Anyone using

Elizabeth_King21 Posts: 20 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I'm thinking of possibly trying her program, but wanted to know how satisfied others are with it first. Anyone using it- what do you think about it and is it worth it??


  • caitlin15
    caitlin15 Posts: 28
    Hey there!

    I am doing her 30 Day Shred DVD, and it's been very challenging. You work out for 20 minutes doing cardio and strength circuits. I can already see changes in me. A lot of people just add it into their routines for the week.

    Check it out!
  • Elizabeth_King21
    Elizabeth_King21 Posts: 20 Member
    I've heard of people getting into financial problems on other programs because after the first term the initial price goes up. with does it stay at the $4/week rate even after the first 13 weeks?
  • thes1050
    thes1050 Posts: 1
    Ok, I am not using her program, but lately I have been about all things Jillian Michaels. I feel like the MFP program does a lot of the same things hers does, but it's free instead of being charged. Also, you can immerse yourself in her world if you go to Itunes and download the podcasts from her former radio show in Los Angeles. There are about 2 yrs worth of shows and the information is really helps to hear her say it as oppposed to reading it on her site. Plus w/her new tv show on there seems to be no shortage of her in the media. I am a big fan of hers and really believe what she is saying...even switching to mostly organics because of her advice. So, bottom line you may want to explore some of the other ways to get her info if you don't want to pay for the sight. Good Luck!
  • danizell
    danizell Posts: 9
    I really want to try it however, I signed up for the Biggest Loser Club, that costs $$ then found MFP for free. I agree that they seem to be similar however, Jillian's send you tons of informational and motivational emails. Not sure what to do at this point. Going to check out Itunes now. Thanks for the info thes1050!
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