plastic surgery...



  • ican♥and♥iwill
    ican♥and♥iwill Posts: 176 Member
    I've lost about 90 lbs total, and I miss my big knockers. Soooo, once I reach my goal weight and maintain it for at least a year, I plan on getting me some boobies!!
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member

    I feel this way. I am a little taller - 5'3" but had twins and weight 184 when I deliverd. Weird! I don't have the boobs though, and didn't breastfeed.

    I would love a tummy tuck and/or boob job. I would consider it if I were more disciplined in trying to get in shape and lose weight and if I had the money. I think I could take care of most of my belly if I could just focus on working out better, and eating right, but I am a slacker a lot of the time. After that I'd see where my body was and go from there.

    Read my post about momsintofitness, free site and video and dvd are cheap. I work out at home during nap time 5 days a week. Just have to put it on your schedule like eating and sleeping, you will feel so much better. My twins and 6 yr old stress me out, this helps me stay calm.
  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member

    I feel this way. I am a little taller - 5'3" but had twins and weight 184 when I deliverd. Weird! I don't have the boobs though, and didn't breastfeed.

    I would love a tummy tuck and/or boob job. I would consider it if I were more disciplined in trying to get in shape and lose weight and if I had the money. I think I could take care of most of my belly if I could just focus on working out better, and eating right, but I am a slacker a lot of the time. After that I'd see where my body was and go from there.
    Oh, I already checked it out and I'm going to look more into it... ANYONE can find that kind of time!
    Read my post about momsintofitness, free site and video and dvd are cheap. I work out at home during nap time 5 days a week. Just have to put it on your schedule like eating and sleeping, you will feel so much better. My twins and 6 yr old stress me out, this helps me stay calm.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    When I was 22 I had a breast reduction. Best thing I ever did. Now at 33, having had a child and gaining some weight, I need another one.
    If I get down to my goal weight and keep it off for a year, I will have another breast reduction.

    honestly I'd love to get a boob job just so I wouldn't have to ever wear a bra again. I know that you're supposed to wear one regardless...but nice would that be??

    I say to each their own on plastic surgery. I think you can definitely take it too far, but if it makes you feel better about yourself then go for it!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    i have plans for a breast lift (lesbionarre i feel ya on that) & anythin else that needs 2 b tucked & nipped lol. i'm hopin i can get on a payment plan HAHAHA :laugh:
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    At my top weight I think I was a more than pert 34JJ, and I am now something like a 30H. I have lost the full n round bouncyness I knew and loved, so to have a lift once I was at my target weight would be great - if it wernt for all of that nippme repositioning and paiiiin. Dont have a single wrinkle yet at 28, so would love some Botox to keep me looking this way!

    Prevention is better than a cure :D

    My belief is that our body is our own, tatoos, surgery, piercings, do whatever makes you happy!

    have plans for a breast lift (lesbionairre i feel ya on that, i haven't been "pert" for a while lol) & anythin else that needs 2 b tucked & nipped lol. i'm hopin i can get on a payment plan HAHAHA :laugh:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member

    Read my post about momsintofitness, free site and video and dvd are cheap. I work out at home during nap time 5 days a week. Just have to put it on your schedule like eating and sleeping, you will feel so much better. My twins and 6 yr old stress me out, this helps me stay calm.

    My girls are 2 1/2. But, I work full time. I work out after they go to bed and I just can't do it sometimes as they aren't in bed til 10pm. My ab muscles are good. I know they are there and doing fine. I can see the ones at the top. Most are just covered with a layer of fat I'm holding onto after having my girls. I know 'how' to try to get rid of this, its just staying focused is my problem. Well, that and not being tired.
  • km1540
    km1540 Posts: 22
    I love how all the women reply to this.. I too have thought about a breast lift and other things. However I want to wait until I am a good weight for me. I might trim some from my arms, stomach, and legs.
  • Becka77
    Becka77 Posts: 284 Member
    I haven't yet, but I'm planning on it. When I get to my goal weight I will be having a tummy tuck, breast lift and my underarms done.
  • HealthyChanges2010
    HealthyChanges2010 Posts: 5,831 Member
    I'm definitely in! But will wait until I get to my goal which I'm still deciding on, I picked a higher one so I wouldn't get down on myself if I didn't reach the lower one. Then after that probably wait a year or two being at my bodys healthy weight. Insurance will cover most of mine for medical reasons. Not so much for vanity as for health reasons though nothing wrong with wanting to look fit and trim!!:drinker::tongue:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I have boobs and botox. I love my boobs. They are the best thing I ever bought. They werent for anyone else but me. And I am sooooo happy with the results. I say go for it! You deserve it. Just make sure you find a good doctor and that you do your homework. Research research research. I looked into my boobs for 6 years before I took the leap. I kind of wish I did it sooner, but I'm so happy that I found the right doctor and knew so much about it before I went under the knife. Hope this helps!

