Struggling with the Weekends



  • Dana53179
    Weekends are my struggle, too. I feel like I can undo all the progress I make during the week between Friday evening and Monday morning. One thing I have been doing is bringing something healthy to share at social gatherings. It also helps to make a plate instead of grazing, commiting to only ONE plate, and throwing it away when I'm done with it so I'm not tempted to fill it up again. Stick with it!
  • MeMountainMom
    MeMountainMom Posts: 88 Member
    Lots of ways to handle the weekend guilt.

    1. have what you want then stress and regret
    2. earn what you want to eat in advance or work it off later
    3. Eat whatever you want, just less of it
    4. Live and enjoy just realize results will come slower
    5. Add healthy snacks to your purse :)
    6. Find a friend that will join you with a diet challenge

    It's all good as long as some progress is happening. Maybe just log it all so you can make better choices. I too have weekend "diet Holiday" I log it and get Monday guilt then try to fix it the following weekend. Hope something here helps!!
    Good luck!
  • mzfiyaa
    mzfiyaa Posts: 94 Member
    I do 2...but if you can do some type of activities that you can burn it off.......what you take in you would be fine....and thr is nothing wrong with eating out just try better food choices....I had that struggle for a few months and now im finally getting it to where I still eat a little more than I should on the weekend but I don't eat past a certain time like 8 and I try to add fruits for the morning drink more water and don't over eat and you should be good...
  • natmckn
    natmckn Posts: 48 Member
    I am so with you on this one. I do great all week. But on the weekends, if I can't quite remember how many drinks exactly I had, I certainly am not going to try to log them. Surely, Patron shots are low cal ! (haha) And then, to nurse a hangover, I eat whatever sounds comforting, which is never ever very healthy. I'm too embarrased to tell friends and family that I can't eat their food at parties, because I feel like the only one who has to watch their weight. As far as pounds go, I've been losing 4lbs, gaining 2, losing 4, gaining 2. It's a vicious cycle....

    That is EXACTLY what I'm going through!! I think it's time for me to *grow up* and drink less. I was so hungover from St. Patty's day festivities, and you just feel AWFUL. Log, log, and exercise.
  • ami5000psu
    ami5000psu Posts: 391 Member
    I struggle with the same problem and used to worry about it quite a bit. I try to log everything the best I can even if the result won't be pretty and then get right back on track Monday morning. I still fit in my pants so it's going ok.

    Some people try to use Monday as their weigh in day to help keep them on track a little more during the weekends. I found that didn't really help much and just ended up being more discouraging sometimes.
  • katie1286
    katie1286 Posts: 26 Member
    Weekends do really suck for me too. I tend to go to the gym twice a day just to help balance a bit more. I would really suggest logging what you are eating. Maybe actually seeing it in your face like that will slowly change what your are taking in. Do your friends and family know you are struggling? See if there are changes they are willing to make with your socializing that can help you a bit?

    I have had to make a lot of changes in my habits when socializing. The rewards have proven to be much more rewarding tho.

    As long as you get back too it on Monday, you are still ahead of where you were. You should be proud of the direction you are heading. So don't be hard on yourself, keep it up.

    Thanks for the reminder :) I should probably be a little more forthright with my friends and family. Thankfully I don't have a massive amount of weight to lose, but many times people perceive that I don't need to lose anything, and don't take it seriously when I say I'm really trying. That adds to the pressure sometimes. But in the end, it's up to me. I think if I try really hard to track no matter what it is I'm eating, that will help me be more conscious about the choices I make.

    I've experienced this too. I'm not so much trying to lose a bunch of weight as I am trying to get healthier/feel better. But because of that, my friends/family don't think I need to take it so seriously, therefore, they don't take it seriously. That definitely makes it harder.

    I don't know what your social obligations are like - but can you take some of your own snacks/drinks with you? For example, my friends get together at my place about once a month - those that are more health-conscious bring their healthy snacks and stick to those. Sometimes the lack of healthy options is just a killer! I actually love fruits and veggies, so I get really excited when someone brings a tray of those with them. If you're going to dinner at a friend's or family member's house - offer to bring a salad that will go with whatever they're serving. It may not solve your problem, because the temptation will still be there of the unhealthy stuff, but that's what I try to do. It works...sometimes...
  • tkz65
    tkz65 Posts: 22
    I am in with the just log it. I haven't changed what I eat as much as how much I eat. Smaller portions. Label reading, candy, ice cream, cake, cheetos all have labels and serving size. Log it all. I love pizza. Eat it almost every weekend. I just eat a late breakfast, small lunch and then pig out on pizza early. Oh, and I always drink beer with my pizza. I work out in the afternoon to help with my calorie count but I log every bite and drink. Friends at work do not believe I can eat pizza and still lose weight but you can. We all can as long as we watch how many calories we are actually putting in our mouths. The minute you do not log, you will not lose!!!
  • PeriEP
    PeriEP Posts: 4
    Thanks - I like your idea!
  • efirkey
    efirkey Posts: 298 Member
    You are not alone. I personally up my calories for Saturday and Sunday to give myself some room to eat some of the items I don't eat during the week like a beer or a cheeseburger.

