1st Day Binge Free!

Drum roll, drum roll......

I am very proud to say that today is the first day in over a month that I have not binged!! :) If only you could see how wide my smile is! I still feel like an over-inflated balloon, however I feel as though I have achieved something. I was so tempted to buy a chocolate cookie in the Costa at my University....but I resisted! Most people would say, 'but it's only a cookie,' but what they don't know is that there are over 300 calories in one little packet and if I ate it, I would feel like I was after ruining my day food-wise and would say to myself, 'well I've messed the day up already, I might as well eat what I want and start afresh tomorrow!' Bare in mind this is what has been happening since the beginning of February!!

I have tried all the tricks out there, from brushing my teeth, to having fruit when I have a sugar craving, to eating fiber rich foods to make me feel fuller. It didn't matter what I did, nothing could stop me from binging. It is like my mind had made its decision and no matter how hard I tried to fight against it, I always failed....until today!

I really hope this will continue. I am not expecting this road to be bump free, but I would like to think that I could dodge a few of them and save myself the pain and misery of being a 'failure again.'

Day 1 down, the rest of my life to go!!


  • maggiemay22467
    maggiemay22467 Posts: 214 Member
    You did Wonderful today you should have a very big smile :)
  • goalpeace
    goalpeace Posts: 272 Member
    Congratulations!! Never forget that each day is a new day and as long as you don't give up, you will succeed! WTG!!

  • Mpol2
    Mpol2 Posts: 442 Member
    Yay you:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • jade2112
    jade2112 Posts: 272 Member
    You must be so proud of yourself. I feel proud for you. Keep it up.
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523
    Hey hun,

    The more you manage the binge-free days the easier they will get. Eventually you won't get that craving all the time for something. It's all a case of weaning the sugar addiction.

    Lots of luck and keep us posted. x
  • taylorwaylor
    taylorwaylor Posts: 417 Member
    WTG!!! Just keep resisting when you think it'll ruin your diet... Thats what i would do, and now I normally dont crave junk food(just peanut butter and veggie lol) Just dont take a second look! Pretty soon it will be a habit :)

    But im so happy for ya!
  • tqoura
    tqoura Posts: 6 Member
    Ah sugar cravings. I know those well.

    Couple of suggestions for you - things that have helped me, and may also help you.

    1. Track your mood when you are binge-eating. It's not normal behaviour. For background information try 'Overcoming Binge-Eating' by Christopher Fairburn. You may or may not relate to some of the issues described, but you sound like you would benefit from at least reading the book and trying some of the techniques out.

    2. See your doctor. Have your bloods tested, particularly for PCOS. You may have none of the other symptoms, but crazy, derailing sugar cravings were (and are) one of the big 'awooga' things for me that encouraged my GP to test me for it. If you have it, make sure you get yourself on metformin stat - it really does help!

    3. See a nutritionist and/or stop eating dairy (any dairy including cheese, yoghurt, milk), wheat, and (paradoxically) sugar. All of these trigger insulin responses in the body. If you're craving sugar, cutting it out is by far and away the best method I know of to stop those cravings dead. Trust me, the first 4-5 days will be HORRENDOUS. Stick with it. You will feel so much better if you do.
  • vanessalillian82
    vanessalillian82 Posts: 350 Member
    Hey, that's great! Go you! :)

    Yesterday I fell into the trap of eating one big cookie, then berating myself and telling myself I might as well give up. It all went downhill from there. But today is going to be my first binge-free day in a long time (probably a few weeks at least - I haven't really been counting because it's become the norm). Note that I used the affirmative language that says it is a certainty that I won't binge. There is no "hopefully" because hope is not involved when I CAN do this!

    Feel free to add me if you want the support :)
  • Cinabean
    Cinabean Posts: 44 Member
    Congratulations!! What a wonderful day for you! No advice or stories to share here, just genuinely happy for you! :)
  • musycnlyrics
    musycnlyrics Posts: 323 Member
    Day 1 and counting!
  • _Fatty2Fitty_
    _Fatty2Fitty_ Posts: 150 Member
    See the thing with me is that I dont just binge on sugary treats, it can be anything at all, bread, crackers, sweets, pasta....ANYTHING within reach!! Its horrible and I wouldnt wish it on anyone!! But thank you guys, your comments mean alot!
  • mayer178
    mayer178 Posts: 2 Member
    So happy for you!! I haven't had a binge free day in almost 2 weeks. I was doing great today until I drank a can of Coke. Normally, it would have been downhill from there. But thanks to your inspiring post, I've recorded that drink and I'm going to stay strong. Thanks!
  • _Fatty2Fitty_
    _Fatty2Fitty_ Posts: 150 Member
    Aw im glad to hear you resisted from binging!! It can be such a viscous cycle that seems impossible to break!!
  • carameldownsized
    carameldownsized Posts: 16 Member
    Wow I thought that I was the only one with this problem I don't eat a cookie everyday but its like every other day and I feel horrible.
  • _Fatty2Fitty_
    _Fatty2Fitty_ Posts: 150 Member
    hopefully It will get easier! Food has become my obsession now!
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    Excited for you Beautiful one...You can do this...I know you can..XOXO
  • novaBYnature
    The first day is the hardest, you should feel a sense of pride!
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    YaY! You! Super NSV!
    I too (sigh) binge fairly regularly.
    My way of attempting to beat it is to tell myself
    I only have to do it for one day. One day is not difficult.
    Then tomorrow I tell myself the same thing.
    And tomorrow and tomorrow.....
    Each night I give myself a pat on the back.
    Each day I gain an NSV!
    Super job on leaving the cookie. You won!
    No cookie can tell you what to do!
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672

    We're all on different days, join now! Helps keep you accountable! Day 1 today! Hopefully by the time we all make it o 50 days we'll have made some new habits in the process. It's a learning process for sure.
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