20's to drop 20 lbs in 20 weeks

Hi Everyone.
So I really want to get a group together for support. I want to drop 20lbs ... I lost 10 pre-MFP, and will reevaluate once I reach my goal (I think I may want to drop 5 – 10 more after that… but we will see ).
I am in my 20’s, in grad school, working at the University full time, and trying to renovate my new home… wicked busy. I also want to renovate my eating habits  Undergrad did terrible things to my waist line, and I am over it! So if you are like me and want to buckle down and drop those last 20 lbs join in…

I am not sure how to set this up but we can start with your start weight and any other goals for the next 20 weeks!

SW: 157 lbs
GW: 137 lbs


  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'd love to join you! I'm 23 and just started my first post-college job in Northern VA as a mechanical systems engineer. I did a semester of grad school for my Masters of Engineering in Fall 2009, so I feel your pain trying to balance losing weight with the demands of life and grad school.

    I've been averaging at least a pound a week in weight loss since starting with MFP in mid-February. For 20 weeks, I'd like to get down to 155, which is a tad over a pound a week. I'll give myself a cushion for getting stuck :) I'd really like to be 155 by my 24th birthday on Oct. 22nd, so that's around 18 weeks from now. Those aren't my last 20 pounds, I'm hoping to get around 140, but 20 pounds is a big dent in that goal.

    We could pick a day to weigh in to keep track of each other if you'd like? Personally, Friday is my weigh in day, but I'm up for other days if people prefer that. Also if you wanted to have a weekly challenge too, like 200 push ups or work out so many minutes, I've seen groups do that as well :)
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Hi! my goals about the same as yours im hoping to lose 21lbs and im 21 ^.^

    Starting weight 145.6lbs
    Goal Weight 130lbs

    The 20 weeks lands on my university graduation and i was previously aiming to lose 16lbs by then so that will be my goal here too with 125lbs goal being at xmas

  • MissIrvine84
    Hi! I am excited to join you as well.

    My starting weight is 166 lbs
    My Goal Weight is 120 eventually

    20 pounds seems like a good start to me! I just signed up for a gym membership yesterday and will be making my first appearence today after I get off of work. Wish me luck!
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I'm in! I'm 24 and starting my first year of Medical School in 5 weeks! I've been overweight all of my teenage and adult life. I've decided that I'm going to get this under control now so I can enjoy my life and my body before I start wanting to have children!

    My goal is to lose 25 lbs by August 14th (an additional 15.4 lbs). I'll reevaluate my goals after that! :)
  • emmylou13
    emmylou13 Posts: 46
    GREAT. Okay so a weekly weigh-in is a must have, and I love the idea of a weekly challenge! I will try to check-in / post once a day but like I said life is CRAZY! :)

    So how about we use this format to keep track of everyone progress... just copy the list, add your own info below and repost!

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157...............................................157...................................... 0 LBS

    Lets weigh-in Monday morning... (this might help keep us on track on those pesky holiday weekends!!!! :)

    Good luck ladies!!
  • Dusty73085
    Dusty73085 Posts: 40
    Hello all! I would love to join you!
    I just started here at MFP. My overall goal is 30 pounds, but the 20 will get me mega close!

    I am a 24 year old graphic designer. While in college I worked nights at UPS moving boxes around and was basically paid to work out 5 hours a day, 5 days a week. I have a picture of myself on my 21st birthday with a flat tummy and skinny legs and arms. I want that pre desk job body back!!

    My starting weight is 168.7
    My goal weight is 140

    I have a week trip to Vegas during the first week of September, and I would love to loose a pound (or more) each week until we leave! Bring it on!! :)

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Dusty73085...........................168.7...............................................168.7...................................... 0 LBS
  • emmylou13
    emmylou13 Posts: 46
    Here is what I am thinking in terms of the challenge etc.

    The first person on Monday morning could start a new thread with "20 in 20: Week #" as the title... post there stats, and as a prize for being on first monday morning... pick the weekly challenge for the group ... Does this sound good?

    Since we are starting now... I figured I would post a start up challenge... this may be easy for you guys but i really need to be more accountable...

    WEEK 1 Challenge: Log your food every day!
  • happybrooke
    happybrooke Posts: 153
    I'd love to do this. 20 lbs is a good place to start. I've hit a plateau and not sure what to do, so this seems like it could be really helpful!

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157...............................................157...................................... 0 LBS
    wildfiery..................................195...............................................195...................................... 0 LBS
  • emmylou13
    emmylou13 Posts: 46
    The list begins :) Copy and add on!

