Vacation suggestions???

I am heading to Mexico at the end of April and I am looking for tips on "surviving" vacation without coming back with ten extra lbs. Any suggestions? Tequila will be flowing but also plan on doing a lot of swimming and dancing!


  • kimmytjoy
    kimmytjoy Posts: 16 Member
    Watch your portions!!!!! Enjoy whatever you want but remember, the first few bites taste the best. You don't need to eat it all to enjoy it!! Be sure to drink all your water!! (bottled of course! LOL)
  • correr82
    correr82 Posts: 16 Member
    There will probably be a lot of options for beans, rice and chicken. I imagine authentic Mexican is actually a lot healthier than the Mexican we find here. Peppers, avocados are also traditional and very healthy. :) I agree with Kimmy, enjoy whatever you want and just control the portions. Have fun!
  • wendylou224
    wendylou224 Posts: 40 Member
    i hear spicy foods boost your metabolism. also if you want to have a few drinks at night just walk around during the day, which i am sure you will do.
  • chymerra
    chymerra Posts: 212
    i just got back from an all-inclusive vacay in aruba and ate healthy. salad bars, grilled chicken, boiled egg whites, whole wheat bread. no junk, no desserts, no fried stuff.

    just continue to eat what you normally eat here or at least pick the healthier versions.