Anyone tried Insanity??



  • woodwardtm
    woodwardtm Posts: 361 Member
    If you haven't exercised much before, I would suggest you start with Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. It is on youtube so you aren't out money if you don't like it. You build great stamina with it and it would be a good prep for the Insanity DVDs.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    I'm on week 4 of my second round, and I love it. To piggyback off of what other posters said, this program is intense and extremely hard on your joints due to all the jumping/squatting. With that being said, you will NOT find another workout that can compare. If your goal is to get trim and increase your endurance, this is the program you NEED to do. My stamina is through the roof, and I can do many things that I could not have done before Insanity. While you may not lose pounds on this program (I didn't my first round), you will shed inches like crazy! If you can fully commit yourself for a whole 60 days (well, 63 in total) to bettering your health and fitness, why not go for it?
  • JoSadler_x
    JoSadler_x Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm new to MFP. I am starting Day 1 of insanity this evening after work! I am determined to complete it! Good luck
  • SaraLouise1988
    SaraLouise1988 Posts: 19 Member
    Im doing Insanity at the mo, started it at around 210lbs. Im not gonna lie...its tough, but so long as you take breaks when you need to it's doable. As far as results go I just did the second fit test and went from falling flat on my face on the push up jacks to being able to do 10, I cannot tell you how much I squealed with joy when I pushed through the tenth one xD Im not following the nutrition plan as such, just eating cleaner and taking inspiration from the meals.

    Im usually so bad at keeping up with these type of programs, I get bored easily, but I am determined to finish this! I have lost about 5 inches across my waist, bust and hips, so that is motivating me to keep going and push a little harder because, well...Im done with being a fatty bom batty!

    There are other easier programs out there, 30DS is popular, as is P90, but if this is the particular program that you want to do then go ahead and do it, just take it easy to begin with and you'll do fine =]
  • My husband and I just completed our first full round yesterday! We loved it! I tried the program by myself last fall, and only made it a week into month 2 before I quit. It helped me a great deal to have my husband doing it with me, so I do recommend a workout buddy. Even if that is simply someone here on MFP that you check in with each day. I don't know about my husband, but I've lost 10 pounds! We did not follow the meal plan exactly, but we did make significant changes in our diet. I didn't take my measurements yet, but I know I've lost some. And I feel SO strong! It's totally worth it. Follow the advice given on this thread and you'll do great: go at your own pace, keep pushing play, and DIG DEEPER!!
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    If you want to go the at home workout DVD route, I'd recommend starting with P90X instead.

    Since its a 'go at your own pace' workout for everyone... really any one can do it. 'Go at your own pace' applies to everyone, even those in the video lol.

    Other then potential joint issues from being very over weight and doing high impact exercise, your risk of injury is really the same as a very fit person. You have to be conscious of form and take breaks when your form suffers due to fatigue. A very fit persons will have to do the same. Only difference is you'll tire quicker/more often so you just have to be honest with yourself.

    The real danger is giving up and doing nothing. IF you have a different exercise plan to impliment as 'plan B', just in case you feel insanity is too much, then there's really no harm no foul.

    as the post i quoted seems to hint, i personally had better results with p90x. I'm positive that was all about my very strict diet though. however, all that cardio made me very hungry. think the nature of the p90x program made it a little easier for me to eat reasonably.

    at the very least, you'd have to buy a chin up bar and bands for p90x as well, but they are well worth the investment.
  • 1980karen
    1980karen Posts: 92 Member
    I've heard so many different rings about this so after reading all your posts am really keen to try it. Think I ll order it and give it a go, after all, what have I got to loose apart from body fat and inches?!

    Feel free to add me and we can motivate each other!
  • JenGranzow
    JenGranzow Posts: 116 Member
    I'm about to start my "recovery week" before transitioning to the second phase, and I love, love, love it. I started as an already fairly fit person, so my goal is just to improve fitness and not to lose weight. It absolutely is helping with stamina and speed. I really am enjoying it and wish that I'd started sooner.
  • dannyennis74
    dannyennis74 Posts: 34 Member
    I would go for INSANITY as it doesn't involve any home equipment , its hard work but you wont regret it

  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Do it!!! It's awesome!!! I'm half way through week 4. I haven't seen a lot of weight loss yet but I have already had to start buying new cloths because the ones I have been wearing are falling off me. My 2 cents, hide the scale and only pull it out on Fit Test days. The first month it can be very discouraging if you are looking at the scale regularly!
  • marc_s_johnson
    marc_s_johnson Posts: 107 Member
    Insanity is a brilliant way to lose weight, I don't think it's so good at getting you toned and tight but the weight does come off quickly if your diet is good with it.
  • priesterse
    priesterse Posts: 207 Member
  • mym716
    mym716 Posts: 17
    OH MAN. Thanks a bunches to everyone! The fit test just made me realize what's a fraction to come , but, I'm gonna stick to it ! :D I've heard nothing but great things about it so far and what's so bad about losing some inches ? xD haha I'll just go at my own pace and do the best i can, give it all i got ! xD
  • leighann881
    leighann881 Posts: 371
    Download on torrents for free... shhhhhh
  • thehka
    thehka Posts: 74 Member
    I tried the fit test a couple weeks ago and felt so sick like 15 minutes into it lol :/ probably because i ate like 20 mins before doing it. I'm currently doing p90 so I'll give insanity another go when I'm done with p90 :) not givin up!
  • xaMErica
    xaMErica Posts: 284 Member
    I streamed it online a few months ago.. I LOVED IT. If I wasn't broke as f**k I would have the set and being doing it every day! It is probably the best work out I've ever done! =) I did it for probably a month. It was fun!
  • So for those that have done this before, do you also continue doing other workouts such as weights and running? Or is this something that will take all your energy and you won't want to run? If it does cause you to not also lift weights, do you lose whatever you've built up previous to doing Insanity, or does it work all your muscle groups enough to keep you toning? TIA!
  • ackeebee
    ackeebee Posts: 1,042 Member
    i completed insanity 9 days ago and loved it! i didn't lose any weight but lost inches. i am pleased with the results as my body is more toned and i feel alot better. i didn't really have alot of weight to lose to begin with though. i will definitely be doing this program again.
  • mbow1977
    mbow1977 Posts: 213
    I completed it just before Xmas, lost about 25lbs, started P90X after xmas, just finished and now starting Insanity Asylum!!
  • ThisNewFitGirl
    ThisNewFitGirl Posts: 81 Member
    YES! And oh dear God it is effective! I loved the program so much i've done it 4 times. I love it so friggin much lol kinda a maniac about it i just think it seriously is the way to go to launch you into a great workout routine. GOOD LUCK