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157...............................................157...................................... 0 LBS
    Dusty73085...........................168.7...............................................168.7...................................... 0 LBS

    Dusty I added you as an example :)
    Welcome. everyone!!!!
  • curvykatie
    curvykatie Posts: 870 Member
    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157...............................................157...................................... 0 LBS
    Dusty73085...........................168.7............................................168.7...................................... 0 LBS
    Curvykatie..............................145.6............................................145.6.......................................0 LBS
  • happybrooke
    happybrooke Posts: 153
    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157...............................................157...................................... 0 LBS
    Dusty73085...........................168.7............................................168.7...................................... 0 LBS
    Curvykatie..............................145.6............................................145.6.......................................0 LBS
    wildfiery..................................195................................................195..........................................0 LBS
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157...............................................157...................................... 0 LBS
    Dusty73085...........................168.7............................................168.7...................................... 0 LBS
    Curvykatie..............................145.6............................................145.6.......................................0 LBS
    wildfiery..................................195................................................195..........................................0 LBS
    whittrusty................................225.8............................................216.2...................................... - 9.6 LBS ---- Boo yah! :)
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157...............................................157...................................... 0 LBS
    Dusty73085...........................168.7............................................168.7...................................... 0 LBS
    Curvykatie..............................145.6............................................145.6.......................................0 LBS
    wildfiery..................................195................................................195..........................................0 LBS
    whittrusty................................225.8............................................216.2...................................... - 9.6 LBS ---- Boo yah! :)
    00trayn...................................177.0.............................................177.0.......................................0 LBS
  • sarahgallienne81
    This sounds like a gd thread, im 28 and 20lbs would be a big dent in my loss. So here goes !!

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157...............................................157...................................... 0 LBS
    Dusty73085...........................168.7............................................168.7...................................... 0 LBS
    Curvykatie..............................145.6............................................145.6.......................................0 LBS
    wildfiery..................................195................................................195..........................................0 LBS
    whittrusty................................225.8............................................216.2...................................... - 9.6 LBS ---- Boo yah! :)
    00trayn...................................177.0.............................................177.0.......................................0 LBS
    sarahgallienne81.................223.0............................................223.0........................................0 LBS
  • Naokoheart
    Naokoheart Posts: 161
    Hi all,I would love to join,I have just under30lbs left to my goal,but 20lbs is a good start
    to keep me motivated!
    I'm 21 by the way. :)

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157...............................................157...................................... 0 LBS
    Dusty73085...........................168.7............................................168.7...................................... 0 LBS
    Curvykatie..............................145.6............................................145.6.......................................0 LBS
    wildfiery..................................195................................................195..........................................0 LBS
    whittrusty................................225.8............................................216.2...................................... - 9.6 LBS ---- Boo yah! :)
    00trayn...................................177.0.............................................177.0.......................................0 LBS
    sarahgallienne81.................223.0............................................223.0........................................0 LBS
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Hi everyone I have 27.6lbs til I reach my goal mine if I join in!!

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157...............................................157...................................... 0 LBS
    Dusty73085...........................168.7............................................168.7...................................... 0 LBS
    Curvykatie..............................145.6............................................145.6.......................................0 LBS
    wildfiery..................................195................................................195..........................................0 LBS
    whittrusty................................225.8............................................216.2...................................... - 9.6 LBS ---- Boo yah! :)
    00trayn...................................177.0.............................................177.0.......................................0 LBS
    sarahgallienne81.................223.0............................................223.0........................................0 LBS
  • Breathe_Glamour
    Wow! This is exciting - I'm all in.
    I'm 22 years old & I just graduated from college (Whooooooooo hoooooooo!!!!!!!). I'm trying to find a job (please pray for me!!!) & I want to lose about 25 lbs right now. I'll do the 20 in 20 weeks because I know it will put me closer to my goal.

    CW: 173
    GW: 150

    Name.............................. Start Weight ............................ Current Weight ......................... + / - LBS
    Emmylou13...........................157...............................................157...................................... 0 LBS
    Dusty73085...........................168.7............................................168.7...................................... 0 LBS
    Curvykatie..............................145.6............................................145.6.......................................0 LBS
    wildfiery..................................195................................................195..........................................0 LBS
    whittrusty................................225.8............................................216.2...................................... - 9.6 LBS ---- Boo yah! :)
    00trayn...................................177.0.............................................177.0.......................................0 LBS
    sarahgallienne81.................223.0............................................223.0........................................0 LBS
    Breathe_Glamour...................175.0............................................173.......................................... - 2lbs
  • emmylou13
    emmylou13 Posts: 46
    :bigsmile: Morning Ladies. I hope everyone had a good day-1 ... me, not so much... i kick butt ALL day long but when the game is on at 9 PM and the BF is snacking I give in every time... I left some calories to allow myself a bit of room but not enough for the damage I did :ohwell: still down 1.4 lbs this morning... not sure how that happens but I just need it to stay, or go down more before Monday :bigsmile:

    What's up with you guys today...
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    My scale finally dropped today after having a few rough days where I was grouchy every morning... lol. I'm not entirely sure what I did, but it was stuck around 177.0 and this morning it dropped to 175.6, which puts me more in line with the 176.4 I was getting in the middle of last week before it jumped up again. I'm heading to the gym today for some Couch 2 5K running and the elliptical. I haven't been to the gym in a week with my schedule so it'll be nice to get there again.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I'm working on watching my sodium over the next few weeks. It's insane how quickly that can add up!!

    My husband and I are taking the dogs on a long walk tonight, then tomorrow I go work out with my personal trainer. She always grinds me to the bone. :) Should be fun!