Hey Shorties 5'1-5'3



  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    age, height: 20, 5'2"

    weight, goal weight: 154, 125 ( Starting weight 168 )

    calorie intake: I exercise daily so I can eat anywhere from 1,600 - 1,900 calories depending on the burn. I try to net between 1,300 - 1,400. I eat far from clean..

    exercise minutes/ type:
    - 30 day shred daily
    - I go to the gym for an hour whichs consists of cardio for 30 - 40 minutes, then weight training ( every other day I go )
    - and I walk my dog for 2 - 3 miles daily.

    do you eat back exercise calories: Like I stated above, yep!
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Happy Pear shape, I love my butt and hips so does my husband:)

    AGE: 29
    Hieght: 4ft 10in
    21 lbs lost since jan 1st
    GW:110 my frame is medium
    calorie intake currently 1418
    was 1200 then 1300
    exercise:ocassionally I have 2 daughters 1 yr recently and a 2.5 yr old when I can fit it in.
    I eat exercise calories back most times worked so far.

    I eat what I like trying to be healthier and have more balanced meals.It helps my blood sugar not to rise so much and I feel better too.

    I had gd during last pregnancy, it was a reality checked,Dont have it anymore luckily.
  • MissBernie73
    MissBernie73 Posts: 115 Member
    Mum of 2
    CW 143
    GW 120ish
    1630cal a day
    No i dont eatback exercise calories i have calculated this into my goal.
    I exercise for one hour 5 days a week in the A.M (circuit, bodytone, boxing, cycling and walking)
  • marciebrian
    marciebrian Posts: 853 Member
    Just wondering what us petite ladies have found to work for us-

    Please list the stats that you feel comfortable sharing:

    age, height,
    weight, goal weight
    calorie intake
    exercise minutes/ type
    do you eat back exercise calories

    Also please include if you only monitered calories or if you also have a specific eating lifestyle such as vegetarian, paleo, well-balanced whole foods, no sugar etc.

    I would love to have a place where us shorties can share our success stories since we tend to have a low range between TDEE and BMR unless we are very active.

    For me:

    5'1, 24 years old
    111 lbs
    gw: 104
    * I generally eat between 1300-1500 calories
    * exercise 4-6 days/week for 40 min to an hour (mostly running, strength and yoga)
    * no specific diet plan but I pay attention to what ingredients are in my food: eating mostly whole unprocessed foods
    * I tend to eat back some of my exercise calories
    * I find I only drop weight when I am incredibly active (training for a marathon) but have trouble pairing down my food intake when I am mantaining a more day-to-day routine

    Friend me if youd like :)
    CW 128
    GW 120
    exercise (usually) 5 x a week (2 at the gym 3 at home)
    I'm a lot older than most pp on this 58 and happy to be breathing :)
    weight loss is not my ife it is just somethng i want
  • abidahaque
    abidahaque Posts: 4 Member
    age, height: 24, 5'1"
    weight, goal weight : 122.5, 114
    calorie intake: Not good at being consistent on this; I tend to have a good time with beer and going out on the weekends! And I never turn down free food.
    However I try to get <1680 net calories a day.
    exercise minutes/ type : Running, 3-4 times a week usually a 20-30 minute workout (varies between endurance and speed workouts). I am dipping my toes into doing weight training a bit.
    do you eat back exercise calories: Again not awesome at consistency. I might or I might not.

    I try to eat nourishing meals, but I definitely eat a small amount of junk food almost every day. Meals are generally healthy, and snacks are not. I tend to get bored at work and eat then, or I don't have food at work and I can't go home for another hour...grab a Klondike bar! Just bringing lunch is not enough.
    I also think my weight is not too high, and I am certainly in a healthy range, but! For such a tiny person, I have an overlarge chest===>neck and back problems. I'm hoping to lose some weight there, and reduce my cup size
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    59 years, 5'1"
    Starting weight-188
    Current weight-126
    Goal weight-120
    Calories-approx. 1500
    Exercise-90 minutes elliptical/treadmill walking uphill/stair climbing/weight lift every other day-cardio- 6x a week
    Eat back about 2/3 of my exercise calories-more if I'm hungry
    I eat mostly whole foods with some chocolate sometimes
  • claudiasiplak
    claudiasiplak Posts: 19 Member
    41 years old
    Starting weight 147.. Yikes
    Current weight 137
    Goal weight 130
    Calories 1200
    Exercise 5-6 a day.. JM body revolution.. Have three kids so rest days just chase around them..
    Not on specific plan.. But try to eat whole foods.. I loooove carbs.. So change to all brown and whole!
    Love wine..
    I rarely eat calories back.. But when I am bad I go way over..
  • Cobwellac
    Cobwellac Posts: 75 Member
    42, 5'1"
    92-95, 92-95
    Weights 3-4 times per week, usually 1 hour; 45 minutes on elliptical 2 times per week, walk about 5 miles daily just as part of routine.
    Usually eat back exercise calories (hence the 2100 calorie days).
  • correr82
    correr82 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for sharing everyone - you are all such an inspiration!! I love hearing how other petite people overcome the smaller wiggle room we have with excess intake. I was shocked to read some of your ages after looking at your profile pic btw...amazing.
  • correr82
    correr82 Posts: 16 Member
    Those of you eating 1200, did you calculate your BMR? Just curious why you decided on that number and if youre fat loss vs muscle loss. :)
  • 13suzie
    13suzie Posts: 349 Member
    Just wondering what us petite ladies have found to work for us-

