End-of-day *kitten* ups...



  • PoisonSugar
    My shifts vary. Lately I have been picking up a lot of second shifts, getting out at 11p. I have pretty good lately about getting out and jogging for 45 minutes to an hour everyday (with the exception of rainy days and when I work double shifts). Excellent ideas, ladies and gentlemen! I appreciate all of your help!
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    I have the same issue -- doing well all day and then snacking at night but lately I've broken the habit using some of the advice listed above.
    + Stovetop popcorn with black pepper
    * Laughing cow cheese wedge with carrots or other raw veggies
    * Nonfat frozen yogurt with fresh berries and a teaspoon of honey
    * Tea with a splash of milk

    Or doing activities:
    * I'll watch a video from bodyrock.tv and do five minutes of Zuzuna's workouts. Just looking at her is inspirational!
    * Hot bath and a mud mask -- you can't eat with a mask on!
    * Walk around the neighborhood -- I got a book about plants and flowers in my area and have loved roaming
    * Brush my teeth and hit that "complete today's entry" button on MFP!

    Good luck! You can do it. It takes two weeks to break the habit, so see if you can make it through 14 days and it will get easier after that.
    Mud mask! What a treat far better than any doritos I've ever eaten at least it sounds that way to me since I stopped eating all that.:laugh: So relaxing, I've done facials but not as familiar with mud masks. Do you buy the type you use or do you make up your own? Would love to hear more!


    OP is getting a ton of fun new ideas and you are so right, can't eat with a facial mask on that's for sure!
    Oh we all so need to keep the pampering going Girls! We so deserve it:heart::smooched:


    Burt's Bee's has a great canister of powdered mud that you can make your own masks with -- you can add anything you want to it depending on your skin type (carrot juice, grapefruit juice, green tea or just plain water). Slather it on and relax for 20 minutes or so. Works wonders! Couldn't agree with you more on the pampering!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I tried lots of things, and these were the most effective for me:

    An eating cutoff time (mine was 8 pm) at that time I cleaned the whole kitchen, and then it was "closed" for the evening. If I really wanted to eat anything, I could, but had to clean the kitchen all over again.

    The big one (and this is a recent one for me) is that I quit eating while watching TV. I find that if I have to turn the TV off, go sit at the table and just eat, the urge almost always disappears. Which means, I wasn't actually hungry.

    I agree strongly with other posters that some of this may be due to your calories being too restricted. I used to binge because I was physically starving by the end of some days (when I started here at MFP I was a chronic under-eater...and binger, and the two were completely related.) So, don't discount the idea of eating more calories during the day.:flowerforyou:

    And, my pampering trick is painting my nails. When I started the no eating with TV thing, I literally painted my nails every day (I got pretty good at self-manicures). When they were painted, I slathered coconut oil on them and put on these little cotton gloves. No eating with goopy glove hands, that's for sure!
  • NykkieC
    NykkieC Posts: 622 Member
    Bump! These could be useful tips for bored and emotional eaters, too...
  • PoisonSugar
    Dear Sugar
    I hope you find this useful.

    Your daily calories goal is too aggressive. 1200 Daily calories for you is not even healthy. The calories calculaor is only as good as what you tell it to do.

    Get some better goals. Like losing another 10 pounds, for now.

    Your food log is visible, so I checked.

    Please eat more natural foods. Fruits, fresh vegetables. The industrial foods: frozen, canned, etc. Contain too much sodium which makes you retain water.

    A direct answer to your question: drink a glass of milk at night. It will curb the appetite - maybe. My thought is to increase calories a bit, and male sure that those calories come from fresh natural foods.
    I have to agree the cals seem pretty low for you, I looked through your diary for a couple weeks. Your daily suggested cals went from 1800's all the way down to the 1200's recently. You body is probably carb starving and junk food is in the house so you eat it without much thought. Eating far closer to what MFP suggests for your daily cals would likely help curb the nighttime carb craving.

