Lost weight from waist but stomach looks bigger

Hi, I'm new here, I've been doing a 650 calorie deficit diet for the past 2 months, and I'm very happy to say that I have lost around 12 pounds so far. Now my waist has gone from a size 38 to a 36 (aiming for 32 or 34) but I have noticed that my stomach looks bigger and sticks out more :( any ideas anyone? I am doing uphill walks and light jogging 3 days a week and 4 days a week of weight training too if that helps


  • Xiaolongbao
    Xiaolongbao Posts: 854 Member
    Just stick with it.

    Every body is programmed differently about where the weight comes off from first/last. Men and women tend to be different too (so it's much more common to get very large men with stick thin legs than it is to see the same shape on women). It sounds like your body wants to hold weight in the stomach region (quite common for men). Eventually the weight will start to come off there too.

    Congrats on the 12 lbs you've lost so far.
  • 22ssingh
    22ssingh Posts: 35
    Just stick with it.

    Every body is programmed differently about where the weight comes off from first/last. Men and women tend to be different too (so it's much more common to get very large men with stick thin legs than it is to see the same shape on women). It sounds like your body wants to hold weight in the stomach region (quite common for men). Eventually the weight will start to come off there too.

    Congrats on the 12 lbs you've lost so far.

    Thanks for replying. I guess I understand that weight comes off at different places for different people first, but what I can't understand is why does my stomach look bigger? Like I've put on weight there, but lost it on the waist
  • you just need to continue to build a bit more muscle so the body chews away on the stomach fat.............also if you develop your pecs (push ups or flys) and work on your back muscles (lats) it helps to visually shrink your belly.........i've lost 15 lbs in about 2mos and i've went from a full 34 waist to being able to squeeze into a 32. i think the belly is always the last to go so you can't lose hope now that you've made some strides.
  • 22ssingh
    22ssingh Posts: 35
    Hi thanks for replying, yes I am actually working with weights and am training my chest and back, as well as my arms legs and abs. I guess I will just stick to it and wait for results. Also congrats on losing the 15 lbs :-)
  • wash5150
    wash5150 Posts: 4
    I've lost about 26 pounds since the first of the year and I SWEAR my gut is as big as it was. But everything is much looser. I carried a lot of weight on my back (giving me a really beefy look) and I've noticed that's reduced greatly and I've lost a couple of inches off of my waist according to the tape measurement.

    Just keep on going. Belly fat is the last to go from everything I've read. And as the other guy said, working out with weights will build muscle to burn fat quicker. Now that's I've dumped about half the weight I want to lose I'm going to start doing some weights as well.
  • It could also be water retention ... make sure you are drinking plenty ... clear pees every day!

    All bodies do react to change differently, as said before. You are doing good, just stick with it and your weight loss will even out eventually. Remember you are in this for the long haul .. no quick fixes, so just have a little patience.

    Good luck
  • LynR6
    LynR6 Posts: 2
    I'm new here too!

    Presumably you are on the 2 day semi fasting diet? (600cals two days a week for men, 500 for women) then eating normally the rest of the week. Otherwise, your calorie intake is incredibly low. I was advised to change my eating habits generally once down to my target weight rather than use drastic calorie reduction. I guess you know about the body going into 'famine' mode and hanging onto it's fat reserves if you don't eat enough? When you do resume a normal diet the body apparently then stores more fat that there was in the first place! I wonder if that is what might be happening around your middle?

    Slimming World is a very effective, balanced diet. Unlimited fruit/veg/lean meat but cutting right down on fat/sugar/processed food. You are allowed a certain number of 'syns' per day (all food which is not 'free' or a 'healthy extra' has a Syn value) You are also allowed a certain number of 'healthy extras' (milk, yohurt, cheese etc)

    Slimming World details are on the internet if you are interested.

    Best of luck!
  • 22ssingh
    22ssingh Posts: 35
    I've lost about 26 pounds since the first of the year and I SWEAR my gut is as big as it was. But everything is much looser. I carried a lot of weight on my back (giving me a really beefy look) and I've noticed that's reduced greatly and I've lost a couple of inches off of my waist according to the tape measurement.

    Just keep on going. Belly fat is the last to go from everything I've read. And as the other guy said, working out with weights will build muscle to burn fat quicker. Now that's I've dumped about half the weight I want to lose I'm going to start doing some weights as well.

    I will do mate thanks, and congrats on losing 26lbs so far
  • 22ssingh
    22ssingh Posts: 35
    It could also be water retention ... make sure you are drinking plenty ... clear pees every day!

    All bodies do react to change differently, as said before. You are doing good, just stick with it and your weight loss will even out eventually. Remember you are in this for the long haul .. no quick fixes, so just have a little patience.