    Please list the stats that you feel comfortable sharing:

    age, height,
    weight, goal weight
    calorie intake
    exercise minutes/ type
    do you eat back exercise calories

    41, 5'2"
    current weight = 116, goal weight is 113
    calories 1200
    6 days of 6 mi running (60 min cardio) + 7 days 30DayShred (20 min strength/cardio combo)
    totally stuck at this weight. can't seem to break 115 yet I definitely have soft stuff to lose.
    Can't up calories -- tried that and gained.
    Low to no sugar works great for losing BUT with my exercise, I get too ravenous when I give up carbs.
    High protein low carb seems promising, but again, I am kinda stuck...

    would love some tips for breaking plateau.
  • wlsuser9
    wlsuser9 Posts: 7 Member
    I am 20 years old and 5'2"
    I weight 132 lbs and my goal is 118lbs
    My calorie goal is 1200
    I run at least 5 miles 6 days a week and cross train only the first day of the week for 30 minutes or more.
    I eat extra calories I get from working out.

    I am eating less than 100g of carbs a day.
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    Calories between 1300-1400
    Yes I eat most of my exercise calories back. Depends on the exercise I do! I definitely eat them back if I lift, plus more in the way of protein, don't want to lose the muscle that I have worked so hard to gain.
    I lift three days a week, and do cardio three days, and have one day of rest. This is usually, not always! But I do lift no matter what.
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    28, 5'3
    SW: 157
    CW: 133
    GW: 133

    I've been maintaining at this weight for 4 months or so. I don't care if it goes up or down a few lbs, as long as my pants fit lol.

    I aim for 1500, some days I'm above, some days I'm below.

    2 days a week I do weight training with a trainer, 3 days a week I do cardio (running) and I have 3 kids that I chase all day. Some mornings I do yogo, some afternoons I do some weight stuff at home by myself. Just depends on the day, and I do not log exercise, so I don't use those calories to eat more. If I"m hungry I eat, if I'm not, I don't.

    And I eat Paleo. Though I like to think of it as "eating things that won't make me sick"....I am gluten/dairy/rice/corn/oats/treenut/ peanut free for medical reasons, and my son is allergic to soy, so I don't cook with that either, and my oldest reacts horribly to food dyes etc, so we don't eat processed foods. Paleo fits perfectly with those limitations.
  • chooselove
    chooselove Posts: 106 Member
    Those of you eating 1200, did you calculate your BMR? Just curious why you decided on that number and if youre fat loss vs muscle loss. :)

    my BMR is 1338 and I always eat below my BMR in cals (primarily protein) for fat loss.
  • Age: 36
    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 140
    CW: 136
    GW: 120
    Daily Calorie Goal: 1375

    Exercise: 3-4x a week - At the gym: 20 mins on treadmill or elliptical; 60-90 mins strength/weight training with machines and free weights. Occasional 20-40 min stationary bike ride. Once per week I usually do a Balance Ball or Dance video at home.

    I usually eat back about half of my exercise calories. I try to never go under my 1375 net goal. I started with a goal of 1200 per day, and not eating back the exercise cals, and I lost nothing. So this has been working better for me.

    I try to keep my protein levels up and my carbs lower. About 10 years ago I weighed 165 and lost 50 pounds doing the Atkins diet (and little to no exercise), but I am aiming for a more balanced diet these days. :)
  • HMVOL7409
    HMVOL7409 Posts: 1,588 Member
    Please list the stats that you feel comfortable sharing:

    33yo (In 2wks!) 5'2
    SW-130 Reached GW in 6 mths 113.
    Took my BF% from 22% to 14% with professional testing.
    Maintain w/my tdee of 2000-2200 cals
    Lift heavy 3 days and run 3 days
    I did eat back my exercise cals when I wasn't going by TDEE. Never below my BMR; you are setting yourself up for failure there.

    My macros are 45c/25p/30f. Always aim for at least 1g protein per lb of bw daily.

    Ask yourself to those eating so low; how long have you been doing this? Do you binge? Do you have fluctuations or plateaus? If so you are eating too low!
  • 142 lbs
    163 now
    130-140 goal
    900-1000 calories a day
    I try to do at least 30 minutes of something each day, weather it is walking, elliptical, Gold's Gym cardio workout (boxing) on the Wii, the 8 minute AB DVD is Great!, I try to change it up every day so I don't get bored with it. I walk everyday at work on my breaks.
    I can never drink enough water, but I have gone from 0 to 3 to 5 glasses of water now. The best part is I already feel better. Exercise relieves stress and helps with depression too.
  • didifournierblais
    didifournierblais Posts: 18 Member

    I'm 46, 5'3''
    started at 214, current weight 197, goal weight 120
    calorie intake 1200
    not training regularly right now (ski season) but will begin as soon as ski season's done
    eat back exercise calories when I'm hungry for it

    For now, I only monitor calories I eat and I eat whatever I want to. I just control the portion I take, for now... But I'm planning to learn what are BMR and TDEE and calculate them and adjust my calories intake accordingly.

    Friend me if youd like :happy:
  • Cobwellac
    Cobwellac Posts: 75 Member
    42, 5'1"
    92-95, 92-95
    Weights 3-4 times per week, usually 1 hour; 45 minutes on elliptical 2 times per week, walk about 5 miles daily just as part of routine.
    Usually eat back exercise calories (hence the 2100 calorie days).

    I forgot to add that I don't restrict any foods and have junk food regularly. Also, when I was in weight loss mode (I'm in maintenance now), I ate well under 1000 calories a day and never ate workout calories back.