Calling all 20-somethings!

Looking for some friends around my age to help provide some encouragement!

Two years ago I was sitting comfortable with my weight at 180. Then my doctor at the time screwed up and gave me a higher hormone of my birth control than I'd ever had. I gained 30 pounds in those three months. My weight continued to rise during the following year. Then in April of 2012 I made an appointment with my current doctor. My body was sore all the time. My nails were brittle. I was gaining like crazy and it wouldn't seem to stop. I was finding my hair everywhere and the clump I would see after taking a shower in the drain scared the crap out of me. He ordered some blood tests and I was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism. Since I started that little pill I stopped gaining and I no longer feel like a 20-something stuck in an eighty year-old's body. Though I stopped gaining, I wasn't losing.

This is my very first attempt at taking my weight seriously. I want to look as good as I feel inside. I guess my wake up call started when I weighed myself and the number I saw on the digital screen was the highest I'd ever known it to be. I knew I had to assume responsibility and take control of my weight. My mother started using this app on her phone to keep track of her calories and she'd begun to have some results with it. I decided to try it myself.

So here I am.


  • Elliemisaurus
    Elliemisaurus Posts: 56 Member
    Here here. :)

    I've had an awful time with birth control too....I ended up with a blood clot in my leg a couple of years ago, in addition to a load of other issues similar to the ones you mentioned before that. Feel free to add me, I'm pretty new here myself! :)
  • dharqvenym
    dharqvenym Posts: 35 Member
    Thanks for the add, I just started with this website as well. Best of luck, and don't be put down if you dont see any progress right away! Whatever you are doing now is still better than before you started, just remember that. Take care.

    No problem! I've seen quite a bit of progress actually! I was surprised at how quickly I've lost so far. It's not even been a month and I've watched 14 lbs come off. My problem is wanting to weigh myself every time I'm near the bathroom. I've had to limit myself to once a week lol. I call it Weigh Myself Wednesday.
  • dharqvenym
    dharqvenym Posts: 35 Member
    Here here. :)

    I've had an awful time with birth control too....I ended up with a blood clot in my leg a couple of years ago, in addition to a load of other issues similar to the ones you mentioned before that. Feel free to add me, I'm pretty new here myself! :)

  • Gyroid
    Gyroid Posts: 12
    I am new here too. I am moving off of hormonal birth control, for a variety of reasons.
    I hope to lose 36 pounds in the year, but I will be happy with just knowing that i am stronger than I was before. ^_^
    Feel free to add me!
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    How awful that that happened to you! When I started birth control, the first pill the doctor put me on made me gain 10 lbs in less than a month; I was so unhappy. I figured it was water weight, but then when I switched to another pill I felt less bloated but the weight stayed! Happy to say I've had no complaints about it since though, and it doesn't compare to your experience!

    I'm a 23-year-old grad student. I've been trying to lose about 20 stubborn pounds since the beginning of college (and I was even dieting/losing/gaining weight in high school...geez, the s**t us girls put ourselves through!). Like you, I was dismayed to step on the scale recently and see my highest weight ever- I've gained 4-5 extra lbs since starting grad school in September, despite efforts to exercise regularly (can't out-train overeating, duh!).

    I'm currently doing a DietBet, where I bet $25 that I could lose 4% of my weight in 4 weeks (and then I win more money!!) I'm at 2.5 lbs down, only 4 more lbs to go! Friday and Saturday are the hardest days for me by far. There's always the temptation of an indulgent dinner with friends, & drinks at the bar!
  • dharqvenym
    dharqvenym Posts: 35 Member
    I am new here too. I am moving off of hormonal birth control, for a variety of reasons.
    I hope to lose 36 pounds in the year, but I will be happy with just knowing that i am stronger than I was before. ^_^
    Feel free to add me!

  • dharqvenym
    dharqvenym Posts: 35 Member
    How awful that that happened to you! When I started birth control, the first pill the doctor put me on made me gain 10 lbs in less than a month; I was so unhappy. I figured it was water weight, but then when I switched to another pill I felt less bloated but the weight stayed! Happy to say I've had no complaints about it since though, and it doesn't compare to your experience!

    I'm a 23-year-old grad student. I've been trying to lose about 20 stubborn pounds since the beginning of college (and I was even dieting/losing/gaining weight in high school...geez, the s**t us girls put ourselves through!). Like you, I was dismayed to step on the scale recently and see my highest weight ever- I've gained 4-5 extra lbs since starting grad school in September, despite efforts to exercise regularly (can't out-train overeating, duh!).

    I'm currently doing a DietBet, where I bet $25 that I could lose 4% of my weight in 4 weeks (and then I win more money!!) I'm at 2.5 lbs down, only 4 more lbs to go! Friday and Saturday are the hardest days for me by far. There's always the temptation of an indulgent dinner with friends, & drinks at the bar!

    That dietBet sounds interesting! Never heard of it.

