Have you had a really really bad day with your calories?



  • wnbrice
    wnbrice Posts: 244 Member
    I find that on the days where I really felt like I binged, most of the time that was still under my maintenance.

    So for example I had a cinnabon the otherday. I went from a 1000 calories exercise deficit to nothing.

    Still below maintenance, even without exercise so no problems there.

    It just amazes me how much food I would have to eat to maintain right now. Which tells you how much I was eating before
  • Cynthia88522
    Cynthia88522 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been losing the battle to binge eating HARDCORE lately. The evenings are the worst. Take yesterday for example. I did well all day until dinner. I had 7 points left (I'm a WW member too) to spend on dinner. I ate a 6 pt protein bar to start, then a 6 pt frozen smart ones meal (I'm in a Ph.D. program working on a huge paper and I need shortcuts on occasion!). That really should have been enough for a normal person. Did I stop there? No!!! I was stressed about my paper so I went to McDonald's and got an M&M shake, THEN I went to Burger King and ordered the loaded tater tots. Then I found a jar of vanilla frosting and proceeded to eat probably one fourth of the brand new jar. SERIOUSLY!? WHAT AM I DOING!? That's honestly not my worst binge either :( Ughhh. I never thought I would discuss these binges with anyone but I saw your post and felt that someone out there can relate. We can help each other. Admitting it will get me one step closer to solving my problem. I know it's not a physical hunger. It's a psychological issue. I'm stressed and overwhelmed with so many things in my life that I am losing control. Does anyone else struggle with this??
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Yesterday I had a pretty bad day. It's over. One bad day a month is not going to change much (just like only one good day a month probably wouldn't change much!) Forget it and move on.
  • sunnyside1213
    sunnyside1213 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I was double my calories yesterday. No wonder I gained weight.
  • Bakkasan
    Bakkasan Posts: 1,027 Member
    Oh yes, and today will be one of them.

    And just because you ate double your calories on one day, you didn't gain weight. You are carrying extra physical food bulk.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Yes folks it is not about one day. Losing and maintaining is about a lifetime.
    If you want to lose weight for a day, schedule a colonoscopy.
    Otherwise, stick with the program. Drawing outside the lines is allowed, encouraged
    provided you come back to your program that works for you.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    I ate two days worth of calories in one day earlier this week. I could have done even more damage if I hadn't stopped to log my food. I was not feeling full or satisfied when I quit for the night.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    Imagine it's a train journey - if the train is late to one station, does it go back to the beginning of the line and start again Monday?!

    Off topic:

    But I rely on public transportation and yes, sometimes when trains/buses are running very behind, they just give up and start up again the next day. They only seem to be on schedule first thing in the mornings.

    Your body is much better at moving ahead than the train schedules. Just keep going! Two steps forward and one step back is still a step ahead of where you started!
  • stephurban
    stephurban Posts: 30 Member
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Ate about 7000 calories on Wednesday. Just shrugged it off and went on my way. Over thinking is the worse thing you can do. Enjoy life and realize that yesterday is the past and your onto the next day already.
  • PosterPens
    PosterPens Posts: 172 Member
    i ate 1,151 cals in SNACKS yesterday. today, im a 1lb up on the scale. BUT thank god yesterday is over cause today is a new day. love this post!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    It's taken numerous attempts at losing weight for me to FINALLY learn that what I'm doing needs to be sustainable. There ARE going to be days where we will go WAY over on calories - whether it's because something pops up or we just slip. If it happens, we need to just keep going. I hate to say "hop back on" at the next meal because the implication is that I'm off the train. Just keep on keeping on. 2100 extra calories averaged over a month is only 70 per day. But for a temporary sodium/carb/sugar bloat, it shouldn't affect your weight in the long term if you don't do it consistently.

    Hang in there and don't beat yourself up!
  • MightyMe01
    MightyMe01 Posts: 29 Member
    Not at all, don;t feel guilty about it. I met a freind at the bar yesterday, although i had a vegie wrap for lunch, the 3 craft beers and tequila sent me way over. So i am up early to play some racquetball. it happens as they say.

