Lost motivation

Hi I haven't lost anything since Christmas and need to get back into it. Just struggling for motivation


  • When I get stuck, I start making of list of reasons why I want to lose weight... pin it to your refrigerator (along with a pic of yourself!) as a reminder of where you're heading on this journey & why. :smile: Start with small changes & goals ~ they ultimately lead to big & lasting results!
  • doomspark
    doomspark Posts: 228 Member
    Am stuck as well - gained back everything I lost, and got completely off track.

    Logging here helps tremendously - but you have to be absolutely honest about portions and so on.

    Good luck, friend. Add me if you want moral support.
  • 24redwine
    24redwine Posts: 43
    Spend some time in the emergency room and watch who comes and goes. I was there with a friend recently and it was clear the bulk of the people there were overweight or smokers, or both. Go to a local mall and watch people -- see how people move, and see how others, not all that old, struggle to move their bodies or walk. I know how I want to live the 30-40 years I have left, and THAT isn't it! I want to be fit, have energy, and stay out of the hospital! Think about the reasons you started on this journey and remember how great it feels to see the numbers on that scale go down, and to see those jeans get baggy. If you've lost your motivation, something else is going on -- maybe you had been feeling deprived, not eating enough, or not working out? Or are you bothered by something else? Depression or stress can derail you -- don't let it - but sort through and take charge of your life. Only YOU can do it.
  • shells1234
    shells1234 Posts: 64 Member
    I have a hard time getting motivation to.. Seriously throw out your scale or take it to a friends house!! I get so depressed when I dont see the scale go down I give up and down some girl scout cookies lol seriously though just did that yesterday!! what work out do you do? I get so bored I have 5 different workouts. Do you reward yourself for weight loss? I dont reward with food, when I lose ten more pounds I'm going to get a sweet pair of running shoes!! HTH
  • Geeta32
    Geeta32 Posts: 1
    Hi everyone, I have recently started using this fitness app and I have to say its a great way of monitoring what you eata nd quanitities, I have lost 2stone 8 pounds since october of last year but am now at a standstill, I think excersise is the key short walks if you cant get out to the gym. Also I have started using these ultra life detox sachets, I started using them last october just for a general detox for a week or 2 before I changed my eating habbits so am back on them.

    Ladies I have hung up a size 10 dress that I can now fit into but still tight around the tummy area for inspiration, also when eating meals I use a smaller plate so it looks like I am eating more.
  • tomblackshear
    tomblackshear Posts: 2 Member
    You need to stay motivated. Are you working out, cardio? I compete in bodybuilding shows and sometimes train, so I might be able to help you. Losing weight in not done at the gym or on the treadmill or bike. Losing weight is done in the kitchen. Prepairing you meals for the week.