Best exercise to loose belly fat quickley ?

sp7991 Posts: 20 Member
Hi, Friends,

I am 36 yrs. Male / Height 170 CM / Waist - 37 inch/ current weight 80 Kg.

I am having overweight by 10 Kg. Most of my fat in on belly and want to remove as quick as possible to get my old waist of 30 inch. I am doing Cardio (Jogging + Walking ) for almost 45-60 Min (5 days in week)

I would appreciate if you can share / suggest best exercise for belly fat from your experience..


  • Hi, Friends,

    I am 36 yrs. Male / Height 170 CM / Waist - 37 inch/ current weight 80 Kg.

    I am having overweight by 10 Kg. Most of my fat in on belly and want to remove as quick as possible to get my old waist of 30 inch. I am doing Cardio (Jogging + Walking ) for almost 45-60 Min (5 days in week)

    I would appreciate if you can share / suggest best exercise for belly fat from your experience..

    What you're doing is great. Make sure you're not overeating and it should be off in roughly 5 months (500cal daily deficit). That may seem slow, but in all honesty that is a good sustainable amount of weight loss. I see too many people on these forums, and in real life that lose weight quick and gain it back just as fast.

    You can try cutting calories out of your daily intake, but I do not recommend that. Its best to stick with a consistent eating regiment for the rest of your life!

    Good luck man!
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    Hiking. It mixes up the walking with some strengthening. Pick a good uphill slope with large rocks if you can find one. This way you are walking uphill and using arm and stomach muscles to pull up and manuever around rocks. Hope that made sense ... :s
    Do not do curl ups! Not until you have lost most of the fat first anyhow. This simply builds muscle underneath at this point and you will get discouraged as the "tummy tire" will actually seem to be growing.
  • sp7991
    sp7991 Posts: 20 Member
    thanks. since last three months, I am sure i am not overeating. I am keeping a close track and FYI I am keeping my intake in range of 1200-1300 cal and trying to avoid all oily food stuff. I am not in hurry but want my stomach as flat as possible..
  • brandon0523
    brandon0523 Posts: 516
    Hiking. It mixes up the walking with some strengthening. Pick a good uphill slope with large rocks if you can find one. This way you are walking uphill and using arm and stomach muscles to pull up and manuever around rocks. Hope that made sense ... :s
    Do not do curl ups! Not until you have lost most of the fat first anyhow. This simply builds muscle underneath at this point and you will get discouraged as the "tummy tire" will actually seem to be growing.
    best post i have seen on mfp yet.. she is right.. fact of the matter is.. abs are made in the kitchen not the gym.. you calories are low but what are they.. cardio and great diet result in nice stomachs
  • sp7991
    sp7991 Posts: 20 Member
  • There's no way to burn fat from one specific area. Your body proportionally chooses what fat storage to use up. Just be sure you are at a caloric deficit so your body uses up the stored energy (fat); and try weight training! I always say this, but the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will need to build it and keep it, so the more calories you'll burn :)
  • sp7991
    sp7991 Posts: 20 Member
    There's no way to burn fat from one specific area. Your body proportionally chooses what fat storage to use up. Just be sure you are at a caloric deficit so your body uses up the stored energy (fat); and try weight training! I always say this, but the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will need to build it and keep it, so the more calories you'll burn :)
    I do agree with you that's why I am asking anyone have experience or suggestions ?
  • sp7991
    sp7991 Posts: 20 Member
    Hiking. It mixes up the walking with some strengthening. Pick a good uphill slope with large rocks if you can find one. This way you are walking uphill and using arm and stomach muscles to pull up and manuever around rocks. Hope that made sense ... :s
    Do not do curl ups! Not until you have lost most of the fat first anyhow. This simply builds muscle underneath at this point and you will get discouraged as the "tummy tire" will actually seem to be growing.
    best post i have seen on mfp yet.. she is right.. fact of the matter is.. abs are made in the kitchen not the gym.. you calories are low but what are they.. cardio and great diet result in nice stomachs
    I was having bad eating practice and I realized till I was overweight by 20 Kg. and immediately I started exercise and limited the foods. I lost 9 Kg. in 2.5 Month and want to reduce another 9-10 Kg...want to more focus on waist..and belly...
  • tiggerhammon
    tiggerhammon Posts: 2,211 Member
    If you are limiting yourself on calories to 1200 a day then you want to be sure you are not limiting your carbs too much as this is where you are going to get most of your sustaining energy. Eat good fats such as nuts and avocados. Nuts and avocados are high in calories and fat but they are just the right kind of fat. By eating these your body will let the other fat go as it does not feel the need to hold onto it.
    Drink tons of water. The more the better. Take your weight and divide it by two, this number is the minimum of ounces of water you should be drinking a day.
  • sp7991
    sp7991 Posts: 20 Member
    If you are limiting yourself on calories to 1200 a day then you want to be sure you are not limiting your carbs too much as this is where you are going to get most of your sustaining energy. Eat good fats such as nuts and avocados. Nuts and avocados are high in calories and fat but they are just the right kind of fat. By eating these your body will let the other fat go as it does not feel the need to hold onto it.
    Drink tons of water. The more the better. Take your weight and divide it by two, this number is the minimum of ounces of water you should be drinking a day.
    Noted. I think I am taking more water. my daily water intake is almost 3-4 LTR.
  • EmmieCar86
    EmmieCar86 Posts: 83 Member
    This has been the one problem area I have always wanted to tone up. I too have been tryin for probably two years and haven't really listened to advice. I in the past two months have lost almost two inches in my waist. I completely follow my MFP calorie tracker. I exercised six days a week, sometimes five, and I also add some weights front loaded because it works the core more! This is the first time I've had results that I'm happy about! Try some weight training and keep eating healthy! You'll get there!!
  • I really do believe that you first need to address your caloric consumption - as in, you need to ensure that your caloric intake is adequate for how much you weigh and your current lean body mass (i.e. how much of you is not body fat). 1200-1300 calories is far too low in my opinion (for reference, my wife is also trying to lose weight and is 5'2" and her daily consumption is in this range). And don't necessarily trust those who say that you need to reduce your caloric consumption by 500 kCal daily to see results. The exact deficit will be dependent on what your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is currently. After you've calculated that, your percent caloric deficit should be no more than 20% of your TDEE.

