Too Fat to get on rides with kids at amusement park



  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Nevermind previous comment. Might have been interpreted the wrong way.

    Curls, you lost 9 pounds.

    You will lose another 9.

    If you choose to, you shall lose yet another nine.

    And when you can ride in any @#$! ride you want, you'll look back on these days and be proud that you made a choice, every minute of every day, even when it felt hard and hurtful and sad and miserable, that made you happy in the end. Keep up the great work.
  • littlecompton
    I have been AWOL from MFP for a few weeks. Started so motivated and fell off the wagon, rolled down a hill and landed in a pile of mud....pie.

    But, I am back. This time more cautious though. I have to be prepared for the set-backs, the "human moments".

    Your post about the amusement park is the first one I'm replying to since being back. Doesn't it stink to want so bad to be a part of everything our kids and friends and family do, but the extra weight steals some of those moments away from us. I know the worry about trying to fit on rides (fortunately my husband is also a 'never a fat day in his life' kind of guy so he can do the things I can't). Have you ever gotten on an elevator and tried to quickly add up the weight of the people already on it before getting on? I always wonder if I'll be responsible for the thing crashing - and sometimes feel the other people on the elevator are thinking the same thing. And as for the horseback riding - been there too. Or, rather avoided going even though I wanted to because I didn't want to hurt the horse, or be told I couldn't go by the employees.

    This past weekend we had a birthday party for our son. I just looked at the pictures. At first glance I was truly mortified. How had I become this huge thing? But I saw something in one picture. It was a small smile on my face and it reminded me of who I once was, and who I still am INSIDE. I am really struggling with why I gained so much, and why I seem to prevent myself from losing it. But I know I have to find a way to let that girl out, the girl with the smile. I hope I can do it this time and I wish every single person on this site the strength and faith and motivation to never give up so that one day they can introduce the beautiful outside of themselves with the beauty that already exists inside them.
  • pixiestick
    pixiestick Posts: 839 Member
    Hang in there, not just so you can have fun next time you go to six flags, but because you want to be there for your kids when they graduate highschool and get married and have kids of their own. Because you want to inspire your grandchildren to lead healthy lifestyles and you want to be able to take them to six flags.

    Hang in there.
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I've totally been there!!!! I didn't go to any amusement parks last for that EXACT reason. So far this year though I've lost over 50 lbs and I think If I can shave off 10-15 more this year I can treat my kids to a trip to the park and actually go on the rides with them.

    Good luck with your weight loss journey!
  • Jamie_W
    Jamie_W Posts: 157 Member
    I too have been away from MFP for awhile and this too is my first post since being back.

    The thing that caught my attention most was you have experienced some of my most hidden fears! My children are 11 and 8 and I have NEVER taken them to Kings Island or any other amusement park because I know I am to big to fit. I weight almost 300 lbs and the only time it hurts is when I think about it so I try not to. - NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!! I used to travel and do training for work, usually by driving well once the company flew me to FL, first time I have been on a plane since I was 14. Well, 13 yrs and 100lbs later I had the flight attendant ask if I needed an extension - I humbly agreed (because yes safety is important) HATED IT! Of course the rest of the people on the plane couldn't have cared less but to me it STUCK, you know like everything I have ever eaten has STUCK to me as well.

    Anyway here I am not thinking about it still 3 years later and probally another 30lbs heavier. This has got to stop. I am tired of neglecting my children because I can't do something. I always said I would starve my kids before I let them get fat - sometimes I wish I would have followed my own advice (not really) that is my daughter in the pisture with me - it was taken a year agao when I was doing P90 and I lost 20+ lbs. I let life get in my way and let excuses pile up - Well Lord willing I can make it this time. Someone has to take care of me - I am MOM and my kids are only getting older. My husband starting working out about 3 wks ago (again) and has faithfully excersized everynight, except rest days. Know what I do, sit on the couch and read, or I leave the room so I done have to watch and kick my self for not getting up and doing it. I really do enjoy the workouts so I have no idea why I haven't started again. Maybe this post is only the begining...

    Not sure I have accomplished the motivation I set out to give but if nothing else PLEASE don't give up. Tell yourself you are worth it and keep on pushing play! Don't let your mistakes and weaknesses get passed on to your kids (if you have any) cuz I think the hardest part is knowing they are doing if because you didn't teach them any better. Knowing it is your fault they struggle or don't get to enjoy the 'normal' things in life, like amusement parks.
  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    (((((((hugs)))))) This is a huge fear of mine right now too. I really want to take my little boy to Disney some time in the next year or two... and I am convinced that if I don't lose weight I won't fit into the rides. Last time I was there I was at least 50 pounds smaller (and had no trouble), but, well... not this time. I haven't had the problem of not fitting into a booth yet but some have been tight! Well, I did have that problem once but since I was 9 months pregnant at the time I could justify that one without feeling too bad. :) Hmmm.... depending on life circumstances that Disney trip just may have to be one of my rewards along the way...
  • Jamie_W
    Jamie_W Posts: 157 Member
    Melody - I agree! Making the family vacation a goal very well could be the motivation you need to get started and then to keep going!

    I actually sent KI and email one day asking if they had a weight limit - their response was ' due to differences in the size of people we recommend you 'try a seat' before waiting in line for long period of time' - Can you believe that?! I used to go as a child/teen and I could never be the lady that walks up the exit ramp and 'trys it out' only to find out I couldn't fit, I just assume not go (which i haven't)

    Here's to getting our life back ******* :flowerforyou: :wink:
  • hulkj
    hulkj Posts: 218
    This happened to me and I was with my son! I know how you feel! Honestly, it is one of the things that set me in motion to lose! My starting weight was 298. I'm down to 259 right now. It doesn't seem like much, but a lot came off my butt! LOL I can sit where I want to these days and I still have a lot more weight to come off! Don't give up, let that pain be your motivator every time you want to eat something you shouldn't or when you don't want to exercise! Don't give up!!:happy:
  • hulkj
    hulkj Posts: 218
    I lost a lot before coming to this site and this site really helps me, especially when I need a good jump start, like now!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I guess I will see how I compare to a year and a half ago. My cousin just text me and told me they are coming down next week and want to go to Six Flags on Monday. GEEZE!!