Calling all 20-somethings!



  • sara0ann
    sara0ann Posts: 57 Member
    I have the same problem! I actually have to put my scale in a hard-to-reach place, so that I don't have time to go and get it every morning! I love your "Weigh Myself Wedesdays"! So cute! I might try this as well!
  • cedebrooks
    cedebrooks Posts: 41 Member
    Heya! I'm a 22 year old, recent college grad. Been on here technically since August, but was stupid about dieting when I started. I've gotten more dedicated to this site since then, and have been researching about TDEE, body fat %, etc. Also started a cleaner diet as of the new year, with some exceptions! Starting the Stronglifts 5x5 program tomorrow (Monday/Wednesay/Friday schedule).

    Any of you, feel free to add me! It'd be nice to give/receive some motivation, instead of just lurking the community tab! :P
  • petechiae
    petechiae Posts: 147 Member
    Hello! I'm a 20 years old girl from Canada. I just graduated from college and I currently work as a programmer. Like you, I'm a little bit of a nerd (aren't you excited that Wind Waker is going to be released on the Wii U?!).

    I recently started paying more attention to my health and my weight, and I wish to make more friends here. So far, I've received amazing support from that community and I hope to give some back as well.

    Feel free to add me. By the way, you look absolutely gorgeous! Love love love your hair!

    Take care. xo
  • janiedoe14
    janiedoe14 Posts: 117
    Hey! My names Marissa and I'm 24yo. I was 19 and 135lbs when I started gaining weight due to depression (primarily) and the depo shot, along with daily life. Within 3 years I was up to 210lbs, the heaviest I have ever been. A year and a half ago I got down to 195-197 by sheer luck. This is the first time I'm taking my weight seriously also! I just started low carb and clean eating last Tuesday. I fell off over the weekend (but got back on) and I've lost a total of 5lbs! I want to lose a total of 30-40lbs. Right now I'm 188.5 and hope to reach 150-160. Keep it up and we'll both get where we want to be! :)
  • witts157
    witts157 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm 28 and have been up & down with my weight the last 4 years. I'm currently at my heaviest... what the exact number is, I'm not sure at the moment. But I can tell because I can't do some of the everyday things that I used to be able to do. I've only been on MFP for a year on and off but starting next month I'm coming back in full force to conquer this battle & finally be happy with the results.

    I'm looking to drop about 70-75 lbs by my birthday.... if it's this year, fabulous.... if it's next year around my birthday that's awesome too as long as I accomplish it. This will be the first steps of many in my journey that I plan on succeeding with. One thing at a time.

    I'm always looking for friends and support so for those of you that would like to add me.... please feel free too!
  • mrydavis
    mrydavis Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 20 and also gained weight after going on BC. Feel free to add me!
  • 21, college senior. Feel free to add anyone. Would love to help support =)
  • groversa
    groversa Posts: 450 Member
    I am 21, feel free to add me :) I am a constant logger!
  • Hey, I am 20 in less then a month! I swim in college and am just trying to tone up for the next year. I am addicted to lifting, and my major is PT so holding people accountable for making changes in their lives to become more healthy is what i want to do! If anyone needs help writing a workout plan, finding the right supplements for you, or just talking about the struggles from day to day, you can message me at anytime. Good luck fellow fitnesspals!
  • H!

    I just started a few days ago. I have to get used to tracking my meals and I want to start exercising soon. Friends will definitely help keep me motivated.
  • fallbrawl
    fallbrawl Posts: 72
    I am 24 and looking to lose 300lbs. I am tired of my doctors saying i need weight loss surgery.
  • Wow it seems like a lot of us are in the same boat, I hit college and did not take care of myself the way I should have, I used to play sports and stopped and then the weight just kept adding on. But now that I'm almost 22 I want to get healthy and work on my weight now instead of continually putting it off. Just started this site and I really like it so far :)

    Add me :)
  • MdotSole
    MdotSole Posts: 56 Member
    Hey all! 27 and love new workout buddies. Feel free to add me!
  • MdotSole
    MdotSole Posts: 56 Member
    I am 24 and looking to lose 300lbs. I am tired of my doctors saying i need weight loss surgery.

    You can do it Bro, good luck!
  • HappyHungryHealthy
    HappyHungryHealthy Posts: 121 Member
    Oooh, I'm 20 something and have Hypothyroidism. Feel free to add me! :)
  • MrsGonsalves16
    MrsGonsalves16 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey you can add me, 24 and at 216lb I'm desperate to lose the weight too! I'm happy to help motivate you and vice versa, we can do it!! :D x
  • JMWaggoner
    JMWaggoner Posts: 19 Member
    I'm in the exact same boat as you girl! And I'm 22. Add me!
  • Gyroid
    Gyroid Posts: 12
    Wow, more twenty years old than I thought would be on here!
    For more info. I am 25 and have been in my career for about 2 years now.
    I will give my advice from personal experience (I have probably been on every type there is), keep trying until you find the one that suits you. Sometimes that means telling your doctor what you can handle and what you need from your birth control.
    I am looking forward to all the support! ^_^ :smile:
  • Hi all! I'm 22 and just starting out on my weight loss journey. I'm finishing up college this year and trying to get into a healthier routine. Looking for friends and support so feel free to add me :)
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    Hey! We have the same starting weight. Feel free to add me! And good luck!