So frustrated - PMS

Hey all,

This week has been terrible. I gave in to tons of cravings (PMS) and I've just been really hungry overall. My hormones should balance out in the coming week, but I'm still worried.

Any suggestions you have for staying focused and motivated are greatly appreciated.

Ugh...feeling low.


  • jamiek917
    jamiek917 Posts: 610 Member
    im with u! im getting off my first cycle of provera (my cycle is out of whack following years on the pill)- and i went way over both fri and sat night- and the googdies in the office next door right now are incredibly tempting :(

    just remember how badly u want it. look at a picture of u when u were small OR bigger (depending on which one will motivate u)
  • mommy_03
    mommy_03 Posts: 54 Member
    omg!!! i totally feel you, im coming off right now and am hoping to just get back to "normal" tomorrow with diet and exercise and drink a ton of water to flush all the bad out, good thing this only happens once a month:)