Why We Get Fat – Interview With Gary Taubes



  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    LOL Taubes.

    Gary Taubes: Bad Calories, or Bad Research?


    Gary Taubes Launches Non-Profit to Prove His Low-Carb Hypothesis

    The Carbohydrate Hypothesis of Obesity: a Critical Examination

    I hope you can see by now that the carbohydrate hypothesis of obesity is not only incorrect on a number of levels, but it may even be backward. The reason why obesity and metabolism researchers don't typically subscribe to this idea is that it is contradicted by a large body of evidence from multiple fields. I understand that people like ideas that "challenge conventional wisdom", but the fact is that obesity is a complex state and it will not be shoehorned into simplistic hypotheses.

    Carbohydrate consumption per se is not behind the obesity epidemic. However, once overweight or obesity is established, carbohydrate restriction can aid fat loss in some people. The mechanism by which this occurs is not totally clear, but there is no evidence that insulin plays a causal role in this process.


    Troll alert. I will definitely be reading later.

    Why is it a troll alert? The person posted a number of links questioning Taubes science. He is very controversial. There is nothing wrong with presenting both sides and letting people decide on their own.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    LOL Taubes.

    Gary Taubes: Bad Calories, or Bad Research?


    Gary Taubes Launches Non-Profit to Prove His Low-Carb Hypothesis

    The Carbohydrate Hypothesis of Obesity: a Critical Examination

    I hope you can see by now that the carbohydrate hypothesis of obesity is not only incorrect on a number of levels, but it may even be backward. The reason why obesity and metabolism researchers don't typically subscribe to this idea is that it is contradicted by a large body of evidence from multiple fields. I understand that people like ideas that "challenge conventional wisdom", but the fact is that obesity is a complex state and it will not be shoehorned into simplistic hypotheses.

    Carbohydrate consumption per se is not behind the obesity epidemic. However, once overweight or obesity is established, carbohydrate restriction can aid fat loss in some people. The mechanism by which this occurs is not totally clear, but there is no evidence that insulin plays a causal role in this process.


    Troll alert. I will definitely be reading later.

    Why is it a troll alert? The person posted a number of links questioning Taubes science. He is very controversial. There is nothing wrong with presenting both sides and letting people decide on their own.

    Because of the first paragraph from the last link, which he seemed to think unimportant:

    I'd like to begin by emphasizing that carbohydrate restriction has helped many people lose body fat and improve their metabolic health. Although it doesn't work for everyone, there is no doubt that carbohydrate restriction causes fat loss in many, perhaps even most obese people. For a subset of people, the results can be very impressive. I consider that to be a fact at this point, but that's not what I'll be discussing here.
  • NaBroski
    NaBroski Posts: 206
    LOL Taubes.

    Gary Taubes: Bad Calories, or Bad Research?


    Gary Taubes Launches Non-Profit to Prove His Low-Carb Hypothesis

    The Carbohydrate Hypothesis of Obesity: a Critical Examination

    I hope you can see by now that the carbohydrate hypothesis of obesity is not only incorrect on a number of levels, but it may even be backward. The reason why obesity and metabolism researchers don't typically subscribe to this idea is that it is contradicted by a large body of evidence from multiple fields. I understand that people like ideas that "challenge conventional wisdom", but the fact is that obesity is a complex state and it will not be shoehorned into simplistic hypotheses.

    Carbohydrate consumption per se is not behind the obesity epidemic. However, once overweight or obesity is established, carbohydrate restriction can aid fat loss in some people. The mechanism by which this occurs is not totally clear, but there is no evidence that insulin plays a causal role in this process.


    Troll alert. I will definitely be reading later.

    Why is it a troll alert? The person posted a number of links questioning Taubes science. He is very controversial. There is nothing wrong with presenting both sides and letting people decide on their own.

    Because of the first paragraph from the last link, which he seemed to think unimportant:

    I'd like to begin by emphasizing that carbohydrate restriction has helped many people lose body fat and improve their metabolic health. Although it doesn't work for everyone, there is no doubt that carbohydrate restriction causes fat loss in many, perhaps even most obese people. For a subset of people, the results can be very impressive. I consider that to be a fact at this point, but that's not what I'll be discussing here.

    Way to miss the entire point. Try reading the rest of the article.

    Fat loss occurs through a caloric deficit. Restricting carbohydrates is one way of achieving this.

    This is NOT what Taubes is touting.
  • tomg33
    tomg33 Posts: 305 Member
    We find that with properly controlled trials, weight loss is usually within a few percent for different macronutrient proportions. Often, less of the weight loss is muscle mass (desirable) with a high-protein diet, which we already know. Resistance training aids this significantly. As for health markers, the main improvement in cardiovascular disease risk factors comes from the weight loss itself, and often there is hardly any difference between the different diet types.

    So what it comes down to is this: if you're using MFP to track your macros/calories, then you should be losing weight, period. If have a good amount of protein and you undertake resistance training, then most of that weight loss will be fat and you will feel and look better day by day, not to mention the real health benefits of resistance training. Forget the rest of the stuff that doesn't really matter and focus on what gives you the majority of your results.
  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    LOL Taubes.

    Gary Taubes: Bad Calories, or Bad Research?


    Gary Taubes Launches Non-Profit to Prove His Low-Carb Hypothesis

    The Carbohydrate Hypothesis of Obesity: a Critical Examination

    I hope you can see by now that the carbohydrate hypothesis of obesity is not only incorrect on a number of levels, but it may even be backward. The reason why obesity and metabolism researchers don't typically subscribe to this idea is that it is contradicted by a large body of evidence from multiple fields. I understand that people like ideas that "challenge conventional wisdom", but the fact is that obesity is a complex state and it will not be shoehorned into simplistic hypotheses.

    Carbohydrate consumption per se is not behind the obesity epidemic. However, once overweight or obesity is established, carbohydrate restriction can aid fat loss in some people. The mechanism by which this occurs is not totally clear, but there is no evidence that insulin plays a causal role in this process.


    ^^ These are excellent links. I'm not here to troll, just reiterating that people shouldn't dismiss the above. James Krieger over at weightology.net is excellent.

    I'd add in:
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I'm just here to troll

  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Holy necromanced thread batman!
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    I'm just here to troll


    hahaha Alan makes a spunky fairy!
  • Today414
    Today414 Posts: 118
    beeteedubs... this guy looks and sounds like Owen Wilson + 10 years.
  • RomanaW
    RomanaW Posts: 108 Member
    Thanks for sharing. I have his book ready to read. The truth is that reducing carbs from my diet definitely works for me in losing weight.