OATMEAL what's your recipe?



  • mmddwechanged
    mmddwechanged Posts: 1,687 Member
    I like to make stone ground oats in the crock pot with big chunks of apples, cinnamon and brown sugar or maple syrup. It comes out tasting like apple crisp:). 2 hours is enough.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I don't like oatmeal but my kids can't get enough of it. I make it for them by pouring oats into a bowl, adding milk until all the oats are soaked, then 1-2 mins in the microwave, depending on how much there is there. Sometimes I serve it with bananas on top, other times just as it is.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Pina Colada Oatmeal

    1/2 c. Quaker Old Fashioned Oats
    1 scant cup water
    4 oz. fresh diced pineapple
    1 T. Dlckinson's Creme Coconut Curd (http://www.****insonsfamily.com/products/fruit-and-creme-curds/creme-coconut-curd)

    Cook the oats, water and pineapple in the microwave on high for 3:45. Use a big bowl, so it doesn't spill over. When it's done cooking, stir the coconut curd in until it melts. Tastes just like a Pina Colada in oatmeal form!
  • skincy
    skincy Posts: 108 Member
    1/2 cup of organic old fashioned oats with about a cup of vanilla unsweetened almond milk. Microwave to desired consistency. Sprinkle cinnamon, 1 packet of stevia concentrate and small pat of REAL butter (not that chemical stuff :)) very good!
  • MizzFaith
    MizzFaith Posts: 11 Member
    Peanut Butter With Oatmeal Is Fab :love:
  • SmallMimi
    SmallMimi Posts: 541 Member
    Love all the good ideas. will be checking back for more.
  • TangledUp_InBlue
    TangledUp_InBlue Posts: 397 Member
    Plain old oats cooked in microwave with a pinch of salt and then mixed with either Mott’s Healthy Harvest Flavored Applesauces or Mott's Medleys Fruit and Veggie Snack.
  • JeanDescole
    JeanDescole Posts: 152
    Heres another one but its not for the traditional/faint hearted XD i've given metric and imperial measurements
    1/2 cup/50g rolled oats
    3/4 cup/150ml any milk (preferably not sweetened)
    1 chicken breast (skinless and chopped into little bite-size cubes)
    1 tsp mustard
    2-3 tbls greek yogurt
    Good drizzling of honey
    Sprinkle of toasted sesame seeds to garnish (optional, but I have a minor obsession with sesame seed products)

    Replicates my fav sandwhich at subway, chicken salad with honey mustard dressing!
  • CamillaBeaumont
    CamillaBeaumont Posts: 56 Member
    I love overnight / refrigerator oatmeal, had pumpkin pie flavour for breakfast today at 260 cals:

    1/4 c oats
    1/2 c almond milk
    1 tablespoon Holy Crap cereal / chia seeds
    2 tablespoons pumpkin puree
    1 tablespoon brown sugar / honey / maple syrup
    1 tablespoon raisins

    Lots of great recipes for overnight, baked, bars, cookies and anything oatmeal at this blog: http://theoatmealartist.blogspot.ca/
  • Nacho12
    Nacho12 Posts: 164 Member
    Steel Cut Oats made in Rice Cooker

    ! 1/2 rice cooker scoop Steel Cut Oats
    1/2 scoop Quinoa
    2 1/2 scoops water

    Cook in rice cooker
    After cooked add another 2 1/2 cups of water and stir. Let set for a while so water
    gets soaked up by oats and quinoa. Refrigerate.

    In the morning we take out what we need, microwave for one minute to heat up.
    Add blueberries, almonds or sunflower seeds, almond milk.
    Very easy and quick to make in the morning. We sweeten with coconut sugar
    which tastes just like brown sugar.
  • KML617
    KML617 Posts: 220 Member
    Lemon & Blueberry Baked Oatmeal!! It's super yummy, low calories, filling, loaded with antioxidants, healthy... and it makes enough to have breakfast of the go for 6 days!

    See my post here with link to recipe and my low calorie modifications...
  • quiltgal55
    quiltgal55 Posts: 7 Member
    I make my oatmeal in the crockpot, enough for a full week. I use both steel cut and regular rolled oats. The amounts of water called bor and cinnamon and vanilla. I cook on low for several hours and then put oatmeal into containers in the fridge. I reheat in the microwave and can later add fruit, like blueberries, mashed banana or apples.
  • joecolom
    joecolom Posts: 6
    This is not a recipe but more of a find. I have tried many oatmeal products in the past but never really liked any of them to make them part of my breakfast lineup. But a couple of weeks ago, by the recommendation of a fellow dieter, I tried the Better Oats (OatFit) instant oatmeal and not only did I liked it but now I'm hooked on it. It's only 100 calories per serving, easy to prepare, just follow the packet directions, and it's specially delicious if you sprinkle some cinnamon on top. It comes in different flavors but I specially like the "maple and brown sugar" one. Bought it at HEB.
  • chelseagirlfl
    chelseagirlfl Posts: 207 Member
    Sounds odd, but trust me on this... 43g oats (1 cup), 125ml skimmed milk (1/4 cup)... And 25g cheese! I used Co-operative White Cheshire cheese which is 96 cals for 25g. Shake of black pepper, and you're done. Honestly, it is so good! Kept me full because it was very flavoursome. All this is approx 310 cals, will obviously depend on what cheese and milk you use though :-)

    this sounds adventurous!!
  • MorganLeighRN
    MorganLeighRN Posts: 411 Member
    1/2 cup of water
    1/2 cup of Almond milk vanilla

    This is my favorite :)
  • JJordon
    JJordon Posts: 857 Member

    1 scoop protein powder.
    2/3 to 3/4 cup of Old Fashioned Quaker oats.
    1/2 cup fat free milk
    Some blazing hot water.
    Opt: Almonds 1/4 cup.

  • ottermotorcycle
    ottermotorcycle Posts: 654 Member
    I make a carrot cake oatmeal with shredded carrots, almond milk and brown sugar. YUM.

    Some great ideas in this thread though.
  • always_odd
    always_odd Posts: 20 Member
    I make a carrot cake oatmeal with shredded carrots, almond milk and brown sugar. YUM.

    Some great ideas in this thread though.

    I've done this too! I use a tsp of vanilla and sweetener instead of brown sugar though :)
    MMAFTW Posts: 7 Member
    Hmm, and I thought I was doing it right by eating those strawberry and chocolate flavored oats packets.
  • nomoredoughnuts
    nomoredoughnuts Posts: 130 Member
    My favourite is with fruit spread (I use St.Dalfour because it has no sugar), blueberries and 1 TB of peanut butter.

    My second favourite is with 1 small banana, 3 TB of low fat greek yoghurt and the rest is sweetened almond milk, I also do that as overnight porridge when I can be bothered the night before :P

    You could also try Muscovado sugar (is unrefined brown sugar and has a strong nutty flavour. If you're eating clean it is ideal!) with 2-3 tsp of organic cocoa powder and almond milk or yoghurt :)