Calling all 20-somethings!



  • 22 year old graduating senior! add me everyone. I'm new, as of now I have no friends.
  • cdoy92
    cdoy92 Posts: 2
    Feel free to add me! I am 20 and starting my first serious journey to losing weight! I have gained 45 pounds over the past year, like you, my nails have been brittle. I feel as though I've come to the end of my rope with this. Time for some change!
  • dharqvenym
    dharqvenym Posts: 35 Member
    So much support! I'm pleasantly surprised how many people have responded and sent requests! You all sound like amazing people. I'm so happy to have so many of you to take this journey with me!
  • jovianstorms
    jovianstorms Posts: 15 Member
    Hiya, and welcome aboard! I'm pretty new as well, just beginning the vast and perilous journey of opening my eyes to all the crap I used to eat. I'll send an add your way!
  • AlexT29
    AlexT29 Posts: 43 Member
    25 and been on here since mid-Jan. Happily married, recently moved and got a new job. I've yo yo'ed for several years, but finally figured it was time to get my weight and fitness under control. I'll give support and advice to anyone who needs it. Feel free to add me.
  • Hi all i just joined too and need some friends for support. i lost 70 lbs already but i plan on losing another 70 lbs. so feel free to add me. i know its easier when u have someone their supporting you. im 24 and have been overweight my whole life so now im changing the way i think and feel and my eating habits. i hope everyone here is blessed with progress. dont give up i know at time we may get down cuz we only lose a lb or sometimes we ight even gain a lb. i used to love fried foods but now i stay away from them as much as possible. i mean it may be ok to have them once in a while.
  • Hi everyone!! I guess you could call me new here too. I had used the site around this time last year and then kinda fell off the band wagon, but I'm back now and ready to actually stick with it and reach my goals. Any friends to help me out and give support would be really appreciated! I would love to do the same for you too!
    A little about my self is that I am currently enrolled in college, this is my fourth year but I won't be graduating until next spring. I also am turning 21 next week. My first major goal is to lose about 65 pounds which would take my weight to 150ish. From there I'd like to see about losing more ultimately around 135-140.

    Feel free to add me everyone! I'm really excited to find others in the same kind of boat as me. :))
  • tmay204
    tmay204 Posts: 1
    I'm so impressed with the support and encouragement on here! I, too, just joined and seeing words of encouragement being passed around is very motivating. My two main focus is what and how I eat so I can loose and maintain weight and building strength since I have a weak knee and back. I'm excited to start this journey!
  • gall5333
    gall5333 Posts: 22
    Keep it up! :))
  • zombiesama
    zombiesama Posts: 755 Member
    I'm 23 and awesome.
  • xxcandywrathxx
    xxcandywrathxx Posts: 200 Member
    Im 19, does that count as 20 something? Lol, jk!
    Ahaha. Add me if you want. I love friends ^_^
  • Maggie1moo
    Maggie1moo Posts: 89 Member
    Hiya, feel free to add me...
    Im going through the whole blood test drama too has fear of hypothyroidism.
    And also am only in my early 20s and feel ancient hehe.
    All the best on your journey!
  • Proyecto_AN
    Proyecto_AN Posts: 387
    26 feel free to add me!
  • VientGirl02
    VientGirl02 Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome to MFP... I'm new as well, and so far I love it! I'm 27, so feel free to add me. :happy:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    22 years old
    SW: 240lbs
  • DPitt86
    DPitt86 Posts: 2
    Hey I'm 26. You can add me. I'm on here all the time. I may not complete my log for the day but I make an effort. I'm looking for people to encourage me too!!
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Well, here I am. I am here to help you
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    Well, here I am. I am here to help you. 20 year old college student
  • lali_lemon
    lali_lemon Posts: 43 Member
    Im 21 and Im here to motivate anyone feel free to add me. Its hard enough trying to do this alone but having friends helps a lot
  • elgray26
    elgray26 Posts: 212 Member
    almost 25 from Illinois, but live in Missouri!