    But I added you!
  • albertine58
    albertine58 Posts: 267 Member
    if you don't lose 4% of your weight, you lose the $25 you put into the pot. But if you DO lose 4%, you're a winner, and you split the money with all the other winners- currently this pot is $10,700!! I don't expect to win hundreds of dollars, but doubling my money would be amazing. And I'll be down 6.5 lbs as well- talk about a win-win! I think it's just the motivation I need to make sure that, if I fall off the diet wagon, I get RIGHT back on- no "I'll start over on Monday" nonsense :)
  • maz2469
    maz2469 Posts: 67 Member
    feel free to add me too!
  • geoffers12
    geoffers12 Posts: 31 Member
    Here to support! Add me :)
  • elsbbels
    elsbbels Posts: 190 Member
    Hi I'm Ella, 21 and from south west England.

    as you will see from my profile I am fed up of fad dieting (years of yo yo dieting up and down up and down) and I am now on the healthy eating route, incorporating fitness, I will support whoever and will gladly receive any support!

  • imabinger
    imabinger Posts: 5 Member
    hi. Im maryam and a twenty something (26 actually - but feel oh so much younger!). dont have a pic of me to put up, since i never let anyone take any. signed up last year i think, and never really used it. would have forgot about mfp if i hadnt got an email from them.

    My in laws live in afghanistan. have to go there eventually for my brother in laws wedding. but im fat! so basically i dont want to go. have no clothes to wear. wash and wearing the same 3-4 clothes. i WILL NOT buy a size 20 outfit. I have no jacket for this horrible weather in the uk but absolutely REFUSE to buy one in a bigger size.

    have to get slim, if i want anything nice to wear - ever. any support gratefully recieved. i will supprt you too.

    i have eaten the days calories already, and was telling myself "let me eat how i normally eat today, so i can count the calories in 1 days worth of food that i eat". i was giving myself an excuse to go over calories. but im feeling refreshed after coming on here. i feel super charged right now. it would be nice to have this feeling everytime i want to trawl through the kitchen cupboards. Anyone feeling the same, then pls add me. we can do it as a couple or a group. its harder on ur own. :)
  • maggiegriesmer
    maggiegriesmer Posts: 4 Member
    feel free to add me, i'm 20! i try to eat fairly healthy, and i love to exercise!
  • Hey there! I'm 22, and I've just started my weight loss plan, too. I eat pretty healthy (haven't gone to eating clean yet, alas), but I love to exercise and I'd love to chat if you ever need advise or support! You can do it!
  • Kaylaef
    Kaylaef Posts: 194 Member
    I need some friends too!
  • Gracerrr
    Gracerrr Posts: 141
    I recently turned 25 and I've always had trouble with weight. My highest weight was 350lbs in college, and I was able to lose 100lbs in about 7 months when I was 21. I kept the weight off completely for over a year, but eventually it started creeping back (I'm blaming marriage, haha) and I gained 50lbs by the time I turned 25. It's been messing up my hormone levels and cycles recently (not on any birth control) so that is my primary reason behind my current motivation to go to the gym every day. I just want to be healthy.... I currently wear a size 20, sometimes 18 in pants. My first goal is to get to a size 14-16 and then possibly get pregnant. My ultimate goal is <14 and my dream goal is to actually be super fit through weight training/light body building.
  • sara0ann
    sara0ann Posts: 57 Member
    Hi! I'm new and 20-something! :)
    I've restarted my weight loss regime multiple times, and lost 30 pounds last year... then got frustrated when I plateaued for a few months and gave up... gained 15 back!

    I'm new to this site and program but am finding so much inspiration involving myself in the community and would also love to have some more friends around my age to take this journey with!!

    Anyone, feel free to add me and I promise to help you all in every way I can, as I know you will all do the same!!

    Good luck to everyone and can't wait to make some new friends!! :)

  • HayleySlims
    HayleySlims Posts: 6 Member
    Hi! I'm 22 and this day 2 for me, I gained 100lbs when I was pregnant with my daughter, my heaviest was 260, but i'm down to 247 after a short diet near christmas time, I haven't gained but I haven't lost either so I decided to rejoin MFP to get healthy and fit by next summer.
    Anyone feel free to add me to chat and get some support :) x
  • Hey, 25 here. Spent most of my junior high, high school, and early college years being overweight. I've spent the last couple of years in and out of the gym. I am a bit of a yo-yoer when it comes to weight, but I'm pretty sure that's just a female thing!

    I love reading about food and exercise and seeing the success of my friends. Here to support!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    if you don't lose 4% of your weight, you lose the $25 you put into the pot. But if you DO lose 4%, you're a winner, and you split the money with all the other winners- currently this pot is $10,700!! I don't expect to win hundreds of dollars, but doubling my money would be amazing. And I'll be down 6.5 lbs as well- talk about a win-win! I think it's just the motivation I need to make sure that, if I fall off the diet wagon, I get RIGHT back on- no "I'll start over on Monday" nonsense :)

    Do you mind some advice from a NOT 20 something? I consider myself wisened by age.

    That's a short term incentive, based on external motivation. Your motivation to lose should come from within, and it should be a permanent decision, not a temporary pay off.

    Situations like these never end well -- good luck.