Walk away the pounds with Leslie Sansone

Hwooley Posts: 3
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I was wondering if there was anyone on here that did this? i have 4 of them and i wanna start doing them i just dont know how good they are, let me know thanks!


  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I've done the 2-mile walk on my cable company's Ondemand feature, and I absolutely love it! Once I'm done with the 30-day-shred, I'm going to go buy Leslie's DVDs. They are so much better than walking around my neighborhood when it's over 100 degrees outside. Yeah, I burn close to 500 calories walking around outside, but I burn around 400 cals walking briskly in my nice, air-conditioned living room with Leslie. I can sacrifice 100 calories, lol. (And, what's really weird is that I burn even less with the 30-day-shred... Yet, I'm mostly doing it for the toning)

    But, yeah, I definitely recommend them because they're easy to follow and 30 minutes goes by so quickly with her!
  • kkwilli
    kkwilli Posts: 2 Member
    I have used them and I like them for a change. I get really bored doing DVD exercise, but when I need to mix it up I use them. It is a good work out and I sweat, so it must be working. :)
  • sweetheart312
    sweetheart312 Posts: 26 Member
    can anyone tell me if you should intake 1400 calories a day or 1200 and replenish your exercise calories im curious?????
  • foxtatum
    foxtatum Posts: 2
    I love Leslie Sansone's videos. I own 1 thru 5 miles and I have started doing them again as my exercise program every day. She is all ways so cheerful and she cheers you on with out sounding stupid. She also says it's ok to stop when you need to and for some reason that make me do that one more mile. lol Anyway, I enjoy her, I am sure you will too. :happy:
  • My600PdLife
    My600PdLife Posts: 57 Member
    search SWAT, there's a Leslie Sansone Walk Away The Pounds Challenge going on.
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    I have these videos and they are really good. I hate doing videos, but if I have to do them these are what I use. The steps aren't overly complicated like some videos and it's very easy to follow along.
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    I have these videos and they are really good. I hate doing videos, but if I have to do them these are what I use. The steps aren't overly complicated like some videos and it's very easy to follow along.
  • mbmomof4
    mbmomof4 Posts: 172 Member
    I :heart: Leslie Sansone's DVDs!!!! The 1st one I got was the 3 mile workout, which is great because it has a segment with strength bands. The latest one I picked up was the 5 mile workout, it's unbelievable how quick it goes by!!! I was a little nervous about 5 miles, but the way she breaks it up, the workout really flies by, & they burn mega-calories!!!! And another great thing is hat if you only have time to do 1mile (usually 10-15 mins. depending on which DVD) you can pick which mile routine you like best & do it! I highly recommend these DVDS!!!!
  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    I :heart: the walk away the pounds. I have several of Leslie's workouts. They are easy to follow, and its good when the weather is too hot or too cold.
  • penipendo
    penipendo Posts: 1 Member
    I think Leslie is excellent. I've done a number of her DVD's: Walk Away the Pounds - 2mi., Walking and Weights, Stretchy Bands, Kickboxing, Pilates. They're a great, positive and healthy way to start the day and I feel energized after the walking routines. A group of people from my neighborhood get together every morning and do an exercise video together. We think Leslie's a little obsessed with sweat, but we have fun walking with her.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I think Leslie is excellent. I've done a number of her DVD's: Walk Away the Pounds - 2mi., Walking and Weights, Stretchy Bands, Kickboxing, Pilates. They're a great, positive and healthy way to start the day and I feel energized after the walking routines. A group of people from my neighborhood get together every morning and do an exercise video together. We think Leslie's a little obsessed with sweat, but we have fun walking with her.
    hahahah Yes I worked out with her tonight and I did notice the sweat discussion several times!:tongue: Very cool that you have a workout group you get together with in the neighborhood!

  • Beleau
    Beleau Posts: 143

    Completed Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home 2, 3, and 4 mile Super Walk...21-days straight workout...very effective

  • blessedtobefit
    blessedtobefit Posts: 157 Member
    I LOVE these videos....

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Actually I did one of the videos today for my afternoon workout. It is nice to be able to kick out a good workout and get the juices flowing. She is extremely motivating and the exercises are easily adjusted for a harder workout or an easier workout according to the level you are at. I have the one DVD called 5 day slim down and you can do just one mile or the whole 5 miles. Just be sure to warm up and cool down.

    Have fun and good Luck
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    I love her videos! I have a couple of dvds and LOTS of downloads from the exercisetv store. (I like the downloads for my netbook--I can go somewhere and just take that along.) I usually do at least 3 miles every day after work. I find they give me energy for the rest of the day--works better than coffee!
  • Hwooley
    Hwooley Posts: 3
    okay so i just finished doing it.. im addicted. LOVE IT! i will be doing this everyday! thanks so much everyone also i was wondering what you would put that under in the exercise the i did the 2 mile walk
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    okay so i just finished doing it.. im addicted. LOVE IT! i will be doing this everyday! thanks so much everyone also i was wondering what you would put that under in the exercise the i did the 2 mile walk

    I just put most of the videos under Walking, 3.5 mph, brisk pace (in the database). Her walks usually average out to 15 minutes per mile=4/mph, but I like to be a bit conservative when using the database in case the calorie burn number is off. I have a couple of her more intense walks and I put half the time for those under Walking, 5.0 mph and the rest at 3.5 mph (just to be safe!:wink: )
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    I do her 5 Mile walk and love it. It came with hand weights, and a couple of different types of stretchy things. I do her 5 mile one day and Sweatin to the oldies the next. Love the music on Sweatin to the oldies so much more then 5 mile walk but the walk is easier on my knee.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    P.S. Join the SWAT challenge, it just started Monday.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    Love the tips shared in this thread, in the midst of changing over gyms so pulled out her DVD's again. WOW, I'd forgotten what a fullbody workout she can give! My chest and arms are feeling it too. lol I slept great last night, best sleep in a long time, thank you Leslie!!:flowerforyou: :love: :laugh:

    Plan on doing a bit of straightening up and then go at it again with her a bit later.

    Thanks for whoever began this thread and those of you that continue to keep it going, it's appreciated!:heart:
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