    Haha. Wine and h'orderves were my downfall last night at my cousin's engagement party (I'm telling everyone! I'm so proud!). I don't think I even logged it in and it felt like cheating. Hate that feeling. I'm doing pretty good today and have already burned most of my daily goal. One day at a time.
  • MightyMe01
    MightyMe01 Posts: 29 Member
    I've been losing the battle to binge eating HARDCORE lately. The evenings are the worst. Take yesterday for example. I did well all day until dinner. I had 7 points left (I'm a WW member too) to spend on dinner. I ate a 6 pt protein bar to start, then a 6 pt frozen smart ones meal (I'm in a Ph.D. program working on a huge paper and I need shortcuts on occasion!). That really should have been enough for a normal person. Did I stop there? No!!! I was stressed about my paper so I went to McDonald's and got an M&M shake, THEN I went to Burger King and ordered the loaded tater tots. Then I found a jar of vanilla frosting and proceeded to eat probably one fourth of the brand new jar. SERIOUSLY!? WHAT AM I DOING!? That's honestly not my worst binge either :( Ughhh. I never thought I would discuss these binges with anyone but I saw your post and felt that someone out there can relate. We can help each other. Admitting it will get me one step closer to solving my problem. I know it's not a physical hunger. It's a psychological issue. I'm stressed and overwhelmed with so many things in my life that I am losing control. Does anyone else struggle with this??

    I did something quite similar the night I ate the ribs. Along with the ribs, I ate two portions of steak fries and steamed veggies. After that, I ate two ice cream sandwiches made from chocolate chip cookies and Turkey Hill ice cream. Sometimes I just want the sugar.
  • MightyMe01
    MightyMe01 Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks so much for replying, everyone! I just have to keep remembering: This is a lifestyle, not a quick-fix! You all are inspiring!
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Story of my life. Never under calories.
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I go over a day or two a week, usually by 100-200. Once in a blue moon I go 500+ over. But most of the time I'm at or under my daily goal. As long as I'm doing it right *most of the time*, I'm happy. :happy:
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Imagine it's a train journey - if the train is late to one station, does it go back to the beginning of the line and start again Monday?!

    This sentence was a light bulb over my head. So simple. So to-the-point. So true.

    Thank you so much for the motivation! I'll remember this while I'm out today!

    Potato scones sound dreamy. ;)

    Quite possibly the best quote I have read on this site!

    Love this Quote! Reposting for my other friends struggling on those days.

    Love this quote too!!! Gotta post it for my friends!! :happy:
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    Yesterday when I got done work I was about 190 calories under my limit which was great but I was a bit hungry. I get home and find that everyone had ribs and fries for dinner and there were cookies and ice cream for desert. So I had what was left of the ribs and the fries. The ribs themselves sent me like 2,000 calories OVER my limit. I'm not shocked. I don't really know how I feel about it at the moment. They were some damn good ribs and fries. After that, I ate two (ugh TWO!) chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches. Lots of sugar. Lots of calories.

    Of course I felt disappointed, but I rationalized that I would be walking around the city today with a friend for about 5 hours and in that time, I would most likely work it off. Is this crazy to think like this? Has anyone else ever done this freaking badly in just one day? How do you not beat yourself up over it?

    Ehh. It's one day........forget about it and do better tomorrow.

    That said I think you went a bit overboard......2200 cals of ribs/fries is still a decent amount.......And two ice cream sandwiches? one wasn't enough? It's cool to indulge sometimes but why not use some portion control and still enjoy the foods you enjoy?

    M.F.P. Hottest Person/M.F.P. Most awesome person
    Ice cream afficionado
    "Winning" Certified Instructor
    > 1 Year Consecutive Logging
    Been in gifs for 2 years and have studied custom gif creation
  • I feel like a bottomless pit today. I am logging everything so that I can see how bad it really is. I try and limit myself to this once a week, usually on a Friday or Saturday because I weigh in on Fridays, but for some reason I am having a hard time resisting temptation today. I know it will be okay. I refuse to let it derail me. I am looking forward to torching some calories when I get home!