Help With Calculations Please!!!

I was wondering if anyone is able to help me with some calculations. I have been reading the posts on TDEE and BMR etc etc and basiclaly my head is spinning with all the figures and trying to work out what calories I should be eating and so on. I am not mathematically minded and as soon as I start reading these posts explaining what I should calculate, my brain goes into shutdown! Is anyone out there that understands what they are doing able to do the calculations for me and tell me what calories I should be eating each day? I am 170cm and weigh 65kg at the moment. My job is a junior primary teacher so I am not sitting at a desk all day, but it is not that strenuous either. I exercise pretty well every day - in a week I would always do a 1.5 hour yoga class, 2 dance classes (approx 1.5 hours each), a 5km run, 2x 45 min weight sessions, and I would also aim for a 30 min interval running session as well. I am hoping to lose 2-3 kg in the next 10-12 weeks.

If anyone out there is able to talk to me like I am 6 years old and explain what I should be doing with my calorie intake, that would be great - thank you so much!


  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The best way to calculate your TDEE is actually your own results.

    What have your average gross calories and weight loss been for the last 8 weeks? Has your activity level stayed more or less the same over that period?
  • PiperGabrielle
    PiperGabrielle Posts: 31 Member
    these websites might help you.
    BMI calculator=
    Calorie Calculator(TDEE)=
  • Thunderfan66
    Thunderfan66 Posts: 105 Member
    The best way to calculate your TDEE is actually your own results.

    What have your average gross calories and weight loss been for the last 8 weeks? Has your activity level stayed more or less the same over that period?

    Hmm...activity level has been pretty well the same but I haven't been tracking calories consistently.....I would say as an average that I eat about 1200-1500 during the week, a bit more on weekends and I haven't lost anything for a while.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    The best way to calculate your TDEE is actually your own results.

    What have your average gross calories and weight loss been for the last 8 weeks? Has your activity level stayed more or less the same over that period?

    Hmm...activity level has been pretty well the same but I haven't been tracking calories consistently.....I would say as an average that I eat about 1200-1500 during the week, a bit more on weekends and I haven't lost anything for a while.

    I had a quick look at your diary and you have quite a few unlogged days and nothing before mid February (not a dig, just an observation), so it is hard to tell what your actual intake is.

    I would kind of 'start from scratch' with your intake target and macro set up. See here for an explanation:

    I would also strongly recommend that you log everything and make sure you weigh non-liquids and measure liquid food accurately. See here for a discussion about that:

    Edited for typo
  • Thunderfan66
    Thunderfan66 Posts: 105 Member
    Yes I haven't been logging very long and I know I haven't done weekends. I'd just like some idea of what kind of calorie intake I should be aiming for, considering my current situation. I find I "eat well" during the week, but get really hungry by the end of the week...does that mean I'm not eating enough?? People say aim for 1200 but then I have others say that is too low for the amount of exercise I confused!
  • viajera99
    viajera99 Posts: 252 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yes I haven't been logging very long and I know I haven't done weekends. I'd just like some idea of what kind of calorie intake I should be aiming for, considering my current situation. I find I "eat well" during the week, but get really hungry by the end of the week...does that mean I'm not eating enough?? People say aim for 1200 but then I have others say that is too low for the amount of exercise I confused!

    Run your numbers as explained in the link above. If you need help, provide your:

    Activity level: day to day activity, cardio, strength training

    and I can help you run them to get a starting point to work from.
  • What is your BF% as you need to know this to work anything out, go to somewhere like boots and get weighed on there machines as it gives you it all
  • Thunderfan66
    Thunderfan66 Posts: 105 Member
    Yes I haven't been logging very long and I know I haven't done weekends. I'd just like some idea of what kind of calorie intake I should be aiming for, considering my current situation. I find I "eat well" during the week, but get really hungry by the end of the week...does that mean I'm not eating enough?? People say aim for 1200 but then I have others say that is too low for the amount of exercise I confused!

    Run your numbers as explained in the link above. If you need help, provide your:

    Activity level: day to day activity, cardio, strength training

    and I can help you run them to get a starting point to work from.

    Height = 170cm
    Weight = 65kg
    Age = 35
    Activity Level = job as a teacher (light activity), plus exercise in a week = 1x yoga class (1.5 hours), 2x dance classes (1.25 hours each), 2x weight training sessions (45mins), 1x 5km run, 1x 30 min interval running
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Yes I haven't been logging very long and I know I haven't done weekends. I'd just like some idea of what kind of calorie intake I should be aiming for, considering my current situation. I find I "eat well" during the week, but get really hungry by the end of the week...does that mean I'm not eating enough?? People say aim for 1200 but then I have others say that is too low for the amount of exercise I confused!

    Run your numbers as explained in the link above. If you need help, provide your:

    Activity level: day to day activity, cardio, strength training

    and I can help you run them to get a starting point to work from.

    Height = 170cm
    Weight = 65kg
    Age = 35
    Activity Level = job as a teacher (light activity), plus exercise in a week = 1x yoga class (1.5 hours), 2x dance classes (1.25 hours each), 2x weight training sessions (45mins), 1x 5km run, 1x 30 min interval running

    I would set you at 1,700 calories (static - no eating exercise calories back) with the following macros:

    Fats: 50g
    as minimums, with the balance where you wish based on preference, satiation and energy levels.

    Take stock in 4 weeks and tweak up or down based on results.
  • Thunderfan66
    Thunderfan66 Posts: 105 Member
    Thanks for that! that's more than I thought I would get, so I'm happy with that. I will make a concerted effort to log everything properly over the next few weeks and see how I go.
  • SteadyEdina
    SteadyEdina Posts: 18 Member
    If you have a fibit doesn't it sort of do this for you - I ask because I have one and my calorie intake varies from day to day depending on how active I am
  • I'm looking for some advice on my diet, I've been doing stronglifts since January and have plateu'd at 126lbs, I'm 5ft7 and still have some weight to lose. I would say that I have the "skinny fat" appearance as I have some weight to lose around my stomach area! I have been trying to follow the leangains diet where I eat between 12-8 however I train in the morning til 7.30am and so I was wondering if this was effecting me as I'm not eating pre workout and not directly after workout! Also on leangains I find i have just been eating at 12 (small sweet potato, tuna and an apple) and then again at dinner (protein and veg) and then ill have a protein shake and perhaps some fruit again around 7.30 in the evening! Is this too little? This tends to be around 1000-1200 calories! I do stronglifts and then follow it with 20-30minutes of cardio usually cross trainer or running and once a week I do HIIT for 30 minutes! I was just hoping some of you guys could give me some advice on where I'm going wrong!! Thanks :)