A little help from small short girls ACTUALLY losing weight

I am 23 years old 5' 3" 121lbs and my goal is 112lbs. So I don't have much to lose but it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to lose anything. I only gain. I am burning about 250 calories a day by running. I have been eating lots of fruits and trying to eat more vegetables and cut out as many sweets as possible. (sweets are a HUGE addiction) So i just wanted to get some feedback from short small girls like me who actually were able to reach a goal like mine or who atleast are losing weight and working towards it.
Ive tried raising my calories past 1200. Didn't work. I just gained. (also i got scared and quit after a week of that. Plus my stomach hurt because of all the food i ate) And i tried to lower my calories to 800. I did lose weight but thats not healthy and I really don't want to do that. Also that kind of losing weight isn't permanent. So any help would be welcome! Just tell me stuff like:
Weight lost
How quickly you lost
Kind of food you ate
workouts you did
calories you ate
low fat or low carbs
Stuff like that.



  • lilacinfinity
    lilacinfinity Posts: 283 Member
    I would recommend ignoring the scale number (9lb isn't a lot).
    I would think its a "look" you're searching for - so some strength training and you'll see that shape emerge.
    Low calories + running, without any strength training, at your size isn't likely to acheive the look you're after.
  • JacksMom12
    JacksMom12 Posts: 1,044 Member
    I'm 5'4 and got down to 120 in a reasonable manner. (TDEE-15%) I've been maintaining between 118-120 for a year now. My goal has always been 112-115 but I've come to the conclusion that my body really likes being at this weight instead. I've stopped trying to fight it and now maintain at around 2200 calories a day, sometimes much more. I lift heavy and do a little HIIT. I have an active job as well. Maybe your body likes being at that weight and you could start focusing on body fat percentage instead.

    If you have to stay at 1200 in order to maintain that screams metabolic damage to me (you said you gain over 1200) It would be awfully hard to maintain that for life unless you like eating like a bird.
  • xjckemx
    xjckemx Posts: 95 Member
    Hey I'm 36 5'2".
    Sw 121llbs
    Cw 116.75
    Gw 112 llbs. ( still seems long way off)

    I've calories set at 1380 a day, although I use the weekly total as some days I eat under other days over. But I don't go over weekly. I only do 30ds 5 days a week ( 25 minx max a time). And I'm losing the weight slow!!! I don't eat back exercise calories as its already factored in. This week lost 3/4 llb. But it's coming off and I'm not starving and still have the naughty things I like. Wine at weekend etc. and this weekend I've had 2 portions chocolate fudge cake!! I don't want a diet I want a lifestyle hence not wanting to cut anything out. Have noticed with 30ds body shaping up slowly with definition in arms and have lost inch or so off hips waist and thighs but its slow going!!!
  • badbradley
    badbradley Posts: 38 Member
    Not a lady, but the one I love had a very similar situation that was driving her crazy. She ended up going to her doctor who referred her to a clinic full of nutritional specialists that did all kinds of tests on her blood, etc.

    She had a little bit of a thyroid issue, some mild food allergies and a little more of this and that. With supplements and some diet attention, she is doing much better and losing weight is easier. She also has a lot more energy.

    Might be worth the expenditure of a few hundred dollars to have your body chemistry checked out.

    I would also like to agree with the first response - it sounds like you're in a decent spot to throw some strength training into your routine.
  • Jamie2007
    Jamie2007 Posts: 169
    Weight - 110
    Height - 5'2'
    Weight lost - 13 lbs
    How quickly you lost - 12 weeks
    Kind of food you ate - anything that tasted like cardboard :-)
    workouts you did - 4 days a week strength, 7 days a week 40 minutes of LISS
    calories you ate - varied between 12 and 1400 according to workout
    low fat or low carbs - varied

    I have learned that macro-nutrient counting is the easiest way (for me) to drop the pounds and really lean out.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I'm about your size, 5' 4" and 119 and it took 8 months for me to lose 5 pounds. Are you sure that your gains are body fat? I lost inches during some months that I lost no pounds. I measured and weighed.

    I focused on strength training, and mostly did cardio that was fun, a few times a week, like hiking.

    I moved around a lot during the day, in addition to exercising, like standing instead of sitting.

    I am hypothyroid, but that shouldn't have been a factor, since I'm on medication that works for me.

    I ate 1200 calories a day, and didn't eat back all my calories, but did eat back 100 - 200, fairly often, which was a major treat for me, and made me feel a lot less tired. I really was tired at times on 1200 calories a day, which didn't help me stay as active as I could have been.

    I didn't always succeed in eating a lot more protein, but I added more lean meat to my diet.

