Bridesmaid at Wedding; need to get in to shape!

Ok, so I'm around 5'6 and weigh approximately 13 stone 5 pounds. This makes me a comfortable dress size 16! Although I do tend to try squeezing in to 14's and 12's! I was wondering what diet group you guys preferred.

Slimming World vs Weight Watchers!

Which one do you prefer and why?


  • EmilyWillBeSlim
    EmilyWillBeSlim Posts: 26 Member
    I joined slimming world at the beginning of March last year at the same weight as you. I lost 2 and a half stone for my wedding last november. It wasnt a quick weight loss as i cheated every saturday and some sundays, but it was a slow and steady loss every week. Ive kept it off and lost more since. I love slimming world
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i prefer MFP!!!
  • GymAnJuice
    GymAnJuice Posts: 512 Member
    congratulations on being a bridesmaid, your very pretty, i'm sure you'll look amazing whatever size you are. i prefer here too, daily support and you can be totally honest, i would recommend you send some friend requests out though, read the topics and see who takes your fancy? best of luck whatever you decide x
    p.s i'm a bridesmaid too the end of june, keeps me on track although i have a lot more to lose than you, great motivation! feel free to send me a request :flowerforyou:
  • Hi Emma lovely! Thank you for responding. That's absolutely brilliant congratulations on not only the weight loss but your marriage also! I'm deinitely going to try out Slimming World - need to shed off these pounds and stick to a real strict diet! My aim is to lose 2 stone by September!?!?! I must be crazy. X
  • plynn54
    plynn54 Posts: 912 Member
    you can do it, I suggest jillian michaels 30ds as well, its only 20 min a day, and you will notice a big difference in your body in that short amount of time.
  • Thanks for the support mochashocker! I've added you as a friend on here. I'm finding it really hard losing the weight. Last year I weighed 6 stone, I'm now double this weight! Hopefully with the encouragement from friends and my own determination ill be able to get down to the right weight! Thanks again! X
  • Thanks Curvygirl! I shall give it a try :-)
  • RoShAn2010
    RoShAn2010 Posts: 12 Member
    Try the Dukan Diet. I've been on it for 2 weeks now and so far I have lost 11 lbs. It isn't an easy diet and it requires lots and lots of determination and will power! Especially during the attack phase. There are no variations or substitutions and you can't take a day off for cheat days. I've never stuck to a diet for long but I plan on staying on it until I reach my goal weight and follow the simple rules for the rest of my life! Good luck and I hope you have a blast at the wedding!!!!
  • fooja
    fooja Posts: 451 Member
    I am going to be a bridesmaid in mid june too... And ive known for about a year but just finally got off my *kitten* to change things!!! Ive got a lot to lose. I know it wont all be gone by june but im shooting for 30 lbs. i know i can do it if i try hard enough. Im dreading it... Im the biggest one in the whole party. Its my friend whos getting married and her 2 sisters are the other bridesmaids. The 3 of them are all tiny, short n skinny. I could never be that tiny!!! But im gonna feel like a beast next to them. This whole wedding has me bummed out... Shes supposedly my bff but we very rarely talk and i never see her. Its almost like were not even friends. I honestly wish i wasnt in the wedding, but what can i do??!! Not to mention the money im wasting.... At least its a free open bar!!! Lol!! Goid luck to you guys!!!
  • EmilyWillBeSlim
    EmilyWillBeSlim Posts: 26 Member
    That goal is so realistic. Ive just counted 23 weeks till September 1st so 1 pound a week is very nearly 2 stone by September. In the beginning you are bound to loose more than one a week. Just try to aim for each half stone, thats what i did, those stickers from Slimming World were great motivators. Then when you get one treat yourself to a manicure or pedicure. Dont think of it as a really strict diet as your will want everything you cant have. I always have chocolate or crisps every night but count it in my syns. I buy the treatsize chocolates and keep them in the freezer, they take ages to eat. Also the All-bran chocolate crunch cereal is amazing, it tastes like a chocolate rice crispy cake and is full of fibre to keep you feeling full (30g is a healthy extra b choice)
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I've lost a stone since the New Year just on this site:drinker: I've heard good things about Slimming World, I've done WW but found its not really sustainable (calories too low!).

    I want to lose another stone before my holiday in July (and hopefully little more) so 2 stone by September sounds reasonable.

    I was 13st (also 5"6) and starting to get size 18 clothes, and eventually realised I couldn't blame it all on "stupid skimpy cutting". I'm now comfortable in my size 16s again, and hoping to get to size 14s.

    One other thing - we all carry weight differently, but some people were not aware I "needed" to lose weight (or maybe were being kind) because I kept buying bigger clothes rather than squeezing into something too small.
  • Ok, so I'm around 5'6 and weigh approximately 13 stone 5 pounds. This makes me a comfortable dress size 16! Although I do tend to try squeezing in to 14's and 12's! I was wondering what diet group you guys preferred.

    Slimming World vs Weight Watchers!

    Which one do you prefer and why?

    My advice would be to track everything you eat and drink on here - weighing your food portions too, because its suprising how much we underestimate what we eat.

    I'd advise swapping fruits for vegetables to get your 5 a day, so you keep within your sugar limits,

    I've started the Insanity beachbody workout - its expensive (about £80-£90) for the full range of DVD's but if you don't have a gym membership already I'd say they're worth it. They are tough but short (40minutes each) and you do one work out per day for 6 days a week.

    I'd also recommend getting some scales that ready body fat percentage and water, when you lose weight you'll want to make sure you are toned and keep your muscles toned and strong.

    Hope this helps :-)
  • Thanks Roshan! I'll definitely research in to the Durkan diet. I'm terrible at consistency! Aha thanks I'm sure we will all have a blast at the wedding - cannot wait for summer too! And to feel comfortable wearing a bikini! X
  • ms_leanne
    ms_leanne Posts: 523 Member
    Hey hun,

    I'm 5ft 7 and started off at 87kg (13 stone 9lbs). I'm now 79.3kg (12 stone 6lbs) and am working hit 73kg (11 and a half stone) by May (my cousins wedding.

    Feel free to add.
  • Fooja, I feel the same! The three other bridesmaids are so slim I look like a beast next to them! Lets really try our hardest and keep to a strict diet and exercise routine! We CAN do this, especially with all of this wonderful support :-)

    Thank you!
  • That's great Emma, so I'm not being unrealistic then! I'm terrible at snacking so will have to really cut down on the junk food and find alternatives. Thanks for the support lovely!
  • Mazdauk, you're my inspiration! Congratulations on the weight loss! Keep it up and thank you so much for the support!
  • Hi Leanne, that has helped indeed. I'll give the DVD ago if it's worth the money. The gym kinda gets too boring for me, but I still have a membership! You're totally right about keeping a strict diet plan - I'm finding it so hard but my fitness pal is awesome!

    Thanks so much for the support!
  • Ms Leanne! That's great news, keep up the good work. I'll add you now :)
  • Hi Leanne, that has helped indeed. I'll give the DVD ago if it's worth the money. The gym kinda gets too boring for me, but I still have a membership! You're totally right about keeping a strict diet plan - I'm finding it so hard but my fitness pal is awesome!

    Thanks so much for the support!

    I've just started week 2 and I think its worth it. check out other posts by searching Insanity for advice and other peoples opinions. If you have knee or back problems I wouldn't advise it.