Success in lowering blood pressure - tell me how



  • dlcarroll13
    dlcarroll13 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi, having lost half the weight I hope to, my blood pressure has gone up to marginally over the level at which dr's in the UK are keen to start you on medication. I'm keen to avoid this so have ramped up my efforts on weight loss and increased exercise.

    Anyone got success stories to share on reducing bp? Or ideas on how much weight loss/ exercise increase will make a difference?

    Would also welcome any plausible excuses to give the dr on why to delay medication start.

    Thanks for your interest.


    I would check to make sure you are truly eating enough calories and not OVERTRAINING in regard to exercise. The body is designed to show some early signs of overtraining that include fatigue, irritability, decreased focus, and increases in resting heart rate and blood pressure. If everything lines up with nutrition and expenditures then generally the heart rate and blood pressure numbers decrease, however, if something is off in this equation it's the body's way of essentially fighting to survive by actually increasing these slightly. Unfortunately, there is also the possibility that the blood pressure if elevated (or becoming elevated) for reasons beyond your control, and unfortunately these individuals don't have many options besides being managed on low dose anti-hypertensives.
  • hiyomi
    hiyomi Posts: 906 Member
    Hi, I am 20 years old and over the last year doctors have been telling me that my blood pressure is high and its getting high to the point where I might need to consider medication. I really wanted to avoid this and tried managing my sodium one day. I did this for one week and noticed HUGE changes. ONE week, I was so amazed, just by one week of keeping track of my sodium intake my blood pressure lowered so much. At the highest it was 134/101 and 150/90. After controlling my sodium it was about 127/85 and 134/88. It still is high, but it lowered so much, I really recommend you try this.
  • ADStanfield25
    ADStanfield25 Posts: 9 Member
    I was averaging 166/121 for a weird moment. Mine has always been high (hereditary), and I also have tachycardia, and a typical resting pulse of 120-130, which also keeps my blood pressure up. I take metoprolol, which controls my pulse, but still allowed the blood pressure to fluctuate. Now, I know Apple Cider Vinegar is NOT a weight loss prescription (LOL), but it does WONDERS for blood pressure. After 4 days of 2tbsp of vinegar at night before bed (just mixed in water), my blood pressure went down to 116/70. My doctor was very pleased, but recommends that I only do it when my pressure fluctuates higher, since I am already on blood pressure meds. If you want to try it, make sure you get Bragg's organic with the "mother".
  • nwg74
    nwg74 Posts: 360 Member
    My BP was a little high and needed to drop just a little bit for surgery. It was in the 140's and 100's.

    I found bananas for the potassium lowered the BP enough to get a reading low enough for the surgery to go ahead. I also had Pomegranate juice. The pure one is best although more expensive as it has a higher percentage of pomegranate over the concentrated stuff.
  • drift
    drift Posts: 143 Member
    Thanks, am on the 5 a day, including a banana

    Can't tolerate vinegar, makes me sick - so that's a no from me

    Am working on sodium, double checking packaged foods.

    Picking up my loaner bp machine Thursday, so will start to track progress
  • eat bananas and or garlic
  • Hood25
    Hood25 Posts: 201 Member
    Sounds like you have been given some really good ideas. I would add green tea.

    I have the opposite. i have low blood pressure and I had to stop drinking Tulsi holy basil green tea due to my blood pressure getting way too was yummy. Not sure it caused the bout of lower blood pressure but i'm not feeling light headed anymore.
  • 60x60
    60x60 Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks, am on the 5 a day, including a banana

    Can't tolerate vinegar, makes me sick - so that's a no from me

    Am working on sodium, double checking packaged foods.

    Picking up my loaner bp machine Thursday, so will start to track progress

    Sounds like you are on track to do your part in lowering blood pressure: 1) banana to help up potassium; 2) double checking labels, not adding salt to your cooking; 3) monitoring blood pressure to track progress. That is really great and with the weight loss and your borderline high blood pressure, I am guessing you will be able to get it under control by your next dr. visit. If not, I am sure that your dr. can work out something very non-intrusive with the meds.
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    Seen a lot of good advice being offered. I have HBP and so did my mom and dad (he still does). Just to re-enforce what is working for me and re-state a little what has been said. Weight loss (if overweight), lower sodium (processed foods have amazing amounts of sodium, so watch and read closely and try not to eat out too much), upping potassium rich foods to help keep balance with the sodium, and water...lots and lots of water. 64oz a day, in my opinion, is rock bottom minimum and I would have issues if I myself did not get twice that amount per day.
  • lrbassmom
    lrbassmom Posts: 123
    Mine was 140/90, and I'm only 50! It was a wake-up call. I had been exercising, mainly cardio but it was still up. So, I went back to the exercise I knew worked for me... lifting weights. Heavy weights. And within a couple of months it was down to 115/59. I had lost a couple of pounds but not much. My ADD dr. was amazed I had been able to drop it that much with just weight lifting.

    Don't know if it's an answer for everyone but it worked for me.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I have done lots of things to try and lower it and all I can tell you is that if you do all the natural things and can't lower it there is nothing wrong with going on medication. Just work with your doctor. Taking a pill once or twice a day is better than the damage high blood pressure can do to your body.
  • drift
    drift Posts: 143 Member
    Update. ECG all clear today and after a few days of my new approach my bp was inside normal range! Need to keep up over the next week while away on holiday and hopefully I won't need to start the meds...
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    I've been doing a lot of research about how to do this naturally and I'm eating well, losing weight and exercising so not much MORE I can do on that front :P

    My sister is an ND student, and she can't ethically recommend I take something but she did suggest I look into magnesium supplements. I learned quite a bit and am now supplementing all of this with magnesium supplements to the tune of 600mg/day. Do some research, it might help you too!
  • bluebike2013
    bluebike2013 Posts: 30 Member