    Sometimes I ate a 400 calorie dessert, instead of a meal. Also, I split desserts with my husband, so I wouldn't eat more than 400 calories per meal.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    what's your body fat percentage?

    I really don't think it's a good idea for anyone who's already a healthy weight for their height to be pursuing goals based on weight alone. The focus needs to be on body fat percentage and how you look in the mirror. Different people have different size frames, and that affects where you fall within the healthy range, when you're at a healthy body fat percentage. You can't just pick any random weight within the BMI range and expect that weight to be healthy for you. If you are trying to go below what's a healthy weight for you, you will find it extremely hard and you risk damaging your health in the attempt. It is really not easy to measure frame size, however you can measure body fat percentage, and base your goal weight on that. Leigh Peele's blog has some really good information on that, including a free download on how to measure it and also what different men and women look like at different percentages, so you can get an idea of what body fat percentage you'd need to get to for the look you want. Additionally, on the fat to fit radio site, there's a calculator which you can use to calculate what your weight would be at your ideal body fat percentage.

    Ultimately what you want is to look good, not be some number on the scale. Using body fat percentage to work out what your goal should be enables you to know how much fat you're carrying, and exactly how much fat you need to lose to get the look that you want.
  • freelancejouster
    freelancejouster Posts: 478 Member
    I would suggest going back up again. One week isn't nearly long enough to see progress at anything. Most people suggest 4-6 weeks before giving up at anything.

    Find your BMR (try the scooby calculator) and your TDEE, then eat at 20% below TDEE, which is most likely a few hundred above 1200.
  • Hanjamlan
    Hanjamlan Posts: 34 Member
    I have wondered about that Badbradley. Maybe I should go get checked out and get tested and stuff because my stomach hurts from being really full very often and i burp ALOT. If i eat more then 1600 calories my stomach has so much pressure. Like if i eat ANYTHING, even a piece of chicken or a salad i have to burp or my stomach feels really really uncomfortable. My family thinks im really weird and gross but I can't help it, my stomach hurts.
    Also everyone else. Yeah, I guess its not so much weight i want to lose, but get rid of some fat. Losing weight SEEMS to be the easiest way but I guess strength training is better. What kind of workouts would ya'll recommend for me to lose some fat and get leaner?
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I have wondered about that Badbradley. Maybe I should go get checked out and get tested and stuff because my stomach hurts What kind of workouts would ya'll recommend for me to lose some fat and get leaner?

    I'd go for a full body workout. Your lower body has the most muscle mass, and for most women the upper body is where you can get the most improvement. In between, there are the ever popular abs and core muscles that can always be stronger. I like body weight exercises, as one can find in You Are Your Own Gym, and also Zuzanna Light's workouts, which are done circuit style. Both have the advantage of being quick, about 20 minutes a day, and effective, if your main goal is the get stronger and leaner.

    Those tummy problems....talk about that with your doctor. You could have problems with gluten or dairy, or soy, corn, or some other thing that is in a lot of foods.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Also everyone else. Yeah, I guess its not so much weight i want to lose, but get rid of some fat. Losing weight SEEMS to be the easiest way but I guess strength training is better. What kind of workouts would ya'll recommend for me to lose some fat and get leaner?

    there are several good beginner programmes out there, although I've not personally tried any (I design my own workouts) - new rules of lifting for women, and stronglifts are ones I've seen recommended on here by many people whose opinions I respect. Maybe there are others as well, I can't remember off the top of my head.

    getting leaner is about what you eat (i.e. eating at a small deficit, as you're already in the healthy range and only have a little to lose, I'd recommend TDEE - 10%), but you need to monitor more than just scale weight as increasing the amount of exercise you do can make the muscles retain water (this is very healthy by the way!) and the weight gain from this can mask the weight loss from losing fat. So measure inches, body fat percentage and also go by what you look like in the mirror and how your clothes fit. As you lose fat you will lose inches and your body will firm up and you'll look better in the mirror. You may or may not lose weight in the process, but if the other things are happening, then don't stress about what the scale says, you are losing fat.

    Regards digestive problems it sounds like it could be an intolerance or other stomach problem, I agree about seeing a doctor.
  • Hanjamlan
    Hanjamlan Posts: 34 Member
    O yeah those sound good! Ive only done insanity but i'll have to try those because i want something that is 20 minutes. Not because I don't want to workout or want to be lazy but I have lots to do in my day and working out isn't always a priority. So thanks!
    And yes, ive wondered about the gluten and dairy thing. I guess going to the doctor would be the first step, IF i want to spend the money. Has anyone went to the doctor for anything like this (gluten and dairy and also the things that Badbradley was saying about his wife) and how much money was it?
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Yeesh. You're at a healthy weight for your height. So diet isn't the way to go - your body is going WTF? I'm at a perfectly good weight, why do I have to lose more?

