Well-balanced vegetarian lunch suggestions?



  • lmvolk
    lmvolk Posts: 51 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for 18 years now. I do eat seafood, and if you do that, a can of tuna with a Tbsp of light mayo and a few crackers. That gives you high protein, and I find it keeps me full until dinner. If you don't want to eat seafood, try one of the meat substitues....Boca and Morningstar both make tons of different options. You could do a veggie burger with veggies, or some "chicken strips" on salad. My grocery store also has fake lunchmeat type products that can be eaten rolled up with cheese and a few crackers for a low-cal, high protien lunch. Let me know if you still struggle...I have lots of experience in this area!

    sorry, but if you eat seafood, you are not a vegetarian

    I like to tell people I don't eat anything with a neck, that way we don't get into semantics about "vegetarianism"
  • Bean burritos!
    1 can low salt pinto beans drained, heated and squashed with potato masher
    4 tortillas
    shredded low fat cheese of your choice
    fresh onions diced
    great salsa
    fage greek non fat yogurt
    olive oil
    Warm the tortilla on the burner (quick!) Put the beans in the warm tortilla with some shredded cheese. Roll up. Fry in olive oil and serve with the yogurt, onions and salsa. What you don't eat, you can pack for lunch tomorrow! Or breakfast. They warm in the microwave perfectly. If you want to save more fat, don't fry them. They are pretty tasty just warmed up. If you don't use dairy, soy cheese is a good substitute and they taste great even without sour cream!
  • My mom and sister are not vegetarians (I am, however.) they like to eat mozzarella and
    tomato salad for a quick snack. It's quick, easy, and veg friendly. All it is: tomatoes, mozzarella,
    olive oil and balsamic vinegar, you can also put in italian seasoning too, if youd like. I think the
    official name is caprese? It may not be a complete meal, but it's something different to help get
    you out of your lunch rut.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Today I did greenoodles, edamame, bell peppers, steamed broccoli, roasted carrots. In a miso/peanut/chili sauce.
  • My favorite vegetarian lunches:

    1. Whole wheat bread, vegan mayo, roasted red peppers, cucumber and spinich sandwich
    2. Lentil soup--make extras and freeze some for a quick meal later
    3. Vegetarian Chili
    4. An assortment of snacky things: crunchy vegetable, hummus, string cheese, apple, nuts, etc
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