    I know we all want to hurry hurry hurry and lose but to keep it off we have to slow down our pace and lose it the healthy way so it WILL stay off and we won't be trying to take off the same lbs. we just took off.:ohwell:

    Hth a bit:flowerforyou:
  • PoisonSugar
    oops... that didn't work as I had hoped. But in response to the entry above, my goals didn't drop from 1800 to 1200. For the most part they have always been anywhere from 1350-1200... The 1800 that you see are my daily calories as well as exercise calories. But please, I don't want to hear, 'you need to eat your exercise calories'. Weight loss is about creating a deficit. I don't want to maintain, I want to lose. THanks again all for all the great advice!
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    hot tea is perfect, there are some yummy dessert type teas that are calorie free
    Good luck!!!
    sounds interesting, care to share more? lol Never heard of these type, or least I can't recall

    Thanks for any info:flowerforyou:

    So for hot teas that taste like dessert...yummy...lol My most current favorite one is made by Celestial Seasonings, its Chocolate Caramel Enchantment Chai; its just regular boxed/tea bags tea, not the premade mixes....Has zero cals, carbs, sugars and such... I add in a bit of Splenda and a splash of 1/2 and 1/2 or milk, not enough to even add 20cals in there. The cream/milk makes it a bit thicker and creamy. This helps a ton with my sugar cravings. i think any chai would would work well, but this one..I just couldn't pass up. Think I'll make a cup now..I brought the box over here to type it out...lol and it smells soooooo good.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    hot tea is perfect, there are some yummy dessert type teas that are calorie free
    Good luck!!!
    sounds interesting, care to share more? lol Never heard of these type, or least I can't recall

    Thanks for any info:flowerforyou:

    So for hot teas that taste like dessert...yummy...lol My most current favorite one is made by Celestial Seasonings, its Chocolate Caramel Enchantment Chai; its just regular boxed/tea bags tea, not the premade mixes....Has zero cals, carbs, sugars and such... I add in a bit of Splenda and a splash of 1/2 and 1/2 or milk, not enough to even add 20cals in there. The cream/milk makes it a bit thicker and creamy. This helps a ton with my sugar cravings. i think any chai would would work well, but this one..I just couldn't pass up. Think I'll make a cup now..I brought the box over here to type it out...lol and it smells soooooo good.

    Those teabags smell so good that I put them in my drawer like a sachet!!
  • leadvocalchick
    leadvocalchick Posts: 59 Member
    Problem is, I bake cupcakes out of my home as job #2. I'm around them quite a bit. Chewing gum is a good idea - as nothing tastes good with mint flavored gum. A few good options! Thank you ladies!

    Same here - except I bake cookies, brownies, pies, fudge, sloppy joes, BBQ pork, and on and on and on...

    I just tell myself that those aren't for me!! And, if I'm tempted, I go on-line and search for low-cal recipes!! And, if that doesn't work - I just drink a bottle of water and go to bed!!

    Good luck to us all and stay strong!!
  • sassyg
    sassyg Posts: 393
    oops... that didn't work as I had hoped. But in response to the entry above, my goals didn't drop from 1800 to 1200. For the most part they have always been anywhere from 1350-1200... The 1800 that you see are my daily calories as well as exercise calories. But please, I don't want to hear, 'you need to eat your exercise calories'. Weight loss is about creating a deficit. I don't want to maintain, I want to lose. THanks again all for all the great advice!

