minimum calorie intake... help???

So I put myself on a 1200 calorie plan...I set it and have stuck to it. The issue is that ever since i started this 'fittness pal' Ive been a lot more aware of what im eating and what i should be eating and how bad everything actually is for kinda i guess freaked me out...So for the last week ive only been eating like 500 or less calories a day...i know it sounds like im starving myself but im actually not. i dont normally wake up until like 1030. So at about 11-1130 i have a yoplait light yogurt and a propel water. Then im pretty full until about 4 or so which is when i start to cook dinner and normally for dinner i cook something really yummy like chicken stir fry (200 calorie dinner). I eat it around 5 and am full until about 9 which is when i get a snack like a few tangerines or maybe a casadia. Which pushes me over to the next day...So its not like im always starving or anything and whenever i get slightly hungry i drink water or propel water. Today i was told by someone that eating less than 1000 calories makes you gain that true? im so...not into food anymore. I used to love it and now i rarely want to even touch it.


  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    Definitely find some foods that you enjoy that you can snack on during the day in between meals....not enough calories and not enough nutrients will backfire. Plus it's just not a healthy, longterm way to live.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    That is not enough to sustain your health. You must eat at least 1200 calories and even more if you move a lot.
    You will make yourself sick or start to binge! You have a child! Take better care of yourself please!
  • lizzyb83
    lizzyb83 Posts: 107 Member
    Going that low will put your body into starvation mode. First, it will hold onto every thing you eat, so you will not drop any weight, and yes you can gain. After your body can no longer hold onto the little food it has, it will start burning away at the muscles to keep going. Personally, I eat about 1500 calories a day, and I work out. I am losing weight that way. I eat a healthy, balanced meal. It is the only way to do it long term. Maybe you can find a nutritionist to help you plan out some better meal ideas