Sometimes I wonder if I'm too honest in my diary (or greedy)



  • Jewles1285
    Jewles1285 Posts: 119
    I log EVERYTHING that i eat! I had a birthday party for my son a few weekends ago and i logged it down the the olive and pickles!!! And fyi, i logged my alcholic beverage that night! :o) keep doing what you're doing, and who cares if other people arent being as honest as you are, who is it hurting? not you! Its only hurting themselves. they might start to wonder 'why am i not losing weight?" and it could be all those calories they forgot they ate because they didnt log them!
  • Casstevens133
    Casstevens133 Posts: 142 Member
    Nothing wrong with your diary that I can see. I cant see the point logging at all if you don't log everything!
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member

    mine's very long.. all the time.. lol

    and I drink alochol and I don't log it. he he.. (well I dont' log it on Fridays and Saturdays, I do during the week)

    I think I missed 1/4 of a bacon wrapped jalapeno i ate on a whim a few days ago.. That might be the only thing I didn't log.

    oh yes.. and many days you can get my grocery list from my food diary. LOL
  • cinciti
    cinciti Posts: 59 Member
    I just upped mine too and I drink and include it in my diary. Some days are good some are not so good, but it is better to be honest with yourself about what you're consuming. I'm not a "clean" eater even tho I'd love to be but again I have to be honest with myself... WHO AM I KIDDING! But keep up the great work and here's to more success! :wink:
    I have just been reviewing my diary and others and I seem to eat WAY loads more than other people. To me these are just normal healthy meals - IMO. Although I do have a fair few snacks and the odd glass of wine in there - don't think I have seen alcohol on anyone's diary that I have seen and if you are drinking alcohol and not tracking then you should be!

    I am losing weight so shouldn't complain and have upped cals from 1200-1500.

    Just wondered what people thought about my diary - any hints or tips?

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    Except for breakfast, (I have a standard 5 that are easy to make), I never have the same things. So my lists are long too. Don't worry about it. Thanks though for bring up the subject, because I thought I was the only one.

    Yay, another long lister.
  • barrattandrew
    Looks like you are doing great. I personally started to cut out the alcohol as I preferred to "spend my calories" on something else now!
  • smilingirisheyes
    smilingirisheyes Posts: 149 Member
    Your diary looks fine to me.
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238
    I don't drink alcohol and therefor you won't see it in my diary :happy:
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    No not at all.. I am always very honest on my diary, even if I go over on my calories. I also use my recipes tab to input all of the things I cook so I can make sure I get the proper calorie count. Your diary looks great, keep it up. And the only way this is going to work, is if you are totally honest. So what if we over eat from time to time, we are after all human...i think! If I have a glass of wine, a margarita, or whatever, I log it!
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I only look at diaries of close friends who ask for accountability or advice or friends who are super successful for meal ideas. I don't log vitamins and stuff either. I do try and log everything else tho, including vodka.
  • MeeshyBW
    MeeshyBW Posts: 382 Member
    You seem to be logging fine but I would say you are to reliant of ready prepared/processed food stuff and your meals are not very nutrient dense.

    Personally I don't know how you can survive on 2 Weetabix for the whole morning? The only cereal worth eating imo are oats in some form or another. Nothing else fills me up properly.

    You seem to eat a lot of sandwiches and crisps. My hubby is the same, he is in the habit of always eating crisps with a sandwich and in all honestly, if you ate something more nutrient dense you would not need the extra calories from the crisps.

    I am also of the school of thought that low fat junky foods like coleslaw are not teaching you news ways of eating for a healthy lifestyle, they are just frigging the system.

    I always eat full fat greek yoghurt. My view is anything low fat is full of sweeteners and sugars to make it taste good. Look into it online, it's a fact. The Low-fat food options is just a con.

    Personally I would try to cut back on the bread (look into a book called Wheat Belly) I have not eaten wheat for nearly a year and the impact has been life changing.

    You might want to try incorporating a few more veggies into your diet too.

    So my synopsis is you seem to log everything perfectly so great job for creating that habit, you are not greedy but one this is you don't seem to make the best food choices for the calories available to you.
  • shunterjon
    Your making too much of calorie intake and Menu proportions. If you need to loose weight. You need to eat less or up your exercise. But it's not just a quick fix. It needs to be a lifestyle change. It may not be in your psyche to be an exercise person and that can be a really hard thing for you to change. But the option is to do nothing and see what happens. Which way is right is up to you.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    You can never be too honest. I am now maintaining & my calories are set at around 2,000 and I usually get around 400+ calories from a workout. I am good to eat at least 1500-2000 calories a day more importantly to 'me' to stay under calories, fat & sodium with a deficit in protein & fiber - by choice. You will see alcohol on mine! If I eat it or drink it, it’s logged (every bit of it) - even something as silly as a cough drop. To me, the system is only as good as the information that is put in to it & the accuracy of everything. Your diary looks good. The only thing I do differently is if I log 1 amount & then add to it, I use the same item & increase the amount. I think that’s an obsessive compulsive thing, but all in all the end result is the same. I log meals, but sometimes don't have exactly the same items in the meal, so I log them separately. I would personally eat more fruits & vegetables & get your protein up a bit. Keep doing what you are doing or work with what you are doing as a canvas if that is working for you. You only need to be accountable for you :)