    Good luck

    You could be right, I will be honest and say I dot drink enought water, but I will look to drink more mate, thanks for the tip
  • 22ssingh
    22ssingh Posts: 35
    I'm new here too!

    Presumably you are on the 2 day semi fasting diet? (600cals two days a week for men, 500 for women) then eating normally the rest of the week. Otherwise, your calorie intake is incredibly low. I was advised to change my eating habits generally once down to my target weight rather than use drastic calorie reduction. I guess you know about the body going into 'famine' mode and hanging onto it's fat reserves if you don't eat enough? When you do resume a normal diet the body apparently then stores more fat that there was in the first place! I wonder if that is what might be happening around your middle?

    Slimming World is a very effective, balanced diet. Unlimited fruit/veg/lean meat but cutting right down on fat/sugar/processed food. You are allowed a certain number of 'syns' per day (all food which is not 'free' or a 'healthy extra' has a Syn value) You are also allowed a certain number of 'healthy extras' (milk, yohurt, cheese etc)

    Slimming World details are on the internet if you are interested.

    Best of luck!

    I'm actually on a diet which gives me a deficit of 650 calories every day 7 days a week
  • Hmmm, besides not having enough water, is it possible that the foods you are eating are causing a bit of bloat? When I cut certain things out of my diet, I notice it in about 5 days by way of a much flatter stomach without weight loss.

    Best of luck.
  • 22ssingh
    22ssingh Posts: 35
    Hmmm, besides not having enough water, is it possible that the foods you are eating are causing a bit of bloat? When I cut certain things out of my diet, I notice it in about 5 days by way of a much flatter stomach without weight loss.

    Best of luck.

    U could be right, I have days that my stomach feels like its gone in, and other days it feels like its sticking out a bit. I think if I lose fat there that should solve my problem though, I'm just going to stick to it until it goes :-)
  • 22ssingh
    22ssingh Posts: 35
    Right, now I'm really feeling discouraged, I'm doing everything right and seem to be losing weight, but it really feels like my stomach is getting bigger :-( how is this even possible? its not the fact that I'm not losing it on my stomach, its where it looks like its getting bigger, what could i be doing wrong? all my jeans and trousers feel loose then before
  • teddabod
    teddabod Posts: 222 Member
    Are you eating anything you don't normally eat or supplement with?

    Some specific brands of whey protein powders will make my gut bloat like a puffer fish.

    Or possibly, does anyone think ssingh's problem might be a cortisol issue?
  • 22ssingh
    22ssingh Posts: 35
    Are you eating anything you don't normally eat or supplement with?

    Some specific brands of whey protein powders will make my gut bloat like a puffer fish.

    Or possibly, does anyone think ssingh's problem might be a cortisol issue?

    Thanks for the reply, I'm taking Optimum Nutrition casein and whey but only on weight raining day. Just did a google search on cortisol, and I'm thinking you mean having too much stress, but thats definitely not me tbh
  • It sounds like everyone is on the the same page. It's probably bloat. I have that same problem when I don't drink enough water or get too much sodium.
  • ChgingMe
    ChgingMe Posts: 539 Member
    I have to laugh. I was just saying the same exact thing. I'm a 48 yr old woman on day 15 of Insanity. My waist is starting to become more hour glass but it looks like all my fat is being pushed forward on my tummy. Its actually quite wierd. I've lost a little less than an inch in my waist but its pushed more forward. Now I see its normal... Thank you for bringing it up.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Body fat is lost systematically, meaning it's lost all over. Genetics dictates where you lose it last and for most males it's in the abdominal area.
    The other impending issue could be that you distend your abs when you lift. This isn't uncommon for people who are new to lifting because they don't know how to tighten and keep their core tight through a lifting movement. Constant distending of the abs can make them appear larger.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • 22ssingh
    22ssingh Posts: 35
    Body fat is lost systematically, meaning it's lost all over. Genetics dictates where you lose it last and for most males it's in the abdominal area.
    The other impending issue could be that you distend your abs when you lift. This isn't uncommon for people who are new to lifting because they don't know how to tighten and keep their core tight through a lifting movement. Constant distending of the abs can make them appear larger.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Thanks for replying. So your saying I should tighten my abs when I'm lifting?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Body fat is lost systematically, meaning it's lost all over. Genetics dictates where you lose it last and for most males it's in the abdominal area.
    The other impending issue could be that you distend your abs when you lift. This isn't uncommon for people who are new to lifting because they don't know how to tighten and keep their core tight through a lifting movement. Constant distending of the abs can make them appear larger.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    Thanks for replying. So your saying I should tighten my abs when I'm lifting?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition