamon from Outback Steakhouse. It keeps me sane so I'm not insanely deprived of things I enjoy, but I very rarely go over my calories with these indulgences. With family and friends for holidays and visits, I'm a little more lenient.
  • chessie11
    chessie11 Posts: 52
    Today was the first day I went over my limit and I felt awful about it. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my exercise in today, but I'm definitely set for tomorrow. What kills me is that I ate healthy stuff, including my Shakeology drink this morning and lots of fiber and veggies, but we went to Olive Garden for lunch and that d*(%#$ed garden salad (2 servings - I didn't know! [700 whopping calories!]) cost me! I was furious.:mad:

    But, alas, I stumbled on this thread and realized that with all my exercising over the past few days and even one day of not eating enough with the extra calories granted, I was entitled to this cheat day.

    I can't do them often because I've been feeling great about staying under and the results are starting to show.

    Thanks for this... I feel a bit better now.:smile:
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I do this on occasion, I think its important to do to help you stick to eating good
  • Dusty73085
    Dusty73085 Posts: 40
    I have my "cheat" days on the weekend. Usually its a trip to the movies with a small icee or a soda with dinner. Nothing too huge and I dont over indulge. Its something to look forward too after a hard week of working out and eating healthy. :)
  • obifatkanobi
    obifatkanobi Posts: 190
    My wife and I are working together here and we also set a day aside to recharge. We take ours at the end of the week, the same day we measure and weigh. I wouldn't call it a cheat day, we still watch our calorie intake, but if we go over a small amount, it's allowed. Like you, we use this day for eating some of the foods we would otherwise pass over. Not only does it satisfy cravings, and longings, but it lets us relax and recharge for another week of working hard to reach our goals.
  • keeno67
    keeno67 Posts: 20 Member
    I workout 4- 5 days a week usually and burn roughly 4400-4700 cal weekly doing so and log religiously. On the weekends I eat whatever I want within reason meaning for me usually a pizza but that's about as far as I "stray". Logging and eating somewhat right has become a way of life for me but I never regret that pizza on the weekend.....I deserve it.....lol. Never McDonalds, fast food or that 32oz Mt. Dew freeze as in my past.
  • skatjon
    skatjon Posts: 29
    I do the same and see no weight change. I have read that it is good to alter your diet just like changing your workout. Your body need to be "tricked" as it makes your metabolism burn more.
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Today was the first day I went over my limit and I felt awful about it. Unfortunately, I couldn't get my exercise in today, but I'm definitely set for tomorrow. What kills me is that I ate healthy stuff, including my Shakeology drink this morning and lots of fiber and veggies, but we went to Olive Garden for lunch and that d*(%#$ed garden salad (2 servings - I didn't know! [700 whopping calories!]) cost me! I was furious.:mad: ....

    Next time you go to OG, have them hold the croutons (or if you are with someone, ask for them on the side); same with the dressing--on the side. And ask them for a few lemon wedges. If I take the lemon and squeeze a little on my salad serving, I can use almost no dressing and be fine. This works best with Italian. Good luck. Don't let the OG "oops" get you down.