Anyone on Jenny Craig?

Just wondering if anyone else is doing Jenny Craig on MFP?


  • emilyj8123
    emilyj8123 Posts: 3 Member
    I am! I'm on week 4 now, but haven't been following the program exactly, I keep getting derailed and resorting to bad eating habits, it takes time to kick those habits! But I think I'm getting more on the right path each day. If you follow the plan correctly you know about how many calorioes you're taking in each day but its like anything else if you write it all down it helps make you more aware....
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    Not I. I don't want to pay for anything like that. That's why I'm on MFP! :happy:
  • I am!!! :) I love to track what I eat! :)
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    Yes I am, in maintenance now, though I still want to lose a few more lbs. I lost almost 20 in about 4 months. I'm officially sick of the food, but as a vegetarian I didn't have that many choices to begin with. Except breakfast-LOVE the breakfasts!!
  • Two2Love
    Two2Love Posts: 32 Member
    Me! I had a lot of luck with JC in 2000. Lost 40 pounds and kept it off. Then I had twins in 2010...lost my baby weight breastfeeding and then dropped 35 below that, but I gained some back when I quite BFing. I started JC last Thursday and so far I'm having a great week. I'm back at my pre-preggers weight and I'm excited to back to where I was a year ago. I'm charting on MFP because I am not 100% JC. I need the packaged food for breakfast and lunch, but about every other night I am cooking dinner and eating with my family. Working the program and enjoying the weight loss.

    Would love to have some JC buddies on MFP!
  • mariafh0709
    mariafh0709 Posts: 8 Member
    Yes, I am on Jenny Craig. Lost almost 40 pounds but the last 15 is tough. Tried all kinds of other diets but couldn't keep it off. Now on jenny for 3 years and the 40 has stayed off. The counselor made the difference. Hope with tracking using mfp will keep me honest enough to get the last 15 off. Great program. Great for those who need more accountability to motivate us. Great for getting off those menopause pounds.
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Just started today. I tried the 3 day trial and decided to give it the 30 day try. Just needed a jumpstart again. I tend to get very "unmotivated" during the winter months and then I tend to gain weight. Decided I would add this and see if I can be better this winter.
  • starrnj
    starrnj Posts: 24 Member
    I'm trying the sampler right now and I have to say I'm not all that impressed with this food and its too expensive!
  • I just started today and am continuing to use MFP to track as well.
  • I am! I just came back to MFP and this time Im on jenny! I just bought my 2nd week of food today, and begin my second week tomorrow.
    How long have you been with Jenny, and whats your progress, challenges and goal?
  • sugar66
    sugar66 Posts: 41
    I tried it and was not impressed with the food, found it fairly tasteless and expensive so stuck with just monitoring my food
  • Bad eating habbits? Im on week 2 of Jenny Craig, and the food is nothing but bad! Too much cheese, carbs, sodium, sugar and I cannot believe its better for me, I can't eat fruit!!
    It makes me eat more frequently, and now I dont want to eat any of it, because its honestly not healthy for me ...? What foods does your Jenny Plan give you?
  • I tried it and was not impressed with the food, found it fairly tasteless and expensive so stuck with just monitoring my food

    Same! Good On ya, and congrats on your 82 Lbs!!!
  • kaimi2011
    kaimi2011 Posts: 141 Member
    Yes, I started Jenny craig 2 November.
  • amandanilo
    amandanilo Posts: 62 Member
    Just wondering if anyone else is doing Jenny Craig on MFP?

    I did Jenny last year from Nov-Feb. I lost 35lbs, but gained most of it back. I had a couple issues with it:

    * so expensive
    * you're eating processed foods- not good.
    * I'm a pescetarian so my choices were very limited.

    My other issue with it- you're really not changing your eating habits. You're told to eat this this and this..but then when you're off of it, then what? You didn't train yourself to eat healthier. The portions are really the only good thing about it. Besides that, I feel like without a healthy diet and exercise, you really can't bank on a program fixing YOU. YOU need to fix you. Personally, I need to change my eating habits for the long run - not just a quick fix.

    However, when you get down to your goal weight, that should motivate you to want to keep it off! Which I failed to do..

    Just my opinion :)
  • punkypenny
    punkypenny Posts: 99 Member
    I've been on Jenny since the beginning of January and I've found pros and cons with it. It's convenient. I don;t have to worry about measuring my portions because it's done for me. Someone on here said that the food is bad. I don't agree. I like most of it. Someone else said it's expensive. Yes and no. I spend between $100-$145 a week which is just a little more than I would spend on food at the grocery store anyway. The initial fee for the year was around $400, half of which you get back when you reach your goal. So far I've lost about 8lbs but I've strayed from the program here and there. Someone else said they're not allowed to eat fruit. This is not true in my case. I'm supposed to eat 2 fruits a day. My only concerns are the laundry list of unrecognizable ingredients in the foods. I don't think this can be good for me. Also, they advise that you can have sugar-free candies and sodas as "free-foods." They suggested I use a sugar substitute in my coffee. I said no way. Artificial sweetener is one of the worst things you can put in your body. I'm thinking of coming up with my own plan with more natural ingredients that I can prepackage myself at the beginning of the week.
  • anoellef
    anoellef Posts: 3 Member
    I've been on JC for 4 weeks now. Yes, it's good and bad and it's something you just have to decide for yourself. For me, so far, it is working where nothing else was, so I'll stick with it for a while. If you are doing JC, add me as a friend and we can support each other.
  • kaimi2011
    kaimi2011 Posts: 141 Member
    Yes, been on sice 2 November 2012