    I think it is important to allow yourself to eat food that you enjoy but to also use some discipline and not overeat those same foods.
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    I am a snacker, always have been! You have to find a program that works best for YOU and YOUR body. I treat every day the same. I follow 4 simple keys: Portion Control, moderation, substitution and exercise. Following these rules make maintaining my lifestyle realistic. I did cut out something altogether(like soda) but follow those keys, allow me to still pretty much eat whatever I want. When I am craving chips, I opt for air-popped popcorn, pop chips or Kale Chips. When I am craving ice cream, I opt for homemade frozen Yogurt--Just fill a tupperware container(or muffin cup for single servings) with Greek Yogurt, and your fave fruit, like mixed berries, and pop in the freezer for 20 minutes, voila! That's where the substitution comes in. If I am just craving the real deal, than I have that scoop of ice cream with berries on the side. I just watch my portion and moderate how often I have it! And of course, exercise. I love doing it, so it's easy for me to exercise for one hour(minimum) 5-6 times a week.

    What has worked for me was following those 4 keys, and treating every day the same! Of course, I go out for dinner and indulge from time to time, but that's where the moderation kicks in:wink:

    Good luck!!
  • thirstyflea
    thirstyflea Posts: 114 Member
    My best tip is to just log all that cr*p!!

    I do...and whilst it hasn't stopped me eating and drinking goodies at the weekends, I think it has helped me eat smaller portions of those naughty choices and also choose low calorie booze! :-)

    I think it is helping me change my mindset as I start to remember how many calories that pizza was last week....etc etc! I dont believe we should deny ourselves the pleasure of foods we love, it's that age old saying "everything in moderation"

    Once you start to be honest with yourself and confess all in the food diary, you will make small changes without even hardly noticing! :-)

    I totally agree with this ^ Log everything anyway!

    And find someone in your life to help hold you accountable. I used to be horrible at weekends, but I was being held accountable (by my trainer), and started eating better on weekends because I didn't want to hear about all the bad stuff I ate or drank over the weekend. And eventually, I found my self not cutting back on my social life at all, but making better decisions on everything I would eat or drink. Sure, I'll still splurge on pizza or some other junk food, but when I enter it in MFP and see the red numbers... hey, *kitten* happens and we should treat ourselves sometimes, then get right back on track!
  • lilncbrat
    lilncbrat Posts: 56 Member
    NAT you are so not alone here. What has worked for me in the past is planning every meal. I make three meals a day when the family is always together and they are not DOWN with a plate full of veggies. I love beer, so I save some of my calories through the week, by not meeting my limit and I allow myself to eat like a normal person (watching portions closely) on the weekends. It was very pretty here this weekend, and I have a super active family and we decided to put a new deck on our house. I made breakfast but lunch was a sandwich and then I was too tired to cook dinner when we were done. I know every beer that I drink, that I will have to pay for that FIRST. (Your body during exercise will burn the alcohol before it will fat. That knowledge will keep you accountable.) This will stall your weight loss, in fact, this weekend I gained because we ate out all 3 nights because we were busy in the yard. It's not always like that, but YOU know what your triggers are and that is so major. You can't be too hard on yourself. I have given myself permission on Saturdays to NOT work out as long as I am not sitting on my butt. If it's raining, or cold, I hit the DVD collection of workouts. I usually pick one that is FUN. I wish you luck, very much, but don't be so dang hard on yourself. Modify your behaviour a little at a time and you will eventually get to your goal. While I know your struggle, I am so glad I am not the only one who wakes up on Monday morning with boxing gloves on to give myself a inner beating.
  • lilncbrat
    lilncbrat Posts: 56 Member
    I struggle with the same problem and used to worry about it quite a bit. I try to log everything the best I can even if the result won't be pretty and then get right back on track Monday morning. I still fit in my pants so it's going ok.

    Some people try to use Monday as their weigh in day to help keep them on track a little more during the weekends. I found that didn't really help much and just ended up being more discouraging sometimes.

