Is this ok?

I'm on 1200 calories a day which believe me I have no trouble eating. I also do exercise to earn extra calories. My question is, is it ok for me use these calories however I want to?. I'm a major chocaholic so I'm spending about 250 cals a day on chocolate. I've been loosing steadily every week since I started but I'm afraid that maybe I'm giving myself bad habbits, or not breaking habbits that I should be breaking (hope I'm making sense).


  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I have chocolate every day. In a few weeks I am planning on weaning myself off or going for the "healthier" dark chocolate in small amounts. If I restrict it totally I will feel deprived and I will pig out on it. This is what I love about MFP. You can have anything in moderation and make it fit in your daily calories.
  • msciccone1
    msciccone1 Posts: 288 Member
    I am a huge chocoholic and I believe we are making lifestyle changes and not going on diets because then we will be coming on here a second, third, etc. times. We are going to want to eat those foods we love and I think the point to counting calories/sodium/fat, etc. is moderation and portion control :bigsmile: . I eat only dark chocolate but not because its the best for you but because I am not a big fan of milk or yuck white chocolate. As long as you are maintaining within your caloric range and you are including veggies, protein, etc. in your meals then I don't see why you can't have your cake...err...I mean chocolate and eat it too :wink:
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    I am a HUGE chocoholic as well...but I've made a lot of progress. I've switched to 70%+ dark chocolate, and allow myself one small square when I feel like it. I've gone from NEEDING to eat a ton of milk chocolate every day, to enjoying a small piece of dark chocolate a few times a week. Lately I've been buying the Ghirardelli Intense Dark 72% Chocolate, and will eat 1 square - 1/3 the serving size. I've found it's enough to satisfy my craving, it's less than 70 calories, and it has all of the benefits of dark chocolate.

    I swear, chocolate is a'll find the strength to exert some control :)

    Make small changes, and you'll get there...and feel better for it.
  • janetgardiner
    I agree with Amandac6772. I also have chocolate and other very yummy things, that I was eating without doing MFP I would be getting bigger and bigger just eating them. But I find if the calories are there and I find myself feeling like eating that then I do. If I don't have the calories there friends think I'm funny as I start doing some stepping or go for a walk just so I can eat it.....
  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    As long as you're losing, keep eating it. When you get to those last few pounds or hit a plateau, that's when you might need to cut back on the chocolate. Our bodies like to hold on to sugar!
  • Taraandrod
    Taraandrod Posts: 10
    Thanks for replies everyone. I'll keep doing what I'm doing so because I am staying within my calories. Like another poster, if I want choc and I dont have enough calories I actually go for a short walk to earn enough extra calories to have the chocolate. Thanks toMFP I am more aware about what I am eating anyway so I am making some good lifestyle changes.

    Good luck to everyone with their weightloss goals
  • cbirdso
    cbirdso Posts: 465 Member
    You should only modify your food to the extent you can live with those choices for the rest of your life, otherwise you will not be successful in keeping weight loss permanent. You are right, that is where most 'diets' fail. People cannot feel deprived indefinitely. That is why here at MFP, you are just trying to make new habits you can keep for a lifetime that incidentally lead to a leaner, more energetic you. That new you can include chocolate if you create the right balance.

    I include exercise each day so that I CAN indulge every now and then.