someone hit and run my car this morning.



  • peopletalk
    peopletalk Posts: 519 Member
    Would you feel bad if someone broke their hand and had to take days off work after punching you in the face...?

    I feel no pity AT ALL for that person. It should be an automatic loss of license if you pull that crap and shirk your responsibility after screwing over someone else. Even if you have comprehensive insurance, you have a deductible and now the pain of having to go find another car.

    funny this is about a 2 weeks ago, someone ran into the back of my car while it was parked outside my house aswell. she was sweet enough to come up to my house and apologize. and i didn't do anything about it because she ruined her car more than mine.

    my cars a 1998 ford, it's strong. if i can still drive it/open the doors, i find no reason to find a new one. lol

    but seriously, reading these replies did help me realize i was being ridiculous. she/he should deal with her/his responsibilities.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    All you did was park your car and go inside.

    I understand you feel bad. Wait, no I don't...:laugh: That's how people learn. It's part of the test when you get your Driver's License = Don't Hit & Run. There will be Hell to pay.

    Well, maybe not that last part...but it's the law.
  • cubbies77
    cubbies77 Posts: 607 Member
    Would you feel bad if someone broke their hand and had to take days off work after punching you in the face...?

    I feel no pity AT ALL for that person. It should be an automatic loss of license if you pull that crap and shirk your responsibility after screwing over someone else. Even if you have comprehensive insurance, you have a deductible and now the pain of having to go find another car.

    Actually, it's covered under collision since it was hit by another vehicle. Comprehensive is stuff like hitting an animal, hail, falling trees, rocks hitting the windshield, and vandalism.

    That's moot, though, since she can file a claim under the other person's insurance. The repairs will be covered under that person's liability coverage. If the vehicle is a total loss, the other insurance company would offer a settlement amount.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    Don't feel bad. I could NEVER hit a parked car then just drive away without leaving my info. This person clearly doesn't care about damaging other people's property so no worries. She will be fine. It's not like she's going to jail, she's just getting a punishment that fairly fits the crime.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    If this person isnt held accountable now they will never learn the lesson. Feel bad for them if you want, but its a life lesson (and common sense) they should have learned before. They NEED this lesson LOL :happy:

    agreed. And it's not just a bad choice, they broke the law. AND they probably think they got away with it.
  • lulu9663
    lulu9663 Posts: 57 Member
    I wouldn't feel bad for them at all. They did something wrong, they knew they did it, and they just ran off, not expecting to get caught. It's called personal responsibility.

    I was in a hit and run about a year and a half ago. I was stopped at a red light, and a lady in her mid 40's rear ended my truck, going about 35mph. I dialed 911, and then I felt her back out from under my truck. I thought she was going to pull off to the side of the road, but she went around me and took off into traffic. She was trying her best to get away from me, while she was leaning up as far as she could, trying to see over the hood of her car that was shoved almost all the way up to her windshield. I told her license plate number to 911 before she got away.

    The police found her at home later that night. She told them that she didn't think she did that much damage, so she just left. She was right. She had a small Hyundai, and I had a Chevy Avalanche truck, so her car took all the damage. My repair bill was about $110. However, my Emergency Room bill was $1,500, and my Chiropractor bill was over $12,000. I have permanent damage to my spine. I'm only 26.

    Fleeing the scene of an accident is against the law, and violators should be punished harshly. They knew what they were doing something wrong when they did it.