How does socialization work on here?!

I'm on here because I'm extremely obsessive, I'm currently trying to gain weight weight (bulking) in addition to an intensive strength training program. I was just wondering how ya'all communicate and motivate each other through the site? I wouldn't mind trying to help others obtain their fitness goals. Thanks for your time, I appreciate any responses.
P.S. I'm 21. ~11% bf, 160 pounds if it matters (I'm more used to bodybuilding forums..)


  • MereExtraordinaire
    MereExtraordinaire Posts: 143 Member
    Well, person A says something to person B, and person B responds with an appropriate and related comment. Easy as pie.
  • quirkytizzy
    quirkytizzy Posts: 4,052 Member
    Forums and friends list, mostly. If you want to friend someone, check out their profile by clicking on their username to the left of their post. You will then see options in green to "add friend". You click on that and the request goes to them to accept or decline. It's usually better to include a message with your friend request so that people are assured you're not a friend collector.

    From there, you can interact with people privately on your "My Home" page, which is set up much like Facebook.
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
  • feistymoon
    feistymoon Posts: 152
    I just took a quick look at one of your diary entries and wow! You really are bulking! It's amazing how the same tool is used for such different purposes. If I ate that much in a day I would be freaking out!!!! Each to there own, I hope you're successful in your journey.

    Word from the wise though (or just old perhaps) - don't obsess too much, it's just not worth it. Life is all about balance, it just takes a while to figure out your equilibrium sometimes :D
  • kwilliam2
    kwilliam2 Posts: 35
    Lol yeah, I've tried eating 2500-3500 calories and I lose weight so I've had to continue pushing it up. It gets rather frustrating >.< It'd be so much easier and cheaper to only eat 1500-2000!
  • Inshape13
    Inshape13 Posts: 680 Member
    Well, person A says something to person B, and person B responds with an appropriate and related comment. Easy as pie.

    Shouldn't laugh, but so true.
  • exile40
    exile40 Posts: 161 Member
    I have an open dairy and I'm on every day. Throw me an add if you need some support.