Friends who eat more foods!

dinomomma Posts: 264 Member
I'd love some more friends who eat based on tdee! If you net low dont bother and I don't want to hear comments from why they eat low and net low :D


  • I eat above my BMR and just under my TDEE, in an effort to lose slowly. Eventually I'll be maintaining. Feel free to add me :)
  • crazycleo
    crazycleo Posts: 36
    I eat under my TDEE by about 20-25%, it's not always easy! Feel free to add me!!
  • Dakryn
    Dakryn Posts: 155 Member
    I also eat based on took me two and a half months to figure it out, but now its working for me... and oh boy i get to eat...i have a hard time eating that much, but i try really hard to meet my calories...
  • Grognit
    Grognit Posts: 50
    I sent a request. I eat my tdee minues 15% (am set for 1600 a day here). Love my food and my "extras" and would hate to lose them :)
  • offthedeependay
    offthedeependay Posts: 435 Member
    I eat 1950 a day,log every day 440 days now or around there,,open diary,dont eat much fast food ,cook most of my own meals,,,took me 16-17 months to reach my goal,now working out,lifting wieghts ,gainning muscle and lowering bf%,,add me i you like
  • aeg176
    aeg176 Posts: 171 Member
    I eat around 2000 (about 20%my TDEE) a day right now..on daily! anyone please feel free to add me
  • XtyAnn17
    XtyAnn17 Posts: 632 Member
    I eat TDEE-30% once im under 200 ill switch to -20%
  • I eat around 1800 kcals a day. Feel free to add me...
  • boomdistraction
    boomdistraction Posts: 10 Member
    I eat around 1600-2000 per day (depending on my activity). Feel free to add me! I love to eat.
  • dinomomma
    dinomomma Posts: 264 Member
    Great, added you guys :D
  • ammirola
    ammirola Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to this app..well I signed up last year and never used it. I was happy to see this post at the top bc I like to see people who like to eat and eat according to TDEE!
  • MissSifaka
    MissSifaka Posts: 25 Member
    Hello Hello, I eat at 10-15% cut.
  • dinomomma
    dinomomma Posts: 264 Member
    Food FTW
  • bombedpop
    bombedpop Posts: 2,210 Member
    Food FTW

    exactly :)