    If its your shape you want to change, ( ie clothes size) then do some heavy lifting.

    If you're going to be defined by a meaningless number on a scale, then forget being healthy.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    I have wondered about that Badbradley. Maybe I should go get checked out and get tested and stuff because my stomach hurts from being really full very often and i burp ALOT. If i eat more then 1600 calories my stomach has so much pressure. Like if i eat ANYTHING, even a piece of chicken or a salad i have to burp or my stomach feels really really uncomfortable. My family thinks im really weird and gross but I can't help it, my stomach hurts.
    Also everyone else. Yeah, I guess its not so much weight i want to lose, but get rid of some fat. Losing weight SEEMS to be the easiest way but I guess strength training is better. What kind of workouts would ya'll recommend for me to lose some fat and get leaner?

    you may want to get your Gall bldder checked. Sounds like maybe gal stones to mee...your Dr. will know what test to do though. Make sure you mention the tummy issues!
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    Weight - Current 127 lbs
    Goal -117-120
    Height - 5' 1"
    Weight lost -7 lbs so far
    How quickly you lost - just a month or so..not sure
    Kind of food you ate - anything I want (you can add me if you want to peek at my diary) 1200 cals but i burn about 300 a day and always eat them back.
    workouts you did - Walikng, strength training, yoga
    calories you ate - see above
    low fat or low carbs - niether just watched both too make sure I wasn't over doing it.
  • Sasmith21
    Sasmith21 Posts: 2 Member
    Height: 5'1
    Weight: 127

    It seems like your body is used to your workout. I used to run everyday but that didn't help me lose body fat, just maintain so I changed my routine. So I started eating about 1000-1200 calories a day ( I have a small frame), but what I think made a huge difference is that I never repeated the same workout more than once or twice a week. My body couldn't get used to a workout so essentially I burned more calories. I would alternate kickboxing, dance, pilates, HIIT, and I was losing at least 2 pounds a week. I lost about 20 lb in 6 weeks. Also I drank water with lemon juice which I believe increased my metabolism.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I have wondered about that Badbradley. Maybe I should go get checked out and get tested and stuff because my stomach hurts from being really full very often and i burp ALOT. If i eat more then 1600 calories my stomach has so much pressure.

    If you're eating lean meats and fruits and veggies, it probably takes a ton of volume to get up to your calories. No wonder your stomach hurts. Try eating some higher calorie healthy foods, like peanut butter and nuts. Maybe some bread or something?
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I'm 5'2"and 100. The fruit may be adding too much sugar and calories. If you are serious about losing, you have to drastically reduce the sweets. An average of 1200 a day over the course of a week is fine, make sure the food is largely healthy and take a vitamin supplement. Strict calorie counting is probably necessary, which means you count EVERYTHING. You also assume that you will occasionally underestimate, despite your best efforts.

    Do a workout involving cardio and strength training, don't pay too much attention to the calorie burn estimates - - they may be overstated. Don’t eat beyond your average of 1200 unless you feel weak and unwell.

    If you have a history of overeating, you might try one of the milder forms of Intermittent Fasting, say skipping breakfast and eating your first meal in the late morning or early afternoon.

    Don’t take on too much at once.

    Weigh yourself at least once a week.

    Never been overweight, but my weight has increased over the years from the low to mid-90s. I've lost doing calorie counting, high fat, high protein and high carb diets, as well as Intermittent Fasting. Exercise usually wasn't a big part of my weight loss, although it is good for you. My scale, which provides a body fat percentage estimate, was essential.
  • chooselove
    chooselove Posts: 106 Member

    Low calories + running, without any strength training, at your size isn't likely to acheive the look you're after.


    i am 5'2" about 105lbs and i ONLY look good when i do a LOT of weight training. muscles help burn fat
  • Weight : Started 157, currently 137
    Goal: Lower body fat, but would put me around 118-123 if I don't gain additional muscle
    Height : 5'2
    Weight lost : 20lbs
    How quickly you lost : September to now, roughly
    Kind of food you ate : meat and vegetables, limited fruit, limited grains, limited dairy
    workouts you did : body weight circuit training, basic ballet, only cardio was from circuits, 3 to 4 times a week.
    calories you ate : went up from 800 calories or lower to 1200-1450
    low fat or low carbs : neither, I increased my fat and healthy carb intake. I completely avoid "low fat" and "sugar free" foods, and instead go for the real thing. As mentioned above, I definitely limit my empty carb intake, but carbs from vegetables, etc. are not limited in any way.