    That's really good advice. I am switching my weigh in to Friday!
  • loadsandloads
    loadsandloads Posts: 353 Member
    It's so nice to know this is a "big" club!! I'm struggling too. Glad to get some great ideas here!

    We can do this!
  • lhgalant
    lhgalant Posts: 101 Member
    When my husband & I first started getting back on track together back in August 2012, we hit the gym hard & stuck to our diet all week long, but on the weekend, we cheated like crazy. I've never had a problem sticking to the diet on Friday nights b/c we weigh in on Saturday mornings and I just know that eating poorly or drinking alcohol will wash away a weeks' worth of hard work for the next morning. with that came a big change. We used to ALWAYS eat out at the same mexican restuarant every Friday night. So, we just quit going on Friday's and left that for Saturday nights. Then after months of cheating all weekend long, we decided to start including Friday evenings into our gym schedule. Afterall, if we aren't going to cheat, why be tempted with the free time? So we filled it with gym time. Just recently we've really started committing to hitting the gym on Saturday mornings, too. This helps us b/c by getting a workout in, we are more conscious of our food decisions for the day. We still like to have a "cheat meal" on Saturday evenings. And that meal isn't always a "bad" meal as much as it's just a BIG meal. And, we've been trying to stay active on Sundays recently too. We usually use that day to get the kids & dogs out of the house and on a trail or something. So, my advice to you would be to just start adding small changes to your weekend routing to help incorporate a healthier lifestyle & healthier choices.
  • Jhs1987
    Jhs1987 Posts: 40 Member
    You are so not alone on this! I know that I am always going to want to have some beers on the weekends, and probably some not great food. I do log everything, or as close as I can get (I can't always remember exactly how many beers/how much popcorn, etc.) I try to keep it close to my goals, but doesn't always happen. A few things I have done that seem to work for me:

    1.) Weigh myself every Friday morning. If it's good I have more motivation to try and keep on track over the weekend and not ruin it, if it's bad I know I've got more work to do. Motivation either way.
    2.) More activity. I always workout Saturday morning, try to do more than I have time to do during the week to try and offset some of the calories. Also get other activities in like grocery shopping and cleaning that help as well.
    3.) I "save" some calories for the weekend. I generally do not eat back my exercise calories during the week, so I have a calorie deficit going into the weekend. This seems to work out ok for me. I generally look at my net calories for the week.

    Hope this helps! If you want to add me as a friend my food and exercise diary is open and you can look at it and see that I drink beer every weekend, but am still losing! :)
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I was just thinking this very same thing this morning... No matter how hard I try the weekends just really seem to throw me off!!!! I am always running and maybe that is my issue... who knows, I just know I need to figure out how to fix it!

    My issue with the weekends however is to actually eat... at least at work, I have a regimented schedule, so I know by 7 I am having my breakfast, by 9 I have my mid-morning snack, by 11:30 I have my lunch, around 2ish my mid-afternoon snack. Dinner is never a struggle because even on the weekends the kids want to eat ;)

    You would think that a woman as large as I am would NEED to eat, but as long as I get my first cup of coffee, I'm good for hours before needing to eat. Often times my son (18) will get up and ask if I have eaten yet and that reminds me ~lol~ I feed the baby her breakfast, even give the dogs their morning chow... I just don't think of myself!

    Now here is the funny part... on the weekends I forget to eat, and am rarely even hungry. During the week, if I miss even a snack I am ravenous! How crazy is that one??
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    Weekends are my problem too. I log everything and don't beat myself up over how many calories I have gone over!! Over time I am finding myself trying to be more active at the weekends to give me more calories to play with. Takeouts are slowly moving towards a monthly treat rather than every weekend.

    As someone said earlier, you can accept that weight loss will be slower (but will still happen), and make small changes over time so you don't feel you are missing out.
  • angelh1908
    angelh1908 Posts: 175 Member
    I struggle with the same problem and used to worry about it quite a bit. I try to log everything the best I can even if the result won't be pretty and then get right back on track Monday morning. I still fit in my pants so it's going ok.

    Some people try to use Monday as their weigh in day to help keep them on track a little more during the weekends. I found that didn't really help much and just ended up being more discouraging sometimes.
    Monday weigh ins actually help me stay focused better on the weekends. I'm so "nervous" about what the scale may say on Monday morning, until it makes me want to stay within my calorie limits and/or make smarter food choices on the weekends. Fridays I don't worry about so much, but Saturday and Sunday, I make it a point to stay on track. I've been successful with it thus far.
  • Lauradeabreu27
    Ugh I have the same issues. Mon - Friday I work out like a mad woman but come 5pm on Friday my head turns off and I slack a lot!! I need to get with logging and watching what I eat on the weekends too.