    I'm worried you may be misunderstanding the calorie goals: the goal MFP calculates for you ALREADY includes a deficit. A pretty aggressive one if you're down in the 12-1300 range.
    Go into your goals, just briefly, and change to maintenance. See what will actually be a maintenance level for you, with no extra exercise. Now change it back, but bear that figure in mind. Anything under that figure, is a deficit.
    The calorie goal MFP gives you, if you have selected to lose weight, is NOT a maintenance level.
  • Rhaeven
    Rhaeven Posts: 123 Member
    hot tea is perfect, there are some yummy dessert type teas that are calorie free
    Good luck!!!
    sounds interesting, care to share more? lol Never heard of these type, or least I can't recall

    Thanks for any info:flowerforyou:

    So for hot teas that taste like dessert...yummy...lol My most current favorite one is made by Celestial Seasonings, its Chocolate Caramel Enchantment Chai; its just regular boxed/tea bags tea, not the premade mixes....Has zero cals, carbs, sugars and such... I add in a bit of Splenda and a splash of 1/2 and 1/2 or milk, not enough to even add 20cals in there. The cream/milk makes it a bit thicker and creamy. This helps a ton with my sugar cravings. i think any chai would would work well, but this one..I just couldn't pass up. Think I'll make a cup now..I brought the box over here to type it out...lol and it smells soooooo good.

    Those teabags smell so good that I put them in my drawer like a sachet!!

    haha YES they do :) YUM The box is still on my desk...yummo
  • Lightonmyfeet
    I'm in the exact same situation as you!
    For the past month, I've been eating super well during the day, but crash after dinner. I've tried getting myself to stop today, but ended up pigging out on chocolate coconut milkshakes. :embarassed:
  • shannonsmallmon
    shannonsmallmon Posts: 5 Member
    Ok so I totally do the same thing, by the end of the evening it a pb & j or bowl of cereal... I hate it cause I will do good all day and then bam eat junk. I know the things that do help for me is if i dont eat dinner till at least 6:30 pm cause that is a little later in my day and I can stay pretty full till bed or if I workout after dinner that makes me not hungry... Today will be the first day in 2 weeks that i dont gorge myself in the evening, so good luck to you and me... :) I try drinking water or if i do get hungry i bought some apple sauce cause its sweet and low in cal let me know how it goes...
  • shannonsmallmon
    shannonsmallmon Posts: 5 Member
    Ok so I totally do the same thing, by the end of the evening it a pb & j or bowl of cereal... I hate it cause I will do good all day and then bam eat junk. I know the things that do help for me is if i dont eat dinner till at least 6:30 pm cause that is a little later in my day and I can stay pretty full till bed or if I workout after dinner that makes me not hungry... Today will be the first day in 2 weeks that i dont gorge myself in the evening, so good luck to you and me... :) I try drinking water or if i do get hungry i bought some apple sauce cause its sweet and low in cal let me know how it goes...
  • skysilver
    skysilver Posts: 73
    Yes, we are all there, or have been- hell of a nasty place to be but try this scottish remedy, at seven at night eat a bowl of porridge oats made with milk and add fresh strawberries and blueberries. Just text me back and let me know how it went-wanna bet your not hungry anymore, if so take up crocheting, it keeps your hands busy, or knitting
    good luck xxxx
  • Jennili7
    Jennili7 Posts: 50
    I have a few end of day snacks that I try to keep close by that won't ruin my day. First is the Dove Dark Chocolate silky smooth promises. They're only 42 calories per single piece so they're great for the chocolate cravings. Plus, the darker the chocolate, the more healthy it is for you and the less you'll crave! Next is Edy's Fruit Bars (no sugar added). They are 25 calories for one ice pop and they are pretty dang yummy. I prefer the strawberry. :blushing: And lastly, for days that I've been pretty good and had a hard workout at the gym, I have the Skinny Cow low fat ice cream sandwiches. They are 140 calories and are quite a treat if you've been shying away from the sweets.

    Another thing I've done is I've set my diary up so that it wants me to eat 1500 calories a day. I eat at least 1200 and then depending on the day I'll eat between the 1200 and the 1500. I also allow myself a cheat day every once in a while. I've always heard that if you keep yourself from the things you want then you'll go crazy once you have it. I could eat dark chocolate all day every day so giving myself the individual wrapped ones as treats keeps me from eating a whole pound in one sitting! :love: :blushing:

    I also really like the suggestions of chewing gum or brushing your teeth. I may try that to stop the after gym munchies!