Need someone to help me keep motivated !!!!

Hi my name is Angi and I live in northwestern Montana. I am looking to lose 60-70 pounds. I usually do well at first but then I lose my motivation and it just stops. I want this time to be different. I want to be able to stand on the scales and see 175!!! I want to look good in my little black dress and be able to wear heels without it killing my feet because I am too heavy!!! I want to be able to run and play with my little boys, I want to be able to go hiking and hunting with them without feeling like I am slowing everyone down. But most of all I want to feel good about ME.... I want to be proud of ME.... I want to finish something I set out to accomplish not just have it be another one of my "unfinished projects". I need people who understand this, who understand me and who can say...Hey get off your lazy butt and get moving. Stop whining and get up off the darn couch!!! LOL I know that sounds bad but I know from a lifetime of failed attempts that this is what I need and what works I guess. Thanks for listening to my rant. Thanks...Angi


  • ocalane
    ocalane Posts: 2 Member
    Oh Hey! You and I are looking to lose around the same amount and end up around the same weight^_^ I'm kinda jealous that you've lost so much already. I'm like you, I'm great at starting things but then I get sidetracked by other things. I start to make up excuses and before you know it several months have passed by with no exercising or anything. Maybe we can help each other out?
  • Hey that sounds great!!! I am going to be doing the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred...or at least attempting to get my booty up and moving to I would love a buddy that is going thru the same crap I will be facing and be willing to push me when I need it. I can be a pain and push you if ya want :-) The reason I have lost as much as I have is because I started working and just that moving has helped me drop some weight but I know that i need to make better choices and not just pick the easy way out ya know.... it's so easy when you have kids to let life sidetrack you and just put off being healthy for a quick and easy solution. But I really want to start making myself more accountable for MY choices and for MY life, and I want to start doing things for myself too, not just for my kids and family. So if your on board, let's do this!!! :-)
  • I'm adding you now. I am on everyday and would love to support each other.
  • garnet116
    garnet116 Posts: 144 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm new here.. mom as well. 30 Day Shred is awesome. I did it last year, I really should start it up again.
  • tjay53
    tjay53 Posts: 2
    Are you still out there? We are far enough apart to chat w/o concerns.
    I am attempting to loose 40 lbs. I will succeed. Can we give each other some encouragement?
  • Feel free to add me also, I am looking to make it to 165, I am at 208 and have lost 60 pounds so far. I have been doing it alone but today came here looking for help to stay motivated also. Thanks