    I'm just like you! I love my boobies! :bigsmile: :heart: :heart:

    I say if you do the research and find a good doctor and it's something that will make YOU feel better than go for it!
  • squoozyq
    squoozyq Posts: 305
    I figure there are amazing bras for the boobs, and frankly, I just wish mine would shrink again so I could wear more clothes! I just need the loose skin removed and I'm happy enough. 5 kids is reason enough.....but I dont' want to look like I never had kids, that would be sad because they are my life.
  • ryanmelissa09
    I see myself getting botox in the future but thats about it. I wish I had bigger boobs, but God made me what I am and he didnt give me a whole lot so ill manage with just a padded bra lol
  • SaveTheDrama
    I guess I will am the odd one out. I would not get plastic surgery unless there was a medical need for it. I could not live with myself if I had a procedure done for vanity sake. The good Lord gave me what I have and I don't think un-naturally altering my body would be something He would want me to do. This is completely my opinion for me and my body only, so don't shoot.
  • Yurippe
    Yurippe Posts: 850 Member
    I guess I will am the odd one out. I would not get plastic surgery unless there was a medical need for it. I could not live with myself if I had a procedure done for vanity sake. The good Lord gave me what I have and I don't think un-naturally altering my body would be something He would want me to do. This is completely my opinion for me and my body only, so don't shoot.

    I agree that plastic surgery is not for me, but for a completely different reason.

    I've been through 3 major surgeries in my life that were required for medical reasons. I can't imagine every voluntarily going through that pain and misery again if I had the choise.

    I worry that people that plan to have surgeries don't know what they are getting themselves into. Would they make the same choice if they knew what recovery would be like?

    That being said, everyone's body is their own. Thier opinion is the only one that should matter.
  • bitty1taz
    bitty1taz Posts: 309 Member
    When I get money, I'm going to go for a tummy tuck. I had two large children...both 9lbs. I went from 112lbs to over 200 with my son and my belly is never going to be the same again.
    I wonder how much one would cost?????
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I guess I will am the odd one out. I would not get plastic surgery unless there was a medical need for it. I could not live with myself if I had a procedure done for vanity sake. The good Lord gave me what I have and I don't think un-naturally altering my body would be something He would want me to do. This is completely my opinion for me and my body only, so don't shoot.

    I agree that plastic surgery is not for me, but for a completely different reason.

    I've been through 3 major surgeries in my life that were required for medical reasons. I can't imagine every voluntarily going through that pain and misery again if I had the choise.

    I worry that people that plan to have surgeries don't know what they are getting themselves into. Would they make the same choice if they knew what recovery would be like?

    That being said, everyone's body is their own. Thier opinion is the only one that should matter.

    I can't speak for tummy tucks but the recovery for my breast implants wasn't too bad at all. WELL WORTH IT in my opinion. I would do it again in a heart beat.

    I got the short end of the stick when it came to boobs in my family. I've been obsessed with them for as long as I can remember and ALWAYS knew that I would be getting implants. It's the first thing I notice on girls when I see them. :bigsmile: :blushing:
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I guess I will am the odd one out. I would not get plastic surgery unless there was a medical need for it. I could not live with myself if I had a procedure done for vanity sake. The good Lord gave me what I have and I don't think un-naturally altering my body would be something He would want me to do. This is completely my opinion for me and my body only, so don't shoot.

    I agree that plastic surgery is not for me, but for a completely different reason.

    I've been through 3 major surgeries in my life that were required for medical reasons. I can't imagine every voluntarily going through that pain and misery again if I had the choise.

    I worry that people that plan to have surgeries don't know what they are getting themselves into. Would they make the same choice if they knew what recovery would be like?

    That being said, everyone's body is their own. Thier opinion is the only one that should matter.

    I can't speak for tummy tucks but the recovery for my breast implants wasn't too bad at all. WELL WORTH IT in my opinion. I would do it again in a heart beat.

    I got the short end of the stick when it came to boobs in my family. I've been obsessed with them for as long as I can remember and ALWAYS knew that I would be getting implants. It's the first thing I notice on girls when I see them. :bigsmile: :blushing:

    I keep saying that I want ankle lipo to help my cankles and, now that my boobs are shrinking they are looking a little.... saggier than I would like. That said, I have had major surgery before and it was a b*tch to recover from. Granted, that surgery was replacing a ligament in a major joint (my knee). I don't know that sucking out fat or a little nip and tuck would be quite as difficult to recover from, but I have heard that it can be rough.
  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    I guess I will am the odd one out. I would not get plastic surgery unless there was a medical need for it. I could not live with myself if I had a procedure done for vanity sake. The good Lord gave me what I have and I don't think un-naturally altering my body would be something He would want me to do. This is completely my opinion for me and my body only, so don't shoot.

    I agree that plastic surgery is not for me, but for a completely different reason.

    I've been through 3 major surgeries in my life that were required for medical reasons. I can't imagine every voluntarily going through that pain and misery again if I had the choise.

    I worry that people that plan to have surgeries don't know what they are getting themselves into. Would they make the same choice if they knew what recovery would be like?

    That being said, everyone's body is their own. Thier opinion is the only one that should matter.

    In this case I am going to say recovery is almost always hard and the fact that I have endured 10 surgeries in the last 13 years proves i would probably know. And, I don't feel like I would technically be altering what the Lord gave me, 'cause I already abused the body he gave me and stretched it out... just want to put it back a little closer to what it would have been like if I would have taken care of what he gave me!! :) and since I have had surgeries for everyting from children to cancer to major joint and bone reconstruction... I think it might be nice to have something done "just for me".
  • SuzanneRogers
    SuzanneRogers Posts: 250 Member
    Shannon my boys are 22 months old so I feel your tiredness. They luckily sleep from 7-7 and take a mid day nap.