Swelling & Pain in feet

I've been making an effort to work out but unfortunately when I do my feet start acting up.
It's very frustrating, as I feel like I'm not tired yet - but my feet sting and hurt so bad I have to stop.
It's on the insides of the sides, right past the heel. It starts swelling as well, going red and what not.
Does anybody know what this is, how to prevent it? Or is this normal for a beginner?

I took two pictures. If it makes any difference I'll upload them.


  • myrahonbarrier
    myrahonbarrier Posts: 191 Member
    i know this might sound a bit odd...but it might be a good idea to go see a chiropractor. Your pelvis could be out of alignment which causes all sorts of feet/legs problems. It has helped me more than anything else ever did
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    I would talk to a doctor.
  • luckyclover78
    luckyclover78 Posts: 115 Member
    It could be a case of too much too soon. Possibly not the right shoes. What kinds of activities are you doing? One of my feet does this and I came to find out that my feet roll inward pretty severely and almost flatten when I walk. I had to get orthodics.
  • HerrStanfield
    I'd agree with myrahonbarrie (though I don't have any personal experience), otherwise it's hard to know what's happening since you didn't say what it is you're doing.
    I know for me, my feet hurt after a bit of running, but I'm just starting to run longer distances again and I wear Vibram Five-Fingers, so I need to slowly work my way to longer distances.
  • moonlitdreams2
    Get shoes a size bigger and see if that helps. Feet swell when working out and it's very common
  • sharonb100
    i know this might sound a bit odd...but it might be a good idea to go see a chiropractor. Your pelvis could be out of alignment which causes all sorts of feet/legs problems. It has helped me more than anything else ever did

    good advice. It will probably be your plantar muscles that need "releasing" - they can get tight for a number of reasons, including wrong size/wrongly fitting shoes.

    sports massage of your legs might help too, as well as the chiropractor.:bigsmile:
  • umer76
    umer76 Posts: 1,272 Member
    If it is at the back of your heel then it could be Achilles Tendonitis. You need to stop all the activity, need good shoes, ice pack treatment to reduce swelling and a good chiropractor immediately.
  • smazzyuk
    smazzyuk Posts: 20 Member
    I had the same problem so I went to the doctor who referred me to the Podiatry clinic ( probably spelt it wrong ) I ended up having injections of chortisone in my feet as I had pockets of fluid building up between my toes. Did the trick & now Im back to my running.
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I've been making an effort to work out but unfortunately when I do my feet start acting up.
    It's very frustrating, as I feel like I'm not tired yet - but my feet sting and hurt so bad I have to stop.
    It's on the insides of the sides, right past the heel. It starts swelling as well, going red and what not.
    Does anybody know what this is, how to prevent it? Or is this normal for a beginner?

    I took two pictures. If it makes any difference I'll upload them.

    If you are very overweight, you might want to do pool exercise until you are able to reduce some of your weight. My feet, ankles and knees could never have handled aerobics when I was at my heaviest. (Truth be told, because I have arthritis, I doubt that I could handle it even now after losing 54 pounds). Happily, most public pools offer a variety of pool fitness exercise that is either low-impact or no-impact when you strap on a foam belt and go to the deep end of the pool (that's what I do). Pool exercise is great as an overall strengthener. And the added bonus is that the bigger you are, the more resistance the water affords. As you get smaller, you just go faster to get the same workout. It's all good. :smile:
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    See your doctor/chiro.
  • Ezzie
    Ezzie Posts: 665 Member
    Pretty much what everyone else has said.....ice for 15 minutes, and stretching toes gently back toward knees first thing in the am are part of what my doc prescribed....but first and foremost...GET TO A GOOD foot doc.....ask around, when someone says they LOVE their doc that's the one!

    Messed around with my feet with the wrong doc twice (silly me) third Dr has been the charm, so hope you do find THE one!!
  • cuterbee
    cuterbee Posts: 545
    I had the same problem so I went to the doctor who referred me to the Podiatry clinic ( probably spelt it wrong ) I ended up having injections of chortisone in my feet as I had pockets of fluid building up between my toes. Did the trick & now Im back to my running.

    You spelled it right, go you!
  • Cuddlemonster2
    I don't know if it's too much too soon. To be honest, I've had the same problem with them for years now. Meaning, the stinging pains when I walk longer than 1-2 hours even leisurely.
    It's just that this time it looked really bad and swollen. I was doing jumping jacks, buttkickers, stuff like that - so it makes sense that put a lot of strain on my feet. My mother told me she used to get some swelling when she started jogging and if it isn't gone by tomorrow we'll see a doctor.
    But to be honest I feel like I might need to see someone about this anyway, wether the swelling is gone tomorrow or not.

    At the person who asked, Im pretty overweight but not in the extent I shouldn't be able to exercise I think? Im 84.6kg on a 1.57 frame now. That's about 5"1 and 170-175lbs I think? Not sure.

    Thanks a lot for all the helpful comments you guys!
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    Are you on any cholesterol-lowering drug, i.e. statins? Long story short - it took me two years to realize my horrendous foot pain, including two rounds of plantar fasciitis (and a million other muscle/neurological symptoms/stomach pain) were caused by my pravastatin. I've been off just two weeks now and I am absolutely amazed at how I feel. Went for a three mile walk outside yesterday with absolutely no pain either before, during or after.
  • Cuddlemonster2
    Nope, Im on exactly zero medication at the moment!
  • smazzyuk
    smazzyuk Posts: 20 Member
    Ah thanks !