Food, exercise, and depression

wannalive Posts: 14
edited September 21 in Motivation and Support
I think the main reason I have a habit of over-eating is depression. Somehow I just don't have enough "feel-good" chemicals in my body/brain and I spend a lot of time everyday just trying to feel better, through food, entertainment, etc.

Now I'm trying to use exercise instead, to get some endorphins flowing, but it's not working! I just feel tired and grumpy after exercising.

What do I do?

(I'm on anti-depressants but they only help a little.)


  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I have been fighting this battle forever. I am on anti anxiety and anti depressant meds. I've gained weight not only through pregnancy, but also due to the meds.
    Exercise for me is crucial....I find it helps for a short time. So, what I do is spread it out through the day. I'll do 20 minutes here, 10 minutes there...etc.
    Also, I've found that eating less sugar and starch and caffeine has helped immensely.
    Drugs do a little, exercise will help a little....and you have to find something that works for you. When I have any emotion, I eat. And then I feel like it gets frustrating and there are better days than others.
    Boy I'm long winded! Every little bit helps, especially if you can find a buddy to push you through....and if you start to lose some weight, that puts a bounce in your step too.
    Hope some of this made sense...
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    Keep exercising! It really helps eventually.

    Walking with your favorite tunes is Heavenly :flowerforyou:
  • mamitc01
    mamitc01 Posts: 43
    Try a few different kinds of exercise to see which one fits best! A good friend of mine has a similar problem and she just started Zumba classes and I've noticed a positive change in her mood with taking that class as opposed to doing the elliptical or something... Good luck, the key is finding that thing that is a good and healthy distraction!
  • maddox22
    maddox22 Posts: 91
    What kind of exercise are you doing? I've found that the trick to making exercise actually make me feel good is to pick something that I like. It doesn't necessarily have to be something that is fun, but something that makes you feel good in some way. For example, I don't find lifting weights particularly FUN, but I do like how bad-*kitten* I feel when I'm lifting. Makes me feel powerful and in control.

    Also, make sure you are eating enough before and after you exercise. Don't go overboard, but definitely eat something small before and after. Low blood sugar can make people grumpy.

    If you can, try to get at least some of your exercise outside--the gym can get REALLY boring, and that makes it so hard to get motivated. Take a walk in the park or around the block, go for a hike, anything that's not just walking on the treadmill or riding a stationary bike. Try going with a friend or a dog.

    Also, give it time. If you've just started exercising, you may not have the endorphins etc. right away. Keep it up for a while, though, and you'll start to miss it if you don't do it. When I started running, I totally thought all of those "runner's high" people were psycho--but now I get it. Took a while for me to get there, though. Try to view each small step as an accomplishment.

    If all else fails, try distraction--sometimes when I'm just not in the mood at all to exercise, I just have to turn on the TV and watch it while I work out, or read a book on the treadmill or something. Anything to take my mind off the exercise :-)

    See if you can find ways to incorporate motion into things you already do to make yourself feel better. For example, if you like to watch movies, try watching them standing up instead of sitting down. Walk around the room or march in place while you watch. Even try doing leg lifts or lifting light weights (use soup cans or bottled water if you don't have actual weights) while you watch. Walk around while you talk on the telephone. If it's shopping you like, make an extra lap or two around the store before you leave. Even if eating is what helps you--try cooking something instead of eating something packaged. Taking the time to actually make something yourself can be good in a lot of ways: the motion burns a few calories, the time helps you decide if you really want it, and the attention helps you realize how important and valuable food is.
  • kelly_a
    kelly_a Posts: 2,010 Member
    I have been fighting this battle forever. I am on anti anxiety and anti depressant meds. I've gained weight not only through pregnancy, but also due to the meds.
    Exercise for me is crucial....I find it helps for a short time. So, what I do is spread it out through the day. I'll do 20 minutes here, 10 minutes there...etc.
    Also, I've found that eating less sugar and starch and caffeine has helped immensely.
    Drugs do a little, exercise will help a little....and you have to find something that works for you. When I have any emotion, I eat. And then I feel like it gets frustrating and there are better days than others.
    Boy I'm long winded! Every little bit helps, especially if you can find a buddy to push you through....and if you start to lose some weight, that puts a bounce in your step too.
    Hope some of this made sense...

    wow, are you my twin? this is me word for word! that depression funk can really get me down...days, weeks, even months. and I have no idea when it is going to consume me. a few yrs ago I made a CD of my fav music...all up beat and songs I danced to in my late teens and 20's. I listen to it when I am dusting, doing dishes, cleaning my desk...or anytime I want to groove! It gets me peppier for my entire day. and yes, consistent exercise is a must for me. good luck and just keep'll find something!
  • scotty_81
    scotty_81 Posts: 59
    I found that I was tired and grumpy when I first started exercising. It took a couple of weeks for my body to get used to it. I also get it occasionally when I push myself. I hope you find a way around it.
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    Talk to your doc to up/change your meds!
    It's not something that you want to mess with.
    Mental health issues need to be talked to with your doc!
    Good luck! And I hope you find what works for you!
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