TDEE Calorie Calculations



  • jessbixl
    jessbixl Posts: 34
  • jessbixl
    jessbixl Posts: 34
    or if anyone else knows that would be great! I just need to confirm I did the worksheet right/understand it correctly.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    That looks about right Jessbixl. Just stick to it for about 2 months and go back and take a look and you should have lost about 8 lbs or so as long as you log accurately.
  • jessbixl
    jessbixl Posts: 34
    That looks about right Jessbixl. Just stick to it for about 2 months and go back and take a look and you should have lost about 8 lbs or so as long as you log accurately.

    Thanks for replying! =)
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member

    This site asks you to put in minutes and hours per day of exercise and movement, sitting etc and will work it out for you. It's very good. You can then average your TDEE over a week ... calculate an exercise day and a non exercise day and do an average.