Determined - Let's do this together!

I'm sure i have the same story that many if you do... Always "bigger" than my friends. Even though i was only 150 lbs and 5'8" i always thought of myself as fat because i want a size 6 like my friends. So who cared if i gained 5 lbs... I was already "fat" so what's another 5? But then 5 became 10, 10 became 20... So now, here i sit wanting to kick my teenage self in the butt for letting everything get out of control! But I'm taking my life back NOW. I'm a wife, a mother, an employee... I can't put this off any longer. This is the last time i "start" trying to loose weight.

I need to lose 80-100 lbs and i know it won't be easy.

If you can relate to any of this, please add me. I need people around who understand the struggle who can help me wage war on my weight ONCE AND FOR ALL!!! :)


  • OdiEtAmo79
    OdiEtAmo79 Posts: 7 Member
    And disregard typos, I'm on my phone! :)
  • Hello Everyone, I am 27 and the mother of two. I am going to say the same thing that many of you have said I am sure. I have decided it is time to reach out and get help to loose weight. I have always had a tough time dealing with my weight. I see myself as fat, my boyfriend has stood by me and said I am beautiful and has always said that I am not fat yet I have a hard time seeing that. SO....I have decided that rather than sit around and do nothing about it, I'm going to start taking care of these unwanted pounds. In the last week I have started Body By Vi, which I'm sure will help but I have noticed that even time I try to loose weight on my own I FAIL:(. So I can only hope that by joining myfitnesspal and by talking with others I can make it through this and loose these unwanted pounds.
  • OdiEtAmo79
    OdiEtAmo79 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the reply! Added you!
  • scadgirl20
    scadgirl20 Posts: 134 Member
    I sent a friend's request. Anyone else on here please feel free to add me. I log on daily and try to encourage everyone. I know having a support group is slowly but surely helping me to lose weight. Good luck everyone!
  • agrant85
    agrant85 Posts: 92 Member
    I am like you...exactly every thing you said. Now that I'm done having kids, I suppose I ought to take care of myself now! I'm still young and want to look good for my husband. You can add me and we can encourage each other. Currently, I need to lose a little over 100lbs.
  • spargita
    spargita Posts: 6 Member
    I am with you! I sent a friend request for all of you. I am also new on here and would love to help motivate, be motivated, and offer support for each other.
  • Hi ladies, I think you will find lots of support on here and you can include me as a friend.

    One bit of advice I could give is to not make life over complicated and difficult for yourself - life is too short, rather than seeing this as 'diet' time see this day onwards as the 'taking good care of yourself time... because you're worth it!

    Eat natural healthy foods that are good for you and keep putting off the cravings till tomorrow (always tomorrow) eventually the cravings subside (I know from experience)

    If the cravings / mood swings start driving you mad . Find another way to cheer yourself up without food or drink. (loud music whilst cleaning the house and singing my socks off helps me -although my ability to change key/note has not yet developed!)

    Hope this helps :-)
  • I'm only 15 and I feel this way too. I mainly just stop eating all together :/ hate my body xxx
  • Hi there! I've not only heard your story... I've lived it! :smile: I'm also on a mission to lose weight ~ once and for all! I have about 94ish lbs. to lose, so I'll be happy to join you on this journey!
  • BryVia12
    BryVia12 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm only 15 and I feel this way too. I mainly just stop eating all together :/ hate my body xxx

    Do yourself a favor and go get professional help. You have a long way to go in life and you will wish you had nipped this in the bud. Good luck to you sweetie:flowerforyou:
  • charlesnapolitano
    charlesnapolitano Posts: 302 Member
    I am in the same boat I need to lose 170lbs to reach 200lbs where I should be. Add me if you want and we can encourage each other.
  • dreejay
    dreejay Posts: 18 Member
    It is lovely to meet all of you. I am also working to shed this excess weight for the last time. It's incredibly tough and not a struggle that most people live with. I'm sending friend requests to you all in the hopes that we can motivate each other to reach our goals!
  • Tereless
    Tereless Posts: 18 Member
    I am here or the same reason! I would love to be friends and support each other. Add me to your list of friends.
  • OdiEtAmo79
    OdiEtAmo79 Posts: 7 Member
    Well one thing that I've finally learned is that i don't eat enough! Last week i did some simple meal prep and ate six small meals. I felt like i was eating all day but it obviously worked because i dropped 3.5. Its all about the choices. If you put in a little but of junk, you're still not going to lose. I'm focusing on healthy decisions and taking it one meal at a time!

    Thanks for all the requests! I really look forward to working with all of you!
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member

    Oh hunny. You're at a very tough age. Don't let it get you down and definitely don't stop eating! I remember feeling like you as I was always the largest girl in my school and it was hard to fit in and the name calling was rutheless, but it does get better. Work out, eat right and it will get there.
  • tzig00
    tzig00 Posts: 875 Member
    I don't need to lose quite that much but I'm in the 50 pound range. I've had 2 kids and it really does take it's toll on your body. If I'm being completely honest, I just really miss seeing my collarbones and having the energy to keep up with kids. My goal is to get back to a size 13 (which is 145 pounds because I have gigantic hips) which is where I was at 9 years ago. Here's to the future!