Eating before or after workout?



  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    I used to workout early morning (530am) on an empty stomach thinking I'd be burning more fat. Then after a few weeks I started wondering why I wasn't improving (running speed/endurance and weight training) and I would notice I couldn't hang after 3 sets. Then I started eating a banana, one slice of toast and a glass of milk before the gym and DAAMN what a difference. Longer runs, harder runs, more sets, higher reps, more weight. So ya.
  • fionahay
    fionahay Posts: 44
    If I don't have something before then my stomach growls the whole way through and I struggle for energy - both things are pretty demotivating and make for a poor work out.
  • skyfall87
    skyfall87 Posts: 4 Member
    You absolutely HAVE to eat! Nothing heavy or bad but something healthy (depending on when you work out)

    if you work out in the morning: *Fresh oatmeal (not the individual packets of oatmeal) (1 cup serving size) with cinnamon for flavor or blueberries (any fruit of your choice) drink some almond milk to go with it =) or *FRESH fruit smoothie (one cup serving size) if you can put half a fresh avocado in it, one scrambled egg with half a piece of toast

    if you work out in the evening or afternoon: *4 oz grilled chicken breast with 1 cup of broccoli & 1/2 cup of wild brown rice (measure a single serving for each item of food! I cannot stress the importance of this!!) or * 4oz fillet mignon, grilled asparagus, with 1/2 cup of brown wild rice or quinoa.

    Eat about an hour before your workout. Like someone said, gotta have gas in the tank or the car won't run. If you like to use shakes, I recommend Shakeology by Beach Body. It's a bit expensive but much better for you and it's very filling. =)

    Again I can't stress enough MEASURE YOUR PORTIONS!! Measuring cups, measuring spoons, you'll see much better results! And you'll see them the healthy way! Yes Starvation mode is real! Don't do that to your body! It's the only one you have! =)

    I've lost 30 lbs! Promise this works! =)

    Hope this helps!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I HAVE to eat before I workout. No matter if it is a run or I am lifting. Usually about 45 mins - 1 hr before. I also eat AFTER I workout, usually within 30 mins.

    I do this as well. I usually workout about an 1 hour or so after Breakfast or lunch(depends on my schedule for the day) then I eat about 30 minutes after a workout. Usually just some Granola with some yogurt and berries or some sliced apple with peanut butter.
  • MizSaz
    MizSaz Posts: 445 Member
    I'm probably in the minority here, but I get VERY uncomfortable if I eat solid food at all before a workout. Like if it hasn't been completely digested, I get cramps and nausea.
  • dkmilton
    dkmilton Posts: 15 Member
    Your best bet is to experiment and see what works for you. I generally have to have a snack before I work out otherwise the workout is going to be awful... limited energy.. extra tired feeling. But for some people they just feel sick from eating beforehand.. you've got to see what works the best with your system.
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    I have heard both way, so I guess it comes down to what works for you.
    I can't work out on an empty stomach, or I'll feel like I'm about to faint, but I can't work out right after eating, or I'll get sick. I need a middle lol
  • odddrums
    odddrums Posts: 342 Member
    I always try to have eaten something about an hour before a run or workout, otherwise I just get too tired by the time it's over, sometimes I can't even finish. Afterwards I'll drink a bunch of water, then eat some eggs or meat and maybe some bread and veggies [the only time I really eat carbs is after a workout]. I can't eat right after a workout usually, but after I clean up I'm usually hungry again.

    I'd say listen to your body. If you feel hungry before a workout have a little snack, a banana or orange or something. That's my rule in general: if you're hungry, you should eat! Crazy, I know...
  • Txracy
    Txracy Posts: 78
    I eat something 1-2 hours before I work out if it's cardio (If I eat RIGHT before cardio, I am liable to get ill and puke all over myself, LOL, so I need my food to have enough time to settle).

    On days I'm lifting, I sometimes eat WHILE I work out, LOL! Strength training and weight lifting makes me seriously hungry! I'm usually sipping a smoothie or shake between sets. Not sure if that's the "right" thing to do, but I'd shank anyone who took my shake from me!

    I also eat after I work out. But a lot of that has to do with me being at a huge deficit if I don't eat after my workouts. Increasing my calorie intake was a struggle at first, but now it seems like my body is catching up and I NEED to eat more. :happy:

    I would say that ultimately, it's up to the individual.

    I have tried working out on an empty stomach before, and I had no energy and it was a pathetic workout. But I have friends who manage just fine hitting the gym first thing without breakfast first.
  • gracielynn1011
    gracielynn1011 Posts: 726 Member
    I work out On an empty stomach. If I am hungry before a work out I get something small and light. I feel sick if I have anything big in my tummy during exercise. I have dinner about an hour or so after my workout.
  • JossFit
    JossFit Posts: 588 Member
    Echoing those who say "do what works for you".

    I do IF and workout fasted, and continue the fast for 2 hours after my workout so for me, the answer is "neither". :)
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    My workout is at the end of my workday, usually starting at about 5:30, so I haven't eaten since lunch. I try to eat a little protein like a handful of almonds before my workout. I've found that if I don't eat anything then I'm starving by the time I get home and eat everything in sight.

    And then afterwards I eat a light protein bar, usually about 200 cals and 8-10 grams of protein. Agin, it keeps me from feeling so hungry that I'm stopping on the way home for take-out, or from eating something quick and calorie-dense when I get home rather than taking the time to cook something healthier.
  • Liftnlove
    Liftnlove Posts: 235
    As you can probably tell, it varies from person to person. I also think it depends on what time of day you workout. When I workout first thing in the morning, I just have a scoop of protein powder in water beforehand. I have found that if I eat a "real meal," I'll feel nauseated when I lift. But if I workout later in the day, I can eat a bit more and be fine. I think it's personal preference...

    Bottom line: Eat (or don't eat) what makes you feel good, and what makes you able to perform the best during a workout :)
  • sarahmarieb36
    sarahmarieb36 Posts: 39 Member
    great advice from everyone. Thanks a ton!!
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    Hi. so im just it better to eat a small meal or snack before a workout? or to workout on a (relatively) empty stomach and then eat a small meal/snack after a workout?

    depends on the person. i for one cannot workout on an empty stomach or i'll pass out. i eat a light snack that is protein/carb rich and then workout; after my workout i eat my breakfast that again, is protein and carb rich.