how often do you weigh and/or measure yourself?

I know you should only weigh yourself once a week, but I admit I get too impatient and want to see results faster, even if it's only a half pound!!

I was just curious how you all felt about this, and what you do, and how often?


  • sharonsylvester
    sharonsylvester Posts: 52 Member
    I really don't like to weigh myself, but I have started doing p90x and it requires that you weigh yourself once a week. I find that when you weigh yourself it tends to be discouraging if the scale has not moved. I tend to go base on how much inches I have lost, does my clothes fit any better. To me that is the best measurement of working towards your success of getting to your ideal size.
  • PhotographerOfNature
    PhotographerOfNature Posts: 452 Member
    You are right. You shouldn't weigh more than 1x per week, however, I am a weighaholic. I weigh every morning and have for about 21 years and cannot break the habit for more than a few days. I like to keep an eye on those ugly numbers :)
  • mistyreed82
    For me personally, I weigh myself every morning when I get up. Crazy, but it keeps me sane! Haha.... And I measure about twice a week. But I have OCD, so this creates the need for me to do these things the way I do. You just have to do what feels right for you and what keeps you motivated. Good Luck!
  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    I weight myself once a week. I don't really measure at all.

    I do have to agree it's hard not to want to jump on that scale halfway through the week just to see. In fact, I had to stop myself from the doing just that like an hour ago. I know that if I get on the scale now, at a time that I don't normally weigh myself, there's going to be some sort of variance in my weight because of water/waste/sodium/etc. Besides, it's much nicer to wait until the end of the week and see your weight go down like 2 pounds instead of .5 every now and then. :)

    Good luck with your weight loss.
  • jessicajoy87
    jessicajoy87 Posts: 905
    For some reason weighing myself really screws up my dieting, so I try to only weigh once every 2 weeks. I am going to start oing it once a month.
  • zazaz
    zazaz Posts: 36
    I am a weighaholic too!!! I try to do it only once a week but I can't. My scale is my best and my worst friend, but i can't live without it.

    So everymorning, this is my routine!
  • ciaobella47
    ciaobella47 Posts: 97 Member
    Every day. Curiousity just gets the better of me. As for measurements, once a month.
  • glyphrunner
    glyphrunner Posts: 2 Member
    My situation is a bit troublesome with the entire weighing issue. I have hypothyroidism, so I'm having to weigh **every day** to determine whether the changes I'm making in my diet and activities are having any effect. This could get really discouraging, but I look to the consoling aspect of measuring. I'm only supposed to measure dimensions once per month.

    In the last 4 weeks, I have only managed to lose 6 pounds... but, today was measuring day: I managed to reduce dimensions all across the board.

    Neck: -0.75"
    Chest: -2.00"
    Waist: -2.00"
    Thigh: -1.50"
    Calves: -0.50"
    Bicep: -2.50"

    As you can see, even though I haven't really been losing "weight," I've been losing size. I still weigh-in everyday, feel slightly bummed at not seeing the weight change, but then I remember I still have measurements coming.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    I weigh in 2 x a week (helps keep me accountable on the weekend). I try to measure 1 x a week if not at least once every 2 weeks. I like to be seeing the measurements going down it has been helping me to stay motivated. You do what works for you because what works for one might not work for another.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    once a week :) to see how far i did. and how much effort i put.

    if one week is bad... i try to make it up. :) usually do :)
  • Precious_Nissa
    I am guilty of the daily weigh in lol....yes you should do it once a week but I am like the rest "anxious" lol.....i get so angry when i see .5 lb or even sometimes 1 lb up because of held fluids but i still find myself running to the scale....
  • Maude52
    Maude52 Posts: 10 Member
    Weighaholic here! Every morning, but I really know I shouldnt!
  • kjrosa
    kjrosa Posts: 34
    i weigh myself every helps warn me if i'm doing something wrong :huh: , and i usually am able to find out what it is since i weigh myself far as measuring i do that once a week :wink:
  • lieblingsbunny
    lieblingsbunny Posts: 10 Member
    At least every morning, I find it's helpful in keeping me in check, and I also do better if I weigh myself often, that way I know how much is going in. I measure about every 2 weeks or so, I'm not as consistent on that, although I may start being more on top of that... although the weighing is more like a daily check and the measurements like a small surprise!
  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    i weigh & measure myself officially on monday's but on thursday's i weigh myself just 2 c where i am at. if i feel i need 2 do a little tweakin on the diet or exercise more that's the time 4 me 2 do it.

    & having my weigh days on monday's makes me more accountable on the wknds. :tongue:
  • scotty_81
    scotty_81 Posts: 59
    Official weigh in is now on a Thursday (used to be Friday) and then I weigh myself when I want throughout the week. Its not usually every day though.
  • lk227
    lk227 Posts: 28
    I weigh myself every morning. I guess I like to keep an eye on the fluctuation because I am not losing as much as I hoped.
  • de1amo
    de1amo Posts: 266 Member
    i belong to other forums as well as here and seem to end up weighing myself for them--i need a diary to keep up with it all!! it has tended to lead me to watching it every day and for some reason i weigh lightest around lunch time which tends to stop me doing any naughties in the morning but leads me to ubder using my calories because i stop eating at 7,30pm at night and just eat sensibly in the afternoon(after training)
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    I weigh myself once every 7-10 days. I try to limit how much i weigh myself though as the more weight I lose the lazier I get!
  • jlclarke
    jlclarke Posts: 107
    I do not measure, but I am like most of you I cannot go without weighing myself every day. I have even had my husband hide the scale and that still does not work I weigh myself at work. I am hopelessly in love with my worst enemy.