Calling all Tall Girls!!



  • LisaInUP
    LisaInUP Posts: 63 Member
    5'8 and just lost the first 10. Not noticing a lot when I look in the mirror but my knee is happier. I use myfitnesspal for the portion/healthy eating part and I just started going back to the gym. Most of my exercise it walking and now the weights for toning!
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    I'm 5'9". Before I joined MFP (11/2010) I was 202. Did a 3 week fruit & veggie fast as a way to prepare me mentally to begin a lifestyle change. I lost about 10 lbs. From there I cut carbs and started walking. By the time I joined MFP (2/2011) I had lost 20 lbs all together. My walking went from a walk/jog to actually running twice a week and then joining a gym the same month I joined this site. I kept carbs low and did lots and lots of cardio. By 9/2011 I was down to 153. I made sure to log food. Kept calorie intake around 1200 and did not worry about eating my cals back from excerise. I would get at least 5 days cardio in. Hang in there. It can & will happen but the key is not giving up and staying focused on your goals. Good luck!

    *My ticker reflects my new journey I started 1/2/13. This past Christmas I allowed myself to eat & drink like a pig. Put on 15 lbs. So I've restarted my goals. Back down to 162 now. Goal is 145.*
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    oh yes ma'am, it is true. we have more places to put it - that's why i always tell people i am tired of hearing its an advantage to be tall because i gain 10 pounds before i start to see it but a shorter person only gains 5 and sees it immediately.
    Same goes for when losing weight. it takes so much longer to visually see ten pounds or more before we see it!!

    I jog four days a week (at least 3 at minimum) about 3 to 5 miles each time! thats how i burn calories. I also walk when i can, and lift weights to build core muscles.

    i'm 38, 6 feet tall and have 2 kids also.
  • sarahf3092
    sarahf3092 Posts: 147 Member
    I'm also 5 10" and completely agree - its not just you! Weight loss seems to take much longer to show on me than my friends who are smaller. Don't let it dishearten you though!! I find people have only commented if my face looks slimmer etc. Just part of being a tall girl im afraid - but we should be proud of our height!
  • chatipati1
    chatipati1 Posts: 211 Member
    5'10 here..Lost 30..but really notice a difference after doing Jillian Michals dvd for a week or two..even if there is not a loss of weight at that time...there is toning...btw I don't think 5 10 is that tall anymore...I do think a lot of people under that are simply short...:)
  • Rohbean
    Rohbean Posts: 45 Member
    I'm 5' 8.5" and have lost about 20 pounds (had lost 27, but gained some weight back oops...). I noticed a difference because I went down a size in clothes and people also started noticing. I don't look much different to my own eyes in the mirror though.

    Lately I'm struggling to become re-motivated to start exercising more regularly. Will get back there I'm sure. Hang in there!
  • j4nash
    j4nash Posts: 1,719 Member
    I'm tall as well.

    Look at the positives:

    1) You can eat more calories
    2) You'll lose pounds faster
    3) Weight gain doesn't show as much as the little ones
    4) You burn more calories during exercise
  • Elizabethmc03
    Elizabethmc03 Posts: 6 Member
    Being tall us better! Men love tall, curvy women! I think we hold the weight better. I understand having to lose more to show it but I feel better with any weight loss!
  • aaronlawrenc
    aaronlawrenc Posts: 666 Member
  • NormInv
    NormInv Posts: 3,303 Member
    <drool> tall girls <drool>

    ima gonna go day dream now!
  • I'm 5'10" as well and even though I'm only down almost 10lbs, I can see it already. Probably because of the toning more than anything. My clothes fit better, I have more energy and know that I'm definitely healthier. I'm doing Zumba and Jillian's Ripped in 30 along with eating better. Trying to keep to approx 1200 calories per day. The scale doesn't matter to me as much as the measuring tape so don't get discouraged if it doesn't seem like people are noticing, just keep going, as long as YOU know, that's all that matters!
  • difabu
    difabu Posts: 143
    I feel it more than I see it. People have remarked on my weight loss, but the scale doesn't reflect much since I'm doing a lot of strength training (CrossFit 5x a week). So I try to remain focused on the inches I've lost whenever I get down because of that stupid number on the scale.
  • LivMinusTen
    LivMinusTen Posts: 23 Member
    5'10" here. People usually tell me I do not look too heavy but my BMI says something different. :-)
    I also thought I hadn't lost a lot (10 pounds) but I seem to have lost it from my back and butt.
    A couple of years ago I lost 20 pounds but people said it looked more like 40. I lost it working out and eating well.
  • adreeea
    adreeea Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 5'9.5" and I feel like it takes forever for anyone to notice weight loss. On the positive side, people don't notice a gain as fast either. It can be hard to keep up your motivation when you cant see a difference though when you are working so hard to lose weight.I am trying to just forget the scale for now and watch inches instead because I will feel the difference in my clothes even if I cant see it right away.
  • MissJen84
    MissJen84 Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 6ft tall and it takes about 20 pounds before anyone notices a difference on me. It's weird though my roommate is 5'2 and we eat the same calories and wear the same size pants, but I don't think our bodies look anything alike.
  • I'm 5'9" (huzzah, my fellow heighty womenfolk), and have noticed it takes about 20 lbs. to notice an overall difference rather than just pinpointing areas of improvement, which can be done at 10 lbs.

    Do any other 5'9ers feel it's an awkward height between slightly tall and really tall? I always feel like I'm too tall to be a lady, and too short to be an amazon.
  • In the past (years ago when I was having babies) I was able to lose 40 lbs off of my 5'8 inch frame. Others would notice it after 15 or so lbs... but I could never see it. This time, I've got plenty of pictures to stare at and remind myself why I'm working so hard... LOL Once I get to the healthy weight.. these fatty pics are staying close at hand in just case I get goofy. I always think I'm fat... when I was growing up... my best friend was an inch taller than I was and she was a size smaller than I was... so no matter what we wore... for my entire teenage years... my 20's... she was my bestie... but she was taller and thinner... I had a 28 " waist.. but hers was 26. I wore a size 8/10 and she wore a 6/8. Man was that hard. Hopefully, I'll be able to really see my success this time... because I am only comparing myself to myself.. that's all I ever should have done.. but self esteem shot me down.

    Anyway, this time I have pics... and i will be a babe again! Shorter... but still a babe. LOL

    Have a great night.
  • rachelisrued
    rachelisrued Posts: 18 Member
    I want some tall girl friends! 5'11" here. I want friends with similar stats!
  • enkennon
    enkennon Posts: 161 Member
    It definitely takes me 10lbs to see a difference because I've lost about 5lbs and really wasn't that big fo a difference. But when I lost the 10lbs I was like "OKAY! FINALLY!". I'm 5'10" ~20lbs to go give or take....

    Do you all find it's hard to lose the last 20 or 10lbs? I do! It's CREEPING OFF