    And as another poster said, please, please, please, ensure that you're consuming foods from each of the three macronutrient groups in adequate amounts. You don't have to be a bodybuilder to be worried about how many grams of protein, carbohydrates and fats you're consuming. A good starting place is 40% carbohydrates, 20% fat, 20% protein, but there are calculations that can be done to ensure that you're consuming an adequate amount amount of protein for your lean body mass, enough fat to sustain healthy hormone production, and carbohydrates to keep you sane and keep your brain (which uses them primarily as fuel) properly working. Please send me a message on here and I can work with you to determine exactly what your daily caloric intake should be and how much of each macronutrient you should be getting. I've had a lot of experience with this myself and am happy to help.

    Keep in mind that if your caloric deficit is too big, your body can start to go into starvation mode. It begins to match its daily expenditure to the limited amount of calories it's receiving on a daily basis. What's more, it actually begins to hold onto what fat you have as this represents the single most dense reserve of energy in your body.

    As others have said, site-specific (i.e. lower abs, inner thighs, lower back) reduction of bodyfat is not possible. You need to eat at the proper caloric value first. Then we can talk more about what types of cardio (and in what amounts) do the best job at helping you lose weight.

    Please message me when you get a chance.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    if you want to lose belly fat then you just have to eat less and start losing weight/body fat %.

    No one exercise is going to do that. As you get leander your abs will start to show, you just have to melt off the layer of fat that is there.

    Everyone is different, but once you bet down to sub 13% body fat then they will start to show...but for some people they may not "pop' as much as someone else. At that point you can start training your abs with sit ups, crunches, planks, some ply0 work, decline crunches, twists,etc.

    compound lifts are also great for abs as are pull ups and chin ups...

    For right now i would say you would benefit from three day a week total body work out where you hit legs/arms/back/shoulders and then hit cardio two to three times a week...

    good luck....
  • sp7991
    sp7991 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks for the reply. I have added you as my friend so you can access my food diary. Please fill free to ask if you have suggestions. I would happy if you can give more inputs.
    I really do believe that you first need to address your caloric consumption - as in, you need to ensure that your caloric intake is adequate for how much you weigh and your current lean body mass (i.e. how much of you is not body fat). 1200-1300 calories is far too low in my opinion (for reference, my wife is also trying to lose weight and is 5'2" and her daily consumption is in this range). And don't necessarily trust those who say that you need to reduce your caloric consumption by 500 kCal daily to see results. The exact deficit will be dependent on what your total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) is currently. After you've calculated that, your percent caloric deficit should be no more than 20% of your TDEE.

    And as another poster said, please, please, please, ensure that you're consuming foods from each of the three macronutrient groups in adequate amounts. You don't have to be a bodybuilder to be worried about how many grams of protein, carbohydrates and fats you're consuming. A good starting place is 40% carbohydrates, 20% fat, 20% protein, but there are calculations that can be done to ensure that you're consuming an adequate amount amount of protein for your lean body mass, enough fat to sustain healthy hormone production, and carbohydrates to keep you sane and keep your brain (which uses them primarily as fuel) properly working. Please send me a message on here and I can work with you to determine exactly what your daily caloric intake should be and how much of each macronutrient you should be getting. I've had a lot of experience with this myself and am happy to help.

    Keep in mind that if your caloric deficit is too big, your body can start to go into starvation mode. It begins to match its daily expenditure to the limited amount of calories it's receiving on a daily basis. What's more, it actually begins to hold onto what fat you have as this represents the single most dense reserve of energy in your body.

    As others have said, site-specific (i.e. lower abs, inner thighs, lower back) reduction of bodyfat is not possible. You need to eat at the proper caloric value first. Then we can talk more about what types of cardio (and in what amounts) do the best job at helping you lose weight.

    Please message me when you get a chance.
  • sp7991
    sp7991 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks friend.
    if you want to lose belly fat then you just have to eat less and start losing weight/body fat %.

    No one exercise is going to do that. As you get leander your abs will start to show, you just have to melt off the layer of fat that is there.

    Everyone is different, but once you bet down to sub 13% body fat then they will start to show...but for some people they may not "pop' as much as someone else. At that point you can start training your abs with sit ups, crunches, planks, some ply0 work, decline crunches, twists,etc.

    compound lifts are also great for abs as are pull ups and chin ups...

    For right now i would say you would benefit from three day a week total body work out where you hit legs/arms/back/shoulders and then hit cardio two to three times a week...

    good luck....
  • Brad805
    Brad805 Posts: 289 Member
    Time, a good nutrition plan and lifting work the best. Losing weight too fast generally leads to more muscle loss. That may seem great since the scale goes down, but you end up flabbier once you get to your goal. Frankly, your current nutrition plan sounds awful and I think you are focusing on the scale dropping quickly more than you should. I bet your energy levels, mood and cravings are pretty hard to deal with at 1200cal. I also suggest you increase your daily calorie goal and slow down a little.