How do I get my motivation back??!!!



  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
    How ? You already know that, you lost 40 pounds. Start over right now. Do it for you and your children. You don't have to do intensive workouts. Just watch the calories and take a walk around the neighborhood with your children. Good luck to you.

    You are absolutely right!
  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
    I apologize in advance if what I say offends you but I am going to speak a little tough love. There is nothing anyone else can tell you and it is not really about motivation. To think about that is a waste of time. It's all about action. Doing. Decide what you want and what you believe is right and JUST DO IT! Like Nike says.

    Don't make it more complicated than it needs to be.

  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    ((niqua215))! C'mon. Let's go work out!!
  • giastu
    giastu Posts: 6
    I need help!! How do I get my motivation to lose weight back? I was doing so well with MFP. Managed to lose 40 lbs but I have so much more to lose. I have a hectic schedule that includes work, school and three toddlers. Stress, stress and more stress! I'm alway so tired and keep putting off my workouts. I'll do it tomorrow, that seems to be my new norm. I"ve managed to gain some weight back but I don't want all my hard work to go down the drain. I can now admit that I have a food addiction, especially to sweets. And it seems that I've turned into an emotional eater. Man how do I start over? Where do I start? What do I eat and how much? Sigh..................HELP!!!!!

    This was me after a horrible flu, I was off my routine for 10 days and it was so hard to get back at it. I took each day and did a little at a time and worked back up and now I'm back on track. Don't look at it as, I have to workout for 30 minutes. Do 10 or 15 and the next day do 15 or 20 and so on. You will get there. If you're watching a tv show, jump up and do a quick burst of exercise at every commercial, with all the commercials these days, you'll get a good mini workout in! :) As for the sweets, ALLOW yourself a splurge, if you do not, you're going to crave them all the time. Look for low calorie sweet treats and enjoy! Just enjoy in moderation. You'll get there! Hang in there and congratulations on the weight loss, that is an awesome achievement! :)
  • dannybell58
    think about your kids and your health .if you dont start now and eat right you will never see your grandkids or maybe your on kids grow up . I know this is not what you want to here but this is what I had to do.take one day at a time and do your very better that you can do..when you eat to much foods dont let this stop you just start again and again you will get though just keep it up and I know you can. sign by a friend dANNY58 . go for it i know you can .
  • sPaRkLiNgLYFE
    trying on something cute at a store fitting room, and hating how i look in it always motivates me.
  • monkeymegan
    Without sounding like an ad... My determination didn't click until I started reading "Lose it fast, Lose it forever" by Pete Thomas. He was a contestant on the biggest loser and has kept his weight in check for over 7 years. As a self-admitted over-eater, the way he writes is directed towards people that have difficult relationships with food. And he speaks very plainly. It was easier for me to accept his advice than that of a fitness guru that has always been thin and doesn't understand food addiction issues.

    My motivation came when I realized my own self-destructive behavior and knew that only I could do something about it. I also moved my attitude from "this is a diet" to "this is a permanent lifestyle change."

    You've got to set aside time for yourself. It is not selfish. Your kids need you. They need you to be healthy. Don't pencil in your workouts, make them a priority. Be very purposeful about your food shopping and your meal planning.
  • Hleaver
    Hleaver Posts: 15 Member
    Motivation is the hardest part. I just lost 40 pounds and have another 60 to go. For me i find that if I weigh myself everyday and put into fitness pal my diet everyday I make myself accountable for I have done the day before. I have been up and down a lot but only by a pound or two. I have found this time that losing a pound is much easier than losing 5 or 10 if i have a bad week. It also helps me to have someone that encourages me everyday, and for me it is the people i work with, they are my cheerleaders I also talk with my sister and we try to motivate each other. You are a very attractive girl just remember that your life depends on the choices you make. Good luck and if I can be a supporter for you let me know ...Howard
  • Brownsbacker4evr
    Brownsbacker4evr Posts: 365 Member
    Yeah. I faced a similar situation in the way that I just lost motivation and kept skipping workouts when I told myself to go. There is really only one true way when you don't wanna go....just drag yourself to your workouts and get going.

    I tell everyone, with me, it's like: When you don't do it for so long, you don't wanna do it, but once you start doing it, you don't wanna stop your routine.
  • lightdiva1
    lightdiva1 Posts: 935 Member
    I lose my motivation once a month. I just push on. I give myself a break and cut myself some slack, but I keep going. Having children is draining, (I have 2 of my own, and babysit 2) I have no energy to work out. So I don't do aerobics. I do strength training instead. I have only lost 32 pounds and have 140ish more to lose. I do wall push ups, squats, lift my 3 year old daughter in the air for 15 reps. (She weighs about 38 pounds) I dance while doing the dishes, or do squats, or knee lifts. Every little bit counts. Each day I can push myself to do 10 wall push ups an hour. By 4pm my arms want to fall off, I push on. I let myself have pizza (my favorite food) once every two weeks or so, I just make room in my day for it.

    You have to decide to make it a lifestyle, not a diet. This means you will live like this the rest of your life, not just until you lose the weight. I will eat pizza, and cake, and pudding, and gravy. I will just do it in much smaller portions, and not everyday. I will get to where I can do 10 real push ups on the the ground correctly. I will do them everyday. I will keep pushing, everyday, even when I am tired.

    I find it helps me a lot to get my children and husband involved. "Count Mommy's push ups, do the squats with me, help me cook and make our salad. dance party!" I have gotten used to logging everything I eat, and I make no excuses for what I eat. I decided to put that in my mouth. No sense in denying it. Lets work it off.

    Some people like to do cardio, I hate it. Maybe your like me maybe not. Find what you like, or can tolerate and learn to like.

    I used to be a dancer... a million years ago. Now I am old, and fat. Well, my goal is to get into enough shape so I can start taking adult classes. I can see me at 145ish pounds in a ballet class and that motivates me to get on keeping on.
  • China170
    China170 Posts: 6 Member
    Focus on you and getting healthy for your kids
  • niqua215
    niqua215 Posts: 283 Member
    Thanks everyone! I've been doing 30 Day shred all week. Got my motivation back!
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    Thanks everyone! I've been doing 30 Day shred all week. Got my motivation back!

    You go girl!! :flowerforyou: