


  • HomegirlDee
    HomegirlDee Posts: 18 Member
    I use to workout 5 to 6 days a week. I am down to nothing for the pase year. I decided the other day that my first day will be Friday back to the gym. I am already making excuses...i just know i'm to busy to go. And that is not a and by bf are going 5:45am for a cycling class then i'm gonna go get my hair done then school then go back to the gym that afternoon. I'm determined to get a good workout on Friday.
  • HomegirlDee
    HomegirlDee Posts: 18 Member
    so I encourage you. Make a commitment ....everyday, not in advance. I made my commitment to go and i'm gonna keep my promise to myself....
  • patiobee
    patiobee Posts: 7
    Stop asking yourself and start telling yourself. Basically, in the back of your head there's a little evil person asking "should I really have chicken for dinner today?" or "Perhaps I should go for a walk?". That voice needs to change to "I AM having chicken today" and "I AM going to go for a walk"...and so on.

    Love this...going to try to do this.....
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    It takes a prox. 21 days to build a good habbit. So, demand that you do your best for 2 weeks and hopefully you will get back into the grove!
  • Bownzi
    Bownzi Posts: 423 Member
    Wow.. it is easy to fall back into crap.... but what makes the difference is how you get back out of the crap.... stay focused... achieve your goals... we all have some set backs... but you have proven to yourself you can do it so get back doing will succeed...:bigsmile: