Some Questions For Runners... I'm New To It!

00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
I just started running intervals basically following the Couch 2 5K program with some modifications (I'm doing it twice a week instead of 3 times). I'm hoping to work up to being able to run a mile by the end of the summer. Anyway, I've never ran before in my life and I have a few basic questions I was hoping all your awesome runners on here could answer.

1.) What is a good running posture? Should I be leaning forward, should my hands be open or closed, what part of my foot should I be landing on? I don't want to hurt myself and I don't want to strain my body running, so posture is definitely important.

2.) How should I be breathing when I run? Sometimes I get a stitch in my right side right in the middle and I have to walk for a few minutes to get rid of it. I vaguely remember reading somewhere that it's caused by breathing wrong... but I don't know how I should be breathing right... lol. I at least had my breathing going for a a count of 3 steps in, 3 steps out unless I was getting tired when I increased it to 2 and 2.

3.) When I run or walk, I feel like the bottom of my feet are burning after I've gone for half an hour or more. Its probably the friction rubbing the bottom of my foot, but when it burns it hurts so much afterwards! I have brand new, very comfy running shoes (the Brooks Ghost 2 running sneaker) and I got nice gel inserts for them so the impact isn't bad at all. It's just the rubbing. I'm curious if I'm not wearing the right kind of sock? I use regular run-of-the-mill sweat socks at the moment.

Thanks for your help everyone! I want to start out running on the right foot :D


  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Sorry no advice here... I'm a newbie too! Bumping so I can read your answers as well, and best of luck with getting running off to the right start!
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Bump. I just started today. Want to see advice given.
  • perrim
    perrim Posts: 117
    buy the book chi running by danny dreyer (I think that's how his name is spelled). It'll answer all your questions. It totally changed my attitude towards running and helped me be injury free.

    Basics are, run while leaning forward ever so slightly and concentrate on relaxing your upper body while you run. Imagine your body as a pendulum with your core as the base and your arms and legs as the swinging parts. And try to land your foot in the middle when you hit the ground rather than the heel. If you feel a bit of pain, just make the slightest tweak to your posture until you don't feel the pain anymore. It's worked for me and I'm only half way through the book!!

    With the breathing, I would say try to have the most relaxed breathing you can. If you feel too out of breath, slow down until your breathing normalizes more, then you can pick up the pace.

    But seriously, buy that book!!!
  • mddomain
    mddomain Posts: 34 Member
    While I'm not a seasoned runner at all, I think you may be right about the sock issue. You need to find a sock that wicks moisture away from your feet and is also comfortable for you. I like Asics, Balega, Feetures, and PowerSox. They're all soft, moisture wicking, and they all make socks that don't have a seam across the toes. My toes bother me a lot, so I prefer the seamless socks.

    I don't know much about the breathing, either, but my trainer tells me to breathe in through my nose and out through my mouth when running, but I still get those side stitches. Maybe it's just something we have to sort of work our way out of, like an endurance thing? I'll be interested to see what some veteran runners advise.

    Best of luck to all of us newbies!
  • lucylorelei
    lucylorelei Posts: 46 Member
    I am not a pro, but I did train for and run a half-marathon in March. I can't give you official advice, but I can share what helped me.

    A previous poster covered posture and stance, but I will add this: Try to relax. I start by making sure my hands aren't clenched in a fist. You can expend a lot of energy that you otherwise would use for your run by clenching muscles that don't have to be clenched. Head up, look ahead, not down.

    As for the socks - definitely ditch the sweat socks and get some non-cotton ones at a fitness or shoe store. If you live near a Fleet Feet, try them for socks and shoes. I am sure there are other choices, but where I live, it's Fleet Feet. I don't like big box, discount or certain "fitness" chains because the personnel don't know what they're doing. Buy your shoes from a store where when you walk in and ask for help, they measure your feet, observe your stride, ask questions about your training, etc... If they don't do that, move on.

    Now for the stitch in your side. This stopped me running a lot in the beginning, but somehow I just overcame it the longer I trained. I made the mistake of drinking too much Gatorade at one stop on the half-marathon course and got a stitch. I didn't stop running, but I did slow down, deepen my breathing and pushed hard with two fingers where it hurt. It went away quickly and on I ran! It will also help to figure out what YOU can and cannot eat before a run (and how soon before a run). You need food for fuel, but too much or the wrong kind can sit like a lead weight and HURT. Personally, I can't have too much fiber right before a run. I try for a little yogurt and fruit, or cheese and fruit - but not terribly much, and I make sure all my other meals are healthful. What you eat during the day will definitely affect your runs and your energy, so make good choices and cover your carbs, proteins and fats within your recommended guidelines.

    Good luck! I never thought I would be a runner - and now it's very much my preferred exercise. There is no exercise for me that compares.
  • mddomain
    mddomain Posts: 34 Member
    I'm glad lucylorelei added the bit about what kind of store to shop for your socks and shoes. Definitely better to go to a store that is staffed by runners who are knowledgeable about training and know how to properly fit you with the correct shoe. Not sure where everyone else who's reading is from, but I'm in the Dallas, TX area, and we are fortunate to have two really good running stores in the area - Run On! and Luke's Locker. Both have great staff that didn't even bat an eye at a 270 pound, 5'3" woman who wanted running shoes, socks, and advice. There may be other good stores in the area, but these are the two that I know of and have given my $$$ to. :) Thanks for the reminder on this, lucylorelei!
  • Brandzilla
    Brandzilla Posts: 51 Member
    It took me a few months of running to work my way up from no running to now I can do 3 miles.
    My advice is this:
    invest in decent running shoes. It does make a difference
    Hydrate yourself well, but don't chug a bunch or water right before and during your run. This will make you get sharp pains.
    Push it a bit for 2 minutes then walk for 2....then jog for 3 and walk for 2 jog for three and increase your jog time.
    Soon you'll be jogging half a mile and then walking for a minute and jogging the rest.

    That's all I got. I'm not a pro but a few months ago I could barely jog 4.9 mph for more than two minutes. Now I jog 5.7 mph for a full 10 minutes before I need to walk for a minute.
  • supersarah14
    supersarah14 Posts: 170
    Excellent advice for your posture...but one other thing, try and remember to keep your shoulders back. Not only will it help keep you looking straight ahead but it'll give you some confidence! :wink: Just think to yourself... "I'm a runner." It really helps.

    I really like socks by Under Armour. The kind I use have extra padded strips on the ball of the foot, it helps keep my feet from sliding around which helps with the burning.

    The best advice I can give about the stitch is to just keep running. I sometimes, no matter what I do, get stitches. LAME! But I just keep going and don't stop. They usually leave pretty quickly.

    You're doing great Sara!!! I'm so excited for you! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Thanks for the advice everyone! I think my mission this weekend will to be to invest in new running socks. I'm very happy with my new running sneakers, so that's $100 I don't have to spend (since I already did... hehe). I had been breathing in thru my nose and out thru my mouth and that helped when i got the stitch in my side. I walked for a few minutes while breathing deep and it went away and I finished my intervals. I used to be a clarinet player so I'm a pro at diaphragmatic breathing... hehe. I definitely didn't have my shoulders back yesterday, so I'll focus on that next time. My big accomplishment is that I'm not sore today! After I ran for the first time last week, my hips were SO sore for 2 days after. This time, nothing :D Yay progress!

    Update: I found a running store right near my apartment. I'll be swinging into there in the next